The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 217 We Make What Plants Need

Chapter 217 We Make What Plants Need

In the mysterious forest, the cheers of the blood vine tribe continued.

"Now, I give you the totem patterns belonging to the blood vine tribe!"

On the altar, the huge blood vine gave birth to countless tiny vines, and these vines quickly extended towards the treants and insects, and pierced into their eyebrows.

The bloody light shone, and every tiny vine was conveying mysterious power, which belonged to the totem god.

Afterwards, whether it was tree people or insects, the totem patterns on their bodies quickly lit up.

This is a brand new totem pattern, it looks exactly like those vines, with twists and turns, and there is a stretched leaf at a certain distance.

After all the treants and insects were branded with totem patterns, the blood-colored vines slowly retracted, and the breath of the blood-colored vines on the altar was obviously much weaker than before.

Helping new individuals awaken the power of the totem is a very energy-consuming task, so every time the tribe sacrifices, the totem god replenishes the power of the totem before performing the awakening ceremony.

But because the blood vine tribe had just been established, before they had time to find sacrifices, the totem god could only consume a little more divine power.

After these treants were branded with totem patterns, a small number of treants actually grew noses and mouths, and were able to speak.

"Vine God, Vine God, Vine God..."

They cheered in unison. Although their voices were a bit weird, they could speak after all.

On the top of the mountain, Chen Bei thought carefully for a long time, and finally decided that it would be better to hit the sun than to choose the day, and now it might be the most appropriate to go to the blood vine tribe.

Therefore, Chen Bei told Yun Helie and others about this idea.

"Looking for them to trade? These tree people and insects?"

After listening to Chen Bei's words, Yun was stunned. The Mang Tribe has experience in dealing with people, but no one has tried trading with plants and insects!
Lie scratched his hair and said, "But, leader, what do we sell them? Shuren, it seems that they don't need to eat salt, do they?"

Chen Bei said confidently: "As long as it is a living being and can talk, it will definitely be able to make a deal. We will give it what it wants, and we can help it think of what it can't think of."

"In addition, this time it's not just about making deals, but more importantly, forming an alliance. The Bloodvine tribe has offended the three major tribes in the central region just after it was established. Will it survive in the future? It is in their best interest to form an alliance with our Mang tribe. s Choice!"

Chen Bei's words made everyone in the Mang tribe nod their heads one after another. At the same time, each of them looked at Chen Bei with fanatical admiration.

The leader is indeed the leader, much farther than they thought.

After Chen Bei finished speaking, he took the lead to walk down the mountain, and everyone in the Mang tribe quickly followed.

To be honest, Chen Bei didn't know at all whether this blood vine tribe would form an alliance with the Mang tribe, or what kind of temper this new totem god had.

However, sometimes opportunities are fleeting, and if you want to get a lot of benefits, you have to take a little risk.

Chen Bei believed that even if the Blood Vine Tribe did not agree to make a deal with the Mang Tribe or form an alliance in the end, it would not embarrass the Mang Tribe.

After all, there is a great god behind Chen Bei, and the Blood Vine Tribe has just been established, unless it wants to seek death, it will not be disadvantageous to Chen Bei.

In addition, Chen Bei thinks that there is another layer of protection for him to enter the Blood Vine Tribe, that is, the newly born sacred totem tree, which can enter the mysterious forest, thanks to Chen Bei, owes Chen Bei, and owes the Mang Tribe a great favor.

"As the so-called wealth and wealth come from risks, it is worth taking a little risk."

Chen Bei thought about this layer of protection in his heart, and muttered this sentence in his mouth, his confidence suddenly increased.

Just thinking about what to talk about in the blood vine tribe, while walking, he arrived at the outskirts of the mysterious forest not long after.

Chen Bei led the crowd to the gap in the Thorn Wall of the Blood Vine Tribe, which has turned into a gate.

The ceremony inside was over, and the totem god of the Bloodvine Tribe was resting on the altar. At this moment, it suddenly sensed the approach of the people of the Mang Tribe.

"People from the Mang tribe, what are they doing here?"

On the altar, the blood vine couldn't figure out what the Mang tribe was thinking, but it immediately sent some talking treemen with certain IQs to the gate.

Outside the Wall of Thorns, Chen Bei shouted loudly towards the inside: "Chen, the leader of the Mang Tribe, come to congratulate the establishment of the Blood Vine Tribe!"

After a while, the thorns on the thorny gate quickly untied and shrank, as if the sliding door had been pushed, quickly opening a gap.

A dozen tall treants appeared inside the gate, and one of them said in a dull voice, "Welcome, Bloodvine Tribe."

Chenbei was quite calm, but the totem warriors of the Mang tribe felt very surprised. The plants inside were all kinds of strange, such as the talking tree man in front of him. Its bark was brown and covered with cracks. Full of thorns.

As for the treants behind it, some are dark yellow, some are turquoise, and some are dark red, the colors are different, and the appearance is not the same.

Chen Bei said: "The Blood Vine Tribe has just been established, and we are the first guests. Why don't you invite us in?"

The tree man with brown bark and thorns all over his body hesitated for a moment, obviously not sure whether to let Chen Bei and others go in, because there were a lot of people from the Mang tribe.

At this moment, Chen Bei noticed that the totem pattern on the tree man's forehead lightened slightly, and he guessed that it was probably the blood vine that gave it an order.

Sure enough, after the totem pattern darkened again, the tree man seemed much calmer.

"Since the Mang tribe is here to congratulate, of course you can go in, please come inside!"

Those tall tree men made way for the Mang tribe to enter.

"Let's go."

Chen Bei rode the Rhino King and walked slowly inside. During this period, he saw many familiar plants, which he had seen here before, but now they have all turned into tree people, only some obvious The features are still the same as before.

Chen Bei walked straight forward, all the way to the center of the blood vine tribe, saw the ancient altar, and the huge blood vine on the altar.

Chen Bei noticed that this altar was extremely old, and there were still some traces of cutting with knives and axes on it. Although it was relatively faint, it was still clearly identifiable.

In addition, there are some vague patterns on the altar, which are very similar to a totem pattern, and this totem pattern does not belong to the blood vine tribe.

Could it be that there was such an altar in this place before?
Thinking deeply, since there is an altar and totem patterns, there is a possibility that there used to be a tribe in this place, and this tribe is by no means a small tribe, otherwise, it would be impossible to build an altar of this scale.

But Chenbei has never heard of such a tribe in the Southern Wilderness before, unless its history is extremely ancient, so ancient that the existing tribes in the Southern Wilderness have never heard of it.

These thoughts flashed through Chen Bei's mind, and Chen Bei didn't have time to think more, because the totem god of the blood vine tribe was right in front of him.

Chen Bei turned over and got off the Rhino King, stood in front of the altar, saluted neither humble nor overbearing:
"Chen, the leader of the Mang tribe, came to congratulate the establishment of the blood vine tribe, and met the totem god of the blood vine tribe."

The body of the blood vine is too huge, standing in front of it, Chen Bei looks like an ant in front of a giant elephant.

But even so, Chen Bei seemed very calm, and was not afraid of it.

He still had time to smile at the sacred totem tree next to the altar emitting a faint green light.

Xue Teng tried her best to control her voice, even so, it was still like thunder in Chen Bei's ears.

He only heard him say: "The Mang tribe has a heart, you are the first guests of my blood vine tribe, and you will definitely receive the best hospitality."

Chen Bei breathed a sigh of relief, since the totem gods of this tribe have said so, it means that they will no longer be in danger.

Chen Beidao: "There is no rush for the entertainment. Apart from congratulating me this time, I also want to do some business with the Blood Vine Tribe. Your tribe has just been established, so you must be lacking a lot of things, and our Mang tribe happens to have a lot of goods. .”

"make a deal?"

The blood vine felt a little confused. Although it lived a long time, it really didn't have much experience in doing transactions.

The blood vine looked at the sacred totem tree emitting green light next to it.

The totem god tree was once the totem god of the tree tribe, and it is the most familiar with how to deal with people, so the blood vine can only ask it for help.

The sacred totem tree shook slightly, and a pair of eyes and a mouth slowly grew on the trunk.

"I don't know what the Mang Tribe wants to trade with our Blood Vine Tribe?"

As soon as the voice of the sacred totem tree sounded, the red flowers and red leaves were excited. They guessed right, this sacred tree emitting green light was their former totem god.

However, none of them opened their mouths to speak, nor did they kneel down to the sacred tree because they are now members of the Mang tribe, and they must put the interests of the Mang tribe first, even when facing the former totem god.

This is the most basic bottom line of tribal people.

Chen Bei said with a smile: "Whatever you need, our Mang tribe can make anything, even if we can't make it, we will find a way to get it from other tribes!"

The green tree thought for a while, then looked at the blood vine, the two extraordinary plants communicated for a while, and then said: "The things made by your Mang tribe are all for human use. Our plants don't need to eat, we don't need to wear clothes, let alone Eat salt and don't use weapons."

"I can't think of what you can use to make a deal with the Bloodvine Tribe."

Chen Bei had already prepared for this, and this was what he was thinking along the way.

"As long as it is a living creature, it must eat, drink and sleep, but the method is different."

"Although you don't need to eat, you need nutrients, and our Mang tribe is very good at making fertilizers that plants need."

Chen Bei said this with confidence. The Mang tribe has been farming for these years, and the planting team is very familiar with what plants need what fertilizer.

It can be said that in the entire continent, no other tribe knows how to make fertilizer better than the Mang tribe.

Chen Bei continued: "Although you don't need to wear clothes, when winter comes, the plant seedlings are easy to freeze, right? And our Mang tribe has good animal skin clothes, which can be transformed into what you need, so that your The young saplings survived the winter safely."

Selling clothes to plants not only stunned the plants of the Bloodvine Tribe, but even the totem warriors behind the Mang Tribe opened their mouths wide open.

The leader is the leader, this kind of idea can be thought of, if it is someone else, I am afraid that they will not be able to think of it.

Moreover, I had to admit that what Chen Bei said was true. Plant seedlings were indeed afraid of being damaged by freezing in winter, and animal fur clothes kept warmer than ordinary hay and the like.

The teeth behind Chen Bei's eyes were about to shoot stars, if he wasn't in the blood vine tribe, he would have wanted to shout the classic "the leader is mighty".

Even Green Tree, the former totem god, has to admire Chen Bei's brain, this guy is really talented!

Not to mention the new totem god blood vine, he kept looking at Chen Bei, trying to see clearly this freak with a different brain.

Chen Bei didn't care about the eyes of other people and plants. He continued: "Since you have established a tribe, you must store good things in the future, right? Our Mang tribe specializes in making all kinds of pottery, which is very suitable for storing things. I can make a deal with you."

"Also, what is the most annoying thing about the plants in your tribe? It must be all kinds of bugs, right?"

Chen Bei patted his chest and said: "Our Mang tribe is best at making all kinds of insect repellent and insecticide powders. It can help you solve this big problem, so that every plant can grow healthily!"

Although the blood vine tribe has many insects that are beneficial to plants, there are more insects that are harmful to plants, and the beneficial insects cannot eat them at all.

At this time, the importance of insect repellent and insecticide powder is also reflected.

Just like people, which plant doesn't want to grow healthily?

After Chen Bei finished speaking, Blood Vine and Green Tree fell into a long silence. After being told by Chen Bei, it seemed that there were quite a lot of things that could be traded.

Suitable fertilizers, animal skins to keep warm in winter, pottery, medicinal powder, etc., and there will be more things that can be traded according to needs in the future.

After a long time, the huge blood vine said: "You are right, we can indeed do a lot of transactions, but what do you want to trade back from the blood vine tribe?"

Hearing the blood vine's agreement with his own ears, Chen Bei smiled even brighter.

"Teng Shen, please rest assured, our Mang tribe is not greedy, we only need to trade some fruit trees, branches, leaves, and roots of some plants."

"For you, these things can be regenerated. If you take a small part out, it will not cause damage to the plants. It will grow more and better in a few days."

"Exchange your surplus for our surplus, then both of us will get what we want, and this deal is beneficial to both of us."

After Chen Bei finished speaking, he looked at the blood vine quietly, leaving the other party some time to think and waiting for his response.

After a while, the blood vine said: "Chief Chen, you have successfully convinced me that our blood vine tribe can conduct long-term transactions with you."

"However, I must warn you in advance, don't be greedy, and don't say one thing and do another, otherwise, the anger of our blood vine tribe will not be so easy to bear!"

Chen Bei said solemnly: "God Teng, don't worry, our Mang tribe is never greedy, we only get what we deserve."

Blood Vine and Green Tree had another exchange, and they were obviously quite satisfied with Chen Bei's attitude and the result of this meeting.

The next thing was more logical. As the first guest of the Blood Vine Tribe and the target of future transactions, the Blood Vine Tribe naturally wanted to treat the people of the Mang Tribe well.

They took out all kinds of edible tubers, fruits, worms, drinkable juices, etc., many things they thought humans liked, and used them to entertain the people of the Mang tribe.

Chen Bei was not polite to them either. He took the totem warriors and had a good meal at the Blood Vine Tribe. These things are usually not available.

As for the matter of forming an alliance, Chen Bei didn't bring it up right away. He thought it would be much easier to mention the matter of forming an alliance after the two parties had done a few transactions to establish initial trust.

 Thanks to the book's deacon "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "20200301191219042" for the 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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