The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 14 Sacrifice and Awakening

Chapter 14 Sacrifice and Awakening

Three days later, Chen Bei was grilling fish in the house when there was a sudden commotion outside.

"It's snowing, it's snowing, the witch's prophecy has come true!"

Is it really snowing?Chen Bei put the grilled fish aside, and hastily opened the wooden door. As expected, flakes of snowflakes fell from the sky, and everyone in the tribe cheered.

"Prophecy? This world is indeed very different."

Chen Bei sighed a little. There are too many mysterious powers in this world. Compared with the power of totems that are purely used for fighting, the power possessed by witches is even more mysterious and unpredictable.

After a while, the new witch of the Mang tribe, that is, the girl named Qingzhu, braved the wind and snow and walked towards Chenbei.

Chen Bei is now 14 years old, while Qingzhu is 13 years old, one year younger than Chen Bei.

But Chen Bei found that he couldn't see through Qingzhu at all.She seemed to have undergone a huge transformation, and her whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, unable to see clearly or see through.

Age is no longer a problem, just being a witch is enough to make people forget her age.

Qingzhu walked in front of Chenbei and said: "Boss, the snow will stop in the evening, and the sacrificial ceremony will start when it gets dark. The sacrifice will be presented to the totem god by the leader himself. I hope the leader can make preparations."

"what should I do?"

Qing Zhu said calmly: "Follow the guidance of the Totem God."

After Qingzhu finished speaking, she saluted slightly to Chenbei, then turned and left, her figure became faintly visible in the boundless wind and snow.

"Follow the guidance of the totem god? Why is this set of rhetoric like a magic stick?"

Chen Bei muttered softly, he went back to the house and continued to grill the fish, but his mind was in a mess, thinking about what the sacrificial ceremony was like.

Time passed bit by bit, and in the evening, the snow gradually stopped, and Chen Bei was once again shocked by Qingzhu's predictive ability, which was too accurate.

Everyone in the tribe put on their best animal skin clothes, and some people wore animal tooth necklaces, animal horns and other decorations.

When Chen Bei walked to the side of the altar, the snow on and around the altar had been cleaned up, and a huge bonfire was burning on the large altar.

A triangular green sheep, a wild boar, and a bison have been tied up and placed around the fire on the altar.

Beside the altar, Qing Zhu held a wooden bowl in his left hand, which was filled with dark red paint, and in his right hand, he held a simple animal hair brush, which was stained with paint, for the former totem warriors in the tribe, and a dozen teenagers. Draw totem lines on the face.

Everyone kept quiet, and no one dared to disturb the witch painting the totem pattern, and everyone watched nervously.

Qingzhu's hands are very steady, and her speed is not slow, every totem pattern is completed in one go, as if she has done this kind of thing many times.

By the time she finished drawing the totem patterns on the faces of these people, it was completely dark, and the fire on the altar burned even more violently, illuminating the surroundings.

Qingzhu put down the wooden bowl and animal hair brush, and walked up to the altar.

The sacrificial ceremony officially began.

"Leader, come to the altar."

Qing Zhu greeted, Chen Bei could only walk up the steps to the altar, and stood beside Qing Zhu.

Green Bamboo faced the fire with open arms, and under the light of the fire, her thin body seemed to grow much taller.

Qingzhu sang in a low voice, the syllables were bitter and difficult to understand, Chen Bei who was standing aside didn't understand a single word, feeling like a fool.

However, as the green bamboo sang, the flames in the fire suddenly jumped up, and the flames danced wildly, as if they were cheering and celebrating.

At the same time, the power of the totem in Chen Bei's whole body also became active uncontrollably with the sound of singing, and the totem lines on his face, hands, and chest gradually emerged and became more and more conspicuous.

This kind of chanting seems to have a mysterious power, which is pulling the power of the totem in his body, making his whole spirit excited.

"Please come to the totem god!"

After Qingzhu finished singing, he knelt down to the fire, which was to welcome the totem god.


On Chen Bei's forehead, there was a muffled thunderous roar from the animal horn, and then, the horn actually broke away from Chen Bei's forehead and flew into the flames.


The flames burned even more crazily, as if they were cheering.

In the flames, the horn of the beast became bigger and became like a hill, with the fire light flowing, and there was a sacred feeling. Everyone in the tribe knelt down, only Chen Bei was still standing.

"Boy, are you still offering sacrifices?"

The voice of Rhinoceros sounded in Chen Bei's mind, only he could hear it.

Suddenly, Chen Bei felt Fulin's heart, grabbed a wild boar on the altar, and threw it into the fire.

The huge wild boar was wrapped in flames, and the blazing fire made it difficult to see what was going on inside.By the time the flames died down, the wild boar had been reduced to ashes.

Seeing this, Chen Bei threw the bison and triangular green sheep into it, and they were also wrapped in flames and turned into ashes.

"The sacrifice is very good."

The fire on the horn became even more intense, making it almost impossible to look directly at it. The voice of the totem god came from the horn.

The green bamboo touched the ground with its forehead, and said respectfully: "Please grant the power of the totem from the Rhinoceros God, so that the warriors of our tribe can hunt and kill more prey, and offer more sacrifices in the future."

Those six ex-soldiers with totem patterns and fifteen teenagers who had never awakened the power of the totem shouted, "Please grant the power of the totem to the great rhinoceros god!"

"As you wish!"

On the horn, a gigantic phantom of a rhinoceros surrounded by flames appeared, and flames spewed out from the nostrils of the flaming rhinoceros, turning into 21 flames, which fell on the person with the totem pattern respectively.

The whole body of these people seemed to be on fire, and their blood was boiling. Soon, totem patterns appeared on their faces, which almost overlapped with the painted totem patterns.

"This is the power of the totem. I have regained the power of the totem. Thank you for the grace of the rhinoceros."

Those former warriors wept with joy. They once had the power of the totem, but lost it later, and now they have gained the power of the new totem again. This kind of excitement cannot be expressed in words.

And those fifteen teenagers, having possessed powerful totem power for the first time, were so excited that they wanted to jump up. Their original vague worship of the totem god had turned into a real and fanatical worship.

They were happy, and Chen Bei was even happier. There were 21 low-level totem warriors in the tribe. From now on, they had a certain ability to protect themselves, and he, the leader, no longer had to do everything himself.

This is a huge change, which means that the tribe will become stronger step by step.

For the follow-up ceremony, Chen Bei was obviously a little distracted, so that he didn't know when it was completed.

He is now completely immersed in the vision of the future.

(End of this chapter)

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