The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 212 Young Birds Need to Grow Up

Chapter 212 Young Birds Need to Grow Up

By the lakeside, in the thatched cottage woven of reeds, Chen Bei saw Yun.

During this period of time, Yun often came here, because he knew that the significance of these big red birds to the tribe was more important than a few times of hunting with full rewards.

"Boss, you are finally here!"

Yun was also very excited. After waiting for nearly two months, he finally waited until the baby bird hatched. This feeling is difficult for those who have not experienced it personally to understand.

"Everyone has worked hard."

With a smile on his face, Chen Bei greeted those totem warriors one by one. He could accurately call out everyone's name and their family situation.

This made these totem warriors flattered, and they expressed that they did not work hard.

Chen Bei said to Yun, "What's the situation at the Bird's Nest now?"

Yun Rushu said: "There are six nests with 32 eggs in total, and a total of [-] young birds hatched. After the young birds are born, at least one big red bird is left in each nest to look after them, and they go out to look for food in turn. .”

There are a total of twelve big red birds, six males and six females, and a pair occupies exactly one nest. Some nests have more young birds, and some nests have fewer young birds.

"Six big red birds guard the nest, which is a bit troublesome."

Each of these adult red birds is about five meters tall, and they are very huge. Because they are carnivorous, they are also very powerful in combat.

There are usually only fifteen members of the hunting team guarding here. It is almost impossible to subdue the six big red birds without injuring the young ones.

Yun thought for a while, and said, "Why don't I go back and bring all the hunting teams here, bring all the fishing nets, ropes, and set up traps, and I should be able to catch these big red birds back."

Chen Bei rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, then said: "There is no rush for now, these baby birds have just hatched and are too fragile, at least let them grow feathers, they can eat alone, and take them back to the tribe to raise them."

Chen Bei also thought of the experience of raising birds in his previous life. Most of the birds, even if they have the ability to move, would not eat at all without their parents, and would rather starve to death.

"Observe first, it's best to find a way to catch these big red birds back to the tribe."

Although adult big red birds are difficult to tame, it is still possible to catch them back and raise them in captivity so that they can take care of their young.

"Listen to the leader."

Yun can only hunt. As for domesticating these animals, his experience is much worse. This is the job of the breeding team.

It's getting late.

On the same day, Chen Bei stayed in the thatched hut to observe these big red birds, and at the same time, he thought about how to capture these big red birds and young birds back to the tribe.

In the evening, the big red birds returned home one after another.

Chen Bei found that when each of them came back, they would hold some food in their mouths, and some birds would hold some food back and forth several times.

Some birds, when feeding young birds, will adopt the method of ruminating, because the young birds are too small and have poor digestion ability, so they can only eat such food.

And some birds take the young birds to eat directly. Of course, they will find some food that the young birds can swallow, or tear them up and then feed them to the young birds.

These big red birds are obviously the latter feeding method.

The next day, Chen Bei followed Yun into the reeds by the lake, climbed to a big tree, and observed the situation in these bird's nests from a distance.

The bird's nest is hidden in the reeds, which is relatively hidden. This big tree is the only place where you can observe it from a distance.

"Leader, look, every nest is guarded by a big red bird."

Chen Bei took a closer look and found that it was really the case. These big red birds just squatted in the nest and guarded them, using their wings to protect the young birds, they couldn't leave even an inch.

When the big red bird that went out for food is full and brings back the food, the big red bird that is full will take the place of the big red bird in the nest and let the big red bird go out for food.

Some of the food these big red birds brought back were bugs, some were fish, and some were shrimps.

They carefully tear off the worms, bite the shrimp shells, and tear off the flesh of the fish with their sharp beaks to feed the young birds.


In spring, the weather changes quickly, and there is more rain. Chenbei has been observing for a whole morning, and suddenly it began to rain.

Before coming down from the tree, Chen Bei saw those big red birds spread their wings one after another, blocking the entire nest, and gently pressed the heads of those young birds back under the feathers with their beaks.

The rain fell continuously, hitting the wings of the big red bird. Although the feathers of the big red bird are waterproof to a certain extent, the outer layer will gradually soak after falling for a long time.

When there is too much rain on their bodies, these big red birds will stand up, shake their heads vigorously, shake their wings, and shake off the rain, repeating this.

The big red bird just spread its wings like this, allowing the rain to drench itself, protecting the young bird under its wings.

A kind smile appeared on the corner of Chen Bei's mouth. These big red birds also had feelings.

He quickly climbed down from the tree, ran to the nearest thatched hut, and shook off the water droplets on his hair. Fortunately, the animal fur coat he was wearing was waterproof to a certain extent.

Chen Bei wiped his face and said to Yun: "These big red birds seem to have a deep relationship with each other. If the young birds are brought back to the tribe alone, they may not be able to feed them."

"Then what should we do?" Yun scratched his head.

"Let's observe for a few more days, and we can always figure out a way."

"Come on, let me invite everyone to drink some wine to drive away the cold."

Chen Bei took out several pots of wine made from wild grapes from the animal skin bag, and some wine glasses made of animal horns, and distributed them to everyone.

This kind of wine was brewed by Chenbei the year before last. The brewing method is very simple, that is, crush wild grapes, put them into wine jars and seal them, keep them at a suitable temperature, and let them ferment naturally without even using koji.

Because there is no rock sugar, the taste of this wine is not very good, it is rather sour, but if you drink too much, you will get used to it.

The rice wine made from rice will taste much better than this wild wine, but the Mang tribe didn't produce much rice in the past two years, and most of it was used for planting.

If the year is good this year, the rice output of the Mang Tribe will be much higher than in previous years. At that time, Chenbei can try to brew rice wine.

In his previous life, Chen Bei had watched his parents make distiller's koji and brew rice wine. It didn't look very difficult. If you try a few more times, you should be able to succeed.

Everyone in the hut was given a glass of wild wine. After drinking it, they were not used to the taste, but since it was given by the leader, they had no choice but to pretend to be happy.

Chen Bei didn't poke them, but he didn't pour them any more, but poured it himself.

In this era of primitive tribes, being able to drink wine is already good, how can one expect too much?

Sometimes, it is also a pleasure to taste the sour taste.

For the next seven days, Chen Bei observed these big red birds. He watched the young birds grow up rapidly and grow feathers quickly, and they became different almost every day.

The growth of these young birds was much faster than Chen Bei expected.

When it is more than ten days old, the young bird has already grown feathers. It can stand by the nest and walk around chirping, and even spread its small wings to learn to flap and fly.

"It's almost time."

Through these days of observation, Chen Bei already has a plan in his mind on how to catch these big red birds and young birds.

He found that these big red birds are active during the day and sleep in their nests at night. Although they can see things at night, their mobility is obviously much worse than during the day.

And Chenbei's plan is to sneak attack these big red birds at night, take them all in one pot, and move them back to the tribe with their nests!

 Thank you for the 1666 book coins rewarded by the elder of this book "Hunyuan Emperor".

(End of this chapter)

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