The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 209 We Are the Mang Tribe

Chapter 209 We Are the Mang Tribe
The people of the three major tribes were stunned. No one expected that after finally escaping from the mysterious forest, they were surrounded by people in an instant.

At this moment, they actually regretted it very much, why did they have to gather together?If they escape separately, they won't be taken over by others!

Wu Feng glanced around. The densely packed totem warriors made his scalp tingle. In order to escape, they were severely injured by blood-colored vines, and now they don't have much fighting power.

Because the rhinoceros of the Mang tribe had disappeared for too long, and they had grown thick hair and double horns, they didn't recognize them, so naturally they didn't know that they were from the Mang tribe.

"You... Which tribe do you belong to? Have you heard of the Bee tribe? I warn you, don't mess around, otherwise your tribe will not be able to withstand the anger of the Bee tribe!"

Qieye also hurriedly said: "There is also our ant tribe. Our ant tribe is one of the most powerful tribes in the central region. If you can send us back, the ant tribe will give you great benefits!"

After the two of them said the words, Six Eyes could only say: "Our spider tribe must repay the favor, think about it, it is not a wise choice to offend the three tribes all at once."

The totem warriors of the three major tribes tried their best to hold their heads up and their chests high to make themselves look not so weak, but in fact, they were still bleeding, and it was useless to pretend.

Chen Bei just watched them quietly and waited for them to finish speaking one by one.

"Is the introduction over?" Chen Bei asked with a half-smile.

Wu Feng's heart skipped a beat, it's over, this young boy doesn't seem to be overwhelmed.Qieye and Liuyan exchanged glances with each other, and there was also a bad feeling.

What is the origin of these people, they are not even afraid of the three major tribes in the central region?Haven't they heard of the prestige of the three tribes?
Chen Bei read their expressions one by one, and then said with a light smile: "Since you have finished the introduction, let me introduce our tribe as well."


The power of the totem on Chen Bei's body surged wildly, the totem lines on his face appeared first, and then gradually spread downward, spreading all over his body, a powerful scorching breath emanating from his body.

At the same time, a phantom of a huge flaming rhino appeared above his head, and opened his eyes, looking at the people of the three tribes indifferently.

"Let me introduce formally, we are the Mang Tribe, welcome to the Southern Wilderness!"

After Chen Bei finished speaking, all the [-] totem warriors of the Mang tribe showed bright totem patterns, and roared excitedly, the momentum was overwhelming!

"Mang... Mang Tribe..."

Wu Feng's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of the Mang tribe. No wonder this kid in front of him ignored the threat of the three tribes.

As early as hundreds of years ago, the three major tribes had formed a deep hatred with the Mang tribe. Last year, Chenbei burned thousands of people from the three major tribes to death.

How could the Mang tribe fear them?
Ironically, one of the purposes of their coming to the Southern Wilderness was to find out the situation of the Mang tribe and find trouble with the Mang tribe.

Unexpectedly, a mysterious forest, a pit god, killed most of the totem warriors they brought, and now it fell into the hands of the Mang tribe.

Wu Feng exchanged glances with Qieye and Liuyan quickly, and then moved towards Chenbei almost at the same time.

They could see that Chen Bei was an important person among the Mang tribe, and if they caught Chen Bei, they would still have a chance to blackmail him.


However, Chen Bei had been prepared for a long time. He had been riding on the rhinoceros king, but he didn't get off. When Wufeng and the other three violently attacked, the rhinoceros king roared, and the power of his blood was fully activated. The irritable man stood up, huge His hoof stepped on Wufeng.


Wu Feng blocked the front with a stone spear, but the stone spear couldn't stop the Rhino King's huge body at all, and was crushed almost instantly. If Wu Feng hadn't reacted quickly and quickly rolled to the side, he would probably be crushed. The Rhino King was trampled to death.

On the other side, the leaf-cutter stone knife fell on Rhino King's body. However, his expression changed very soon, because he found that the stone knife couldn't cut it in!

The rhinoceros king itself has rough skin and thick flesh. After fully activating the power of the blood, the defense is even more abnormal. In addition, the thick hair on the body surface can only cut off some rhinoceros hairs when chopped with a stone knife, that's all.

The last person was Liuyan, he used a bone spur smeared with poison, his speed was extremely fast, after jumping up, the bone spur went straight to Chenbei, trying to take him down first.


Chen Bei was holding a thick bone spear. Even though he was sitting on the Rhino King's back, he was still incomparably flexible. He was going to catch Liuyan's attack route, and then holding the thick bone spear, he fiercely slashed towards Liuyan.

That's right, what he used was not stabbing, but chopping. The thick bone spear made a sound of piercing the air, and the hitting surface was huge.


The six eyes were swept by Chen Bei's bone spear, and the whole person flew out, fell heavily on the ground, spurted blood, and did not know how many bones were broken.

It's tedious to say, but in fact all this happened in the blink of an eye.

After sweeping away the six eyes, Chen Bei held the spear in his left hand, pulled out the bone knife in his right hand, and slashed at the cut leaf on the other side.

Qieye didn't expect Chenbei to move so fast and domineeringly. In desperation, he had no choice but to use a stone knife to catch it.


Qieye was already injured, and he couldn't hold back Chen Bei's condescending strike. He felt a numbness in his wrist, and the stone knife had been knocked out of his hand with great force.

In a blink of an eye, the high-level totem warriors of the three major tribes had all been defeated. Chen Bei and Rhino King were still standing in place, and everyone in the Mang tribe cheered.

As for the ordinary totem warriors of the three major tribes, they were so desperate that they couldn't even think of resisting.

In fact, as the high-level totem fighters of the big tribe, Wu Feng and the other three are not so weak. The main reason is that they have been severely injured by blood-colored vines in order to escape from the mysterious forest, and their combat strength is less than one-third of their usual strength.

But defeat is defeat, no matter what the reasons are, the faces of the three are a little bit bitter, if they are not too greedy, entering the mysterious forest to plunder strange plants, they will not end up like this.

Chen Bei retracted the bone knife, and said to Hongye and Honghua, "Arrest them all!"

Honghua and Hongye immediately started to arrest the three defenseless high-level totem warriors, and tied them tightly with tough animal skin ropes, not giving them a chance to move.

Ordinary fighters from the three tribes, as well as some flying ants, giant bees, and giant spiders were also arrested, and those who were honest were tied up, and those who resisted fiercely were killed mercilessly.

And the things they brought out from the mysterious forest were naturally scraped off by the Mang tribe, leaving nothing to them.

After everything was cleaned up, Chenbei finally had time to observe the mysterious forest carefully.

The huge and dense wall of thorns turned into a giant green cover, covering the entire mysterious forest inside.

The previous screams have disappeared, indicating that all the people left by the three major tribes have died.

"Since the blood-colored vine successfully broke through, he is at least an intermediate totem god, so will he form a tribe here?"

Chen Bei was very puzzled by this, because the blood-colored vine should have been cultivated by the little god, but it did not form a tribe.

Now that you have broken through and become a central god, will you form a tribe?If it doesn't form a tribe, then what does it want to do by occupying the mysterious forest?
Chen Bei couldn't understand these questions, but he believed that there would be a result in the future.

 Thanks to the book's deacon "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Mengmeng Beast" for the 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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