The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 1 Expulsion from the Horde

Chapter 1 Expulsion from the Horde
Southern Wilderness, Zerg Tribe.

"Chen, hand over the bone knife!"

In a primitive wooden house, a teenager crouched in a corner, holding a bone knife wrapped in animal skin in his arms, with angry and helpless eyes.

In front of him, several teenagers who looked a few years older than him surrounded him and forced him to hand over the bone knife in his arms.

The boy squatting on the ground is named Chen Bei.

Chenbei's name in his previous life, in the tribe, his name was Chen.

Three years ago, Chen Bei died unexpectedly, and his soul passed through the body of this primitive tribe boy named "Chen".

He thought it was bad enough to travel to the primitive tribe, but he didn't expect that worse things were yet to come.

He couldn't awaken the power of the totem!
To make matters worse, not long ago, both his parents died in an accident, and he suddenly became a helpless orphan.

There are not many things left by his parents, only this wooden house and a bone knife.

The wooden house is nothing, but this bone knife is very extraordinary.

Its material is special, it is polished with the arm bone of a wild bear, one of the overlords of the forest, it is extremely hard and sharp, and it is a rare good knife.

If Chenbei could not awaken the power of the totem, it would be of little value to the tribe.But with such a good knife in hand, it will naturally cause big trouble.

Among the people surrounding him, the leader was a 15-year-old boy named "Centimeter", the grandson of the leader of the Zong tribe, who had coveted this bone knife for a long time.

Right now, Chen Bei is helpless and unable to awaken the power of the totem, he can't bear it any longer, and makes up his mind to take the knife back.

Centipede said indifferently: "Chen, quickly hand over the bone knife, don't force me to do anything to you!"

Centipede deliberately used the power of the totem, and his face and arms showed mysterious black totem patterns, which was a sign of awakening the power of the totem.

"Don't deceive people too much!"

"So what if I bully you?"

Centipede sneered disdainfully, he was the grandson of the tribal leader.

The followers around him also booed, not paying attention to Chen Bei at all.

Chen Bei hugged the bone knife tightly, if he didn't know that he couldn't beat it, he really wanted to use this knife to kill these bastards.

One of centipede's attendants saw that Chen Bei was dead and refused to let go, and said viciously: "Just beat him to death and grab the bone knife!"

Centipede reached out to stop him, and said with a sneer, "No, I have a better way."

Centipede whispered a few words in that follower's ear.

The servant's eyes lit up, he nodded with a smirk, and then hurried out.

Chen Bei didn't know what they were going to do, it was not a good thing anyway.

He was very upset, did he really want to die so uselessly?
What counterattack, what time travel benefits, as expected, the novels are all lies.

Not long after, Centipede's follower came back mysteriously. He stuffed something on Chen Bei's bed and covered it with animal skin.

Chen Bei had a bad feeling in his heart.

After putting away the things, the servant immediately walked to the gate and started shouting.

"Everyone, come and see, Chen stole something from the altar."

This shout was terrible, and the whole tribe exploded in no time.

The altar is the place where the tribe worships the totem god, and it is the most sacred place in the whole tribe, not one of them.

Anyone who dared to steal something from the altar would be disrespectful to the totem god, and the consequences would be extremely serious.

Soon, people in the tribe gathered around one after another, even the leader of the tribe came with a large number of totem warriors.

In the end, even the "Witch" of the tribe was alarmed. Wu was a key figure in the tribe who presided over the worship of the totem god and communicated with the totem god.

The dignitaries of the tribe entered the cabin, while the rest were pointing outside.

"How could Chen do such a thing? I don't quite believe it."

"I don't believe it either, Chen doesn't look like such a child."

Many people expressed their disbelief. They all grew up watching Chen Bei, and Chen Bei's parents had made great contributions to the tribe before.

There are also people with dark thoughts.

"Maybe he has a grudge because he couldn't awaken the power of the totem?"

"Yes, it must be so!"

They thought they had guessed the truth and were complacent.

Inside the wooden house, the leader of the tribe and Wu stood at the front, condescendingly looking down at Chen Bei who was crouching on the ground.

The leader saw the bone knife in Chenbei's arms at a glance, and then glanced at the centipede next to him. He vaguely understood what was going on, but he didn't think centipede did something wrong, because centipede was his grandson.

The leader said, "Chen, they said you stole something from the altar, is that true?"

Chen Bei raised his head and said angrily: "I've never gone to the altar to get anything. They wanted to snatch my bone knife, so they made up such a lie!"

The eyes of the surrounding audience stayed on the bone knife in Chen Bei's arms, and there was a clear look in the eyes of many people, but no one dared to say anything.

Centipede immediately winked at one of them, and the follower nodded, and ran over to lift off the animal skin on Chenbei's bed, revealing a piece of shiny oval jade.

Tribal people are used to dedicating the best things to the totem god, not only things like animal heads and blood, but also various beautiful utensils. This piece of jade was one of the offerings last year.

The follower said: "Boss, don't listen to his sophistry. The sacrifice is here. We saw Chen sneaking out from the altar just now, so we followed. Unexpectedly, he really stole something."

Those dogs around Centipede echoed, and Centenite also nodded.

The leader's face turned cold, and he said to Chen Bei: "Chen, I'm so disappointed in you, I didn't expect you to do such a thing, the thing was found on your bed, and they all saw it, what else do you have?" Say?"

"You guys are framing, shameful framing, I don't accept it, I'm going to the altar, the totem god knows the truth!"

There is a real totem god in this world, who usually lives in the altar and protects the tribe.

Therefore, as long as he got to the altar and saw the totem god, Chen Bei felt that he could turn the tables.

However, something happened that he didn't expect.

The leader shouted loudly: "Nonsense, you can see the totem god if you want? You can't awaken the power of the totem, which means that the totem god doesn't recognize you, so how can you see you?"

"Now that everyone has stolen goods, there is nothing to quibble about, catch him!"

The totem warriors of the two leaders immediately stepped forward and grabbed Chen Bei. One of them punched Chen Bei in the stomach and said, "If you dare to go to the altar to steal things, and even dare to make excuses, I will kill you!"

The power of the totem warrior was enormous, after this punch, Chen Bei's face turned pale, his whole figure was like a bowed prawn, he couldn't even speak.

Some people in the audience were filled with anger, and some people vaguely understood something, but still no one dared to speak, they dared not offend the leader.

Seeing that Chen Bei couldn't speak anymore, the leader respectfully said to Wu: "Wu, Chen stole the sacrifice on the altar. This is disrespectful to the totem god. How do you think we should deal with him?"

Wu, who had been watching with cold eyes, said coldly: "Anyone who disrespects the totem god shall be killed!"

Centipede was overjoyed, this was what he was waiting for, as long as Chen Bei died, with his status and the love the leader showed him, this bone knife would almost certainly belong to him.

"But..." Wu paused, Wu glanced at the centipede, and said again: "If his parents have contributed to the tribe, he will be spared the death penalty, and he will be expelled from the tribe!"

After Wu finished speaking, he picked up the piece of jade with both hands, turned around and left.

Centipede's face was a little stiff, and he broke out in a cold sweat. At that moment just now, he felt that he had been seen through by the witch, and he had no secrets at all.

However, out of consideration for the leader's face, Wu didn't say anything.

After the leader waited for Wu to leave, he ordered the totem warrior under his opponent: "Expell Chen from the tribe, and confiscate everything."


Two totem warriors forcefully pulled Chen Bei up, snatched the bone knife he was clinging to, and dragged Chen Bei out of the tribe.

Chen Bei was as dead ashes, allowing them to drag him away.

After Chenbei was dragged away, Centipede's face gradually returned to normal. Although he was frightened by Wu just now, no matter what, his goal has been achieved, and the bone knife will soon fall into his hands.


Outside the tribe, Chen Bei was roughly thrown out and fell to the ground with a disheveled face.

"In the future, you are not allowed to step into the tribe again, or you will be killed!"

The totem warrior who didn't know the truth was very angry at Chen Bei's behavior, issued a vicious threat, and then walked away.

After a long time, Chen Bei got up slowly. He felt pain all over his body, especially his stomach, but he couldn't stay here any longer, otherwise he would die.

I must survive and come back for revenge in the future!

Chen Bei swore secretly in his heart, he took one last look at the Zong tribe, and then walked away step by step with difficulty.



Farming starts from Chapter 5, and those who are impatient can skip it directly.

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(End of this chapter)

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