The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 11 Preparations Before the Sacrifice

Chapter 11 Preparations Before the Sacrifice
Chen Bei successfully boiled the salt, which is a great thing for the entire Mang tribe, but the elders let Chen Bei keep it a secret.

"Boss, don't let too many people know about this."

"Can't people in our tribe know too?"

The elder shook his head and said: "It's always right to be careful. Our tribe is still too weak now. If other tribes know that we can make salt, the leader should be able to imagine the consequences."

Chen Bei said helplessly: "Then we can't hide the salt and not let everyone eat it?"

The reason why Chenbei worked so hard to get the salt out was so that the tribal people could eat the salt and become stronger, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of effort.

"It must be eaten for everyone."

"However, let's put it another way. Let's say that this is what the leader exchanged with the big tribe for the beasts he hunted."

The elder grabbed a handful of salt and said, "This salt is so good, it's better than all the salt I've ever seen. If I don't say that, I'm afraid someone will have something they shouldn't have."

The reason why the tribal people are united is because of the common totem god, and only the totem god can give them the power of the totem and make them stronger.

But the situation of the Mang tribe is quite special, because up to now, only Chen Bei himself knows what the totem god of the Mang tribe looks like. Others have not received the favor of the totem god so far, and their awe of the totem god is not strong.

In a sense, they are still tourists and can leave the Mang tribe at any time.

When there are too many people, people's hearts will become mixed.

At this time, if they knew that Chenbei could produce salt, and it was good salt, some people would take the risk and sell the news to the big tribe in exchange for a better life.

Don't have the illusion that the people of the primitive tribes are very simple. Chenbei has already experienced a bloody lesson on this point.

After all, the elder has lived a long life and has seen many things, so he naturally doesn't want such things to happen in the Mang tribe.

"Okay, just do as the elder said."

Chen Bei happily accepted the elder's opinion.

The elder nodded in satisfaction, and said: "In addition, we can get salt, which is a gift from the totem god, so I plan to build an altar in the tribe, and after the first snow falls in winter, we will hold a sacrificial ceremony to worship the totem. god."

"Only by building an altar and offering sacrifices to the totem god can our tribe truly take root here, and the people of the tribe have thoughts in their hearts, and it is not easy to have other thoughts."

Since Chen Bei said that the way to make salt was told by the totem god, the elder respected the totem god of the Mang tribe even more in his heart, and the former totem god of the Turtle tribe gradually faded away in his heart.

It's an obvious shift.

Chen Bei didn't understand the matter of offering sacrifices, so he could only say: "It's all up to the elders to decide."

The elder seemed to have suddenly found a new purpose in life, and his whole body seemed to be in high spirits, even walking became stronger.

"It's not too late. I'll start preparing to build the altar immediately. As for the prey for the sacrifice, I'll have to work hard for the leader. For this first sacrifice, the prey must be healthy, and it must not die. It must live until the day of the sacrifice!"

Actually want to live?Even better?

This is to increase the difficulty of hunting for me!
Chen Bei complained secretly in his heart, isn't it just a sacrifice, it's the same when it's cooked and served!Everyone did this in previous lives.

However, he can only complain about these words in his heart.

Sacrifice is a very solemn thing for the tribal people. Everything follows the ancient etiquette and rules, and no mistakes are allowed.

He remembered that when the Zerg Tribe offered sacrifices, it seemed that they were also prey to live.

However, when he was in the Zerg Tribe, because he was a child, he was not qualified to approach the sacrificial center, so he could only watch from a distance, and he didn't know much about it.

While cooking salt, Chen Bei was thinking about what kind of prey could satisfy the totem god in the sacrificial ceremony...

The elder left Chenbei's wooden house with a blushing face, and he was going to find the only stone tool master in the tribe.

The stone tool master is a middle-aged tribal man in his 40s. He wears a piece of animal skin around his waist all the year round, which is covered with dust, and his whole body looks disheveled.

Seeing the elder coming in, the Stone Tool Master hurriedly stood up, saluted respectfully, "Elder."

The elder said unceremoniously: "In the past few days, I have temporarily put aside other work, and follow me with the tools."

"Yes, elder, I will clean up right away."

In the tribe, except for the leader, the elders have the highest status, and everyone's food and clothing are in their hands, so the stone tool master dare not even ask what is the matter.

However, the elder was very excited and wished that the whole tribe would shout about building the altar, so naturally he would not hide it.

"Let me tell you, I let you go this time to polish the stones needed to build the altar and to carve totem patterns. What an honor it is, don't I need to say more?"

"Build an altar? Really? Can I... can I...?"

The stone tool master trembled with excitement. For a traditional tribal person, it is an honor to have anything to do with the totem god.Not to mention such a big event as building an altar.

The stone tool master suddenly doubted his own level. He was afraid that if he did not do well, he would make the Totem God unhappy.

Satisfied with his reaction, the elder patted him on the shoulder and said, "What are you afraid of? If you have me, you can do whatever I say at that time. It will definitely work."

"Okay, it's all up to the elders."

The stone tool master excitedly followed the elders around, and when he encountered a suitable stone, he would call the young and strong men in the tribe, and they dug it back together, and brought it to the center of the tribe, where the altar was to be built, and the stone tool master would carve and polish it.

It is said that the initial tribal sacrifices did not have altars, and they were all open-air sacrifices. Later, a certain totem god felt that it was not good to enjoy sacrifices directly on the ground, so he asked the tribe to build an earthen platform, so there was an earthen altar.

Later, another totem god felt that the soil was still dirty, so he finally used stones to build an altar, which has been used to this day.

For the next period of time, the sound of clanging and clanging could be heard every day in the Mang tribe. It was stone tool masters grinding and carving stones.

As for Chen Bei, because he had to do it himself, it took him a few days to filter and boil all the salt soil he brought back into edible salt, and finally he got dozens of catties of salt.

When he eats salty food, he actually feels happy!
Others in the tribe were also quickly distributed some salt, and were told that this was exchanged by the leader from the big tribe.

For a while, Chen Bei's prestige in the tribe increased a lot.

In the following time, Chenbei went back and forth several times, bringing back more salty soil, enough for the tribe to use throughout the winter.

When the altar was about to be built, frost had already begun to form on the ground.

Winter is here!
The first snow of winter should be coming soon.

After the snow falls, the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, and the tribesmen will not go out again. They guard the hard-earned food and save money every day, waiting for the time when the ice and snow melt.

And Chenbei wanted to bring back the prey used in the sacrifice alive before the snow fell.

He thought about it, and finally set his sights on the triangular green sheep, bison, and wild boar.

Cows, sheep, and pigs are called the three animals. Presumably the totem god will be satisfied, right?

But this time, it was impossible for Chen Bei to go alone again, because it was not easy to bring the prey back alive. He needed helpers, at least to help him drag the prey back.

Chenbei selected six people from the tribe who had hunting experience and used to be totem warriors, and then took these people into the mountains and forests to hunt for sacrifices.

(End of this chapter)

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