The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 100 The Crisis of the Mysterious Forest

Chapter 100 The Crisis of the Mysterious Forest

Overwhelming locusts rushed towards the mysterious forest, and the sound of their wings vibrating and buzzing could be heard far away.

After entering the mysterious forest, a terrifying scene appeared. These locusts pounced on the tall plants and gnawed wildly. Even though some plants could fight back, they were powerless in front of the overwhelming locusts.

This is the so-called one thing down one thing, except for some heterogeneous plants, most plants can't fight bugs.

Not to mention locusts, which are terrifyingly destructive among insects.

"Hahaha, eat, eat, eat them up!"

The centipede laughed wildly. He could clearly feel that after the locusts ate those mysterious plants, all the locusts were gradually getting stronger, and the Queen of Locusts became even stronger after eating the essence of these plants. .

Black Tooth looked at all this enviously from the side. They were also bugs. Compared with these locusts, his beetles were so weak.

Beetles are not as fertile as locusts, and they are picky eaters. They only like trees and don't like other plants.

Apart from locusts, another thing Black Tooth envied Centipede was his talent.

In just four or five years, Centipede has been promoted from a junior totem warrior to an intermediate totem warrior. Although there is a reason why the leader gave him a lot of resources, his talent is also outstanding.

You know, centipedes are only here this year!
The mid-level totem fighters are among the top group of people of their generation even in the big tribes.

If not, even if he is the grandson of the leader, he would not have arranged twenty totem warriors to protect him and go to the mysterious forest to increase the strength of the locust swarm.

"Clap clap clap!"

A rattan plant frantically twitched its tentacles, smashing many locusts to pieces, but more locusts rushed over and drowned it.

Under the command of the locust queen, its tentacles were bitten off first, and then the stems and leaves were eaten up. The vine plant soon weakened and could no longer resist.

The fate of other plants is similar. In order to protect themselves, some plants close themselves up like at night.

But these locusts crawled up and gnawed crazily, and gnawed it full of holes, dying.

Wherever the locust swarms went, there was no grass growing, which was extremely terrifying.

Outside the mysterious forest, Centipede proudly said to Hei Chi: "I heard that your beetle herd was killed in the mysterious forest. Let me avenge you today."

Hei Chi smiled awkwardly, didn't speak, but his heart was bleeding. He spent a lot of effort to get a beetle moth out, but he was killed by someone in the end.

"That damn kid, I remember his totem pattern. If I find this tribe in the future, I will find a way to kill him."

Hei Chi said again: "The last time I met him in this forest, I don't know if I can meet him this time."

Centipede said indifferently: "If he is really here, then there is no need to wait, I will kill him for you today."

Black Tooth looked at the overwhelming locusts, and nodded confidently.

As the locust swarm advanced, those mysterious plants died one after another, and the danger of this place dropped sharply.

Centurion waited for a while, and said: "I heard that there are many good things in the mysterious forest. I will find a few and give them to my grandfather. He will be happy."

Centipede said to the totem warriors: "Come on, let's go in with the bugs and find some good things."

Those totem warriors of the Zerg tribe flattered Centipede and followed him into the mysterious forest.

If it was before, they would have hesitated, but now that the locusts have eaten all the horrible plants along the way, there is nothing to be afraid of.

A group of insect tribes just walked into the mysterious forest. Everyone's face was relaxed, and they even discussed how long it would take for these locusts to eat up all the plants in the mysterious forest.


In the mysterious forest, Chen Bei and others advanced all the way, collecting many herbs and seedlings, as well as a small amount of plant roots and edible wild vegetables.

Walking and walking, Chen Bei vaguely heard a continuous "buzzing" sound, which he felt a bit familiar.

At the beginning, he didn't delve into it, because he couldn't hear it clearly, and it was obviously a bit far away.

But as they advanced, the "buzzing" sound gradually became louder, and other people heard it.

"What sound? Listen."

"I heard it too, it seemed to be the sound of swarms of insects vibrating their wings."

Tree tribes have been dealing with bugs for a long time because they plant a large number of fruit trees, and they are most sensitive to the sound of bugs.

Hong Hua frowned, and said, "I've never heard this kind of sound here before, could it be a bug from somewhere else?"

Chen Bei stopped in his tracks and listened carefully. The more he listened, the more he felt that this voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

He asked Bai Cao: "Bai Cao, do you think this voice is very familiar?"

Bai Cao listened carefully for a while, and said, "It seems a little familiar..."

"Could it be..." A picture suddenly flashed in Chen Bei's mind, the overwhelming locusts flew towards the vegetable field of the Mang Tribe, and then frantically devoured the food and vegetables.


Chen Bei and Bai Cao said these two words almost at the same time.

"What, is it really a locust?" The expression of the totem warrior of the tree tribe changed.

The tree tribe has fought against all the bugs, among them, the terrifying locust swarms caused the most damage, and no grass grew anywhere they passed.

Hongye's complexion also became a little ugly. The tree tribe didn't like most bugs, especially locusts, which were extremely annoying.

"Go, go ahead and have a look!"

The mysterious forest is the most important hunting ground of the tree tribe. Most of the other tribes hunt animals, but only the tree tribe preys on these plants.

If it was really locusts, they couldn't have stood by and watched their hunting grounds be devastated.

Hongye took the lead and walked forward, and the other members of the hunting team quickly followed.

"Boss, are we going?" Bai Cao asked.

"Look over there."

Chen Bei is confident in his own strength. Since all the hunting teams of the Tree Tribe have gone, he, as the leader of the Mang Tribe, cannot wait where he is.

He also wanted to see how much damage these locusts could cause to the mysterious forest.

At the same time, he also had a question in his mind: the mysterious forest has existed for so long, hasn't it happened before?

So did the plants grow back after it was destroyed, or did it have its own means of dealing with this attack?
With this question in mind, Chen Beihe quickly caught up with the tree tribe's hunting team and rushed towards the direction where the locusts were.

When the tree tribe's hunting team was advancing at full speed, they were very fast. They were very familiar with the mysterious forest and knew where there was danger and where they could go directly.

Other totem warriors might not be able to keep up, and even Baicao had a bit of difficulty following, because she was not familiar with this place, even if she followed the footsteps of those in front, sometimes there would be a little accident.

Fortunately, Chen Bei was there, he was a high-level totem warrior, and he carried the white grass to keep up with the people in front, and he seemed to be able to do a job with ease.

As they advanced, the noise ahead grew louder and clearer until they saw a few locusts on a plant.

As they continued to move forward, they saw more and more locusts covering the sky, the sound of flapping wings, and the sound of gnawing on plants, forming a continuous patch, leaving only a mess on the ground wherever they passed.

"Sure enough, these damned locusts!"

Honghua cut a locust into two with a single knife, her face was very ugly.

The faces of the others were not very good, but they all felt powerless in the face of so many locusts.

Chenbei and Baicao were also silent. They had experienced the locust plague. If it weren't for the red ducks and colorful pheasants in the tribe, the locust plague might have made the whole tribe lose their harvest.

 Thanks to the head "Food Panda" for the reward of 10300 book coins and 14 monthly tickets.

  Thanks to the rudder master "Alma descends to earth" for the reward of 1500 book coins and monthly pass.

  Thanks to the book friend "Finchlin" for the 1500 book coin reward and monthly pass.

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(End of this chapter)

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