The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 224 Reorganization of the Mang Tribe

Chapter 224 Reorganization of the Mang Tribe

Mang tribe.

Five days after leaving the tribe, Chen Bei finally came back.

When I went there, the morning glow was all over the sky, there were many people, laughing and laughing.

When I returned, there was only one person and one rhinoceros left, silent in the bloody sunset.

The totem warrior guarding the gate of the Mang tribe was very happy to see Chen Bei come back, but when he went up to meet him and saw the remains of the rhinoceros king and the head of the enemy, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

"Boss, they..."

Chen Bei said hoarsely: "I didn't protect them well."

Chen Bei didn't stop walking, and walked slowly towards the tribe, and the Rhino King didn't stop either.

More and more clan members got the news and rushed over. Many of these people were relatives of the dead soldiers. They were crying, but they covered their mouths and did not dare to make a sound.

Chen Bei walked forward step by step, there were more and more people around, no one spoke, they just watched Chen Bei walk into the tribe.

Chen Bei and Rhino King walked all the way to the tribe's altar, and then gently put down the broken bones.

With so many bones, they were bitten to pieces by wild beasts, even if Chen Bei wanted to put them together, he couldn't help it.

He could only arrange these bones one by one, in a large piece, and put the poisonous thorn's head in front of the bones as a sacrifice.

It wasn't until this moment that Chen Bei finally couldn't control his emotions, and shouted to the sky: "Clan people, you're home!"


In an instant, the relatives of those soldiers couldn't help crying, and the crying in the tribe was loud.

Qingzhu and the elder also came, Qingzhu stepped forward step by step, knelt down in front of the altar, and recited the incantations for those heroic spirits with a solemn expression.


On the altar, the flame rhinoceros appeared, and it opened its mouth to spit out a large piece of flame, covering the bones.

In the light of the fire, the bones moved one by one, and quickly spliced ​​together into broken skeletons. At the same time, dozens of figures appeared in the light of the fire, kowtowing to the altar.

Afterwards, these skeletons were all burned to ashes, and those figures gradually dissipated in the flames.

The flame rhinoceros returned to the altar, and there were dozens of small piles of ashes on the ground.

The elder gave an order, and some totem warriors immediately went to the pottery workshop to get dozens of small clay pots with lids.

The relatives of the dead soldiers each took a clay pot, packed the ashes of their relatives according to the position of the figure they saw just now, and buried them in the cemetery in the east of the tribe.

Chen Bei returned to his yard, sat on the wooden bench, thinking about how to take revenge.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Bei gave up the idea of ​​taking revenge immediately. Now that the three major tribes are eyeing the Mang tribe, if he leads people to leave rashly, it will give people an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"In the final analysis, the tribe is still not strong enough, otherwise what if the three tribes join forces?"

Chen Bei clenched his fists. If he wanted revenge, he had to make the tribe stronger. As long as the tribe was strong enough, who would dare to make a move?
On this day, Chen Bei sat in his yard all night without seeing anyone.

The next morning, Chen Bei took a cold shower, rinsed himself carefully, changed into a set of clean clothes, and then found all the important people in the tribe in his yard.

Chen Bei looked at the crowd and said, "I asked everyone to come here to announce something."

"Now the tribe has more and more people, more and more totem warriors, and our enemies are getting stronger and stronger. The previous division of teams obviously cannot meet the needs of the tribe now."

"So I decided to add a second hunting team, with Shanwen as the captain. Do you have any opinions?"

Shanwen is now a high-level totem warrior and one of the top combat forces of the tribe. Naturally, no one has any objections to him being the captain of the second hunting team.

Chen Bei nodded and said: "Since everyone has no objections, from today onwards, Shanwen will be the captain of the second hunting team. I will give you two hundred totem warriors."

"In addition to this, a guard team of 200 people will be set up to be responsible for guarding the safety of the tribe and its surroundings, with Hongye as the captain."

Hongye used to be responsible for guarding the tribe in the tree tribe, and no one knew this kind of thing better than him.

"In addition, our tribe already has dozens of big red birds. I named these big red birds flamingos."

"Young flamingo birds need special people to domesticate them into flying battle pets, so I decided to donate another flamingo team, with Hong Hua as the captain, and temporarily give you fifty totem warriors."

No one had any opinions on this, and the matter was settled like this.

Soon, more than 1000 totem fighters in the tribe were redistributed to various brigades under the organization of Chen Bei, and there were places where the tribe needed totem fighters.

In this way, the distribution of personnel in the Mang tribe is more reasonable and the efficiency is higher. The defense and combat power of the tribe have been indirectly improved.

After doing all this, Chen Bei entered the primeval forest alone, hunting wild bears, giant-toothed tigers, giant wild boar kings and other forest overlord prey to hone his combat effectiveness.


Central, Fish Tribe.

On the third day after Bibo left, the fish tribe witch's condition became worse and worse, and she felt that her time was approaching.

The fish tribe witch gathered all the fish tribe members to the big lake in the center of the tribe except those who were taken away by Bibo.

The fish tribe is different from other tribes. They don't have an altar, and the totem god lives in the lake. This lake is equivalent to their altar.

"I will soon return to the arms of the Totem God, but the Fish Tribe cannot live without witches for a day!"

"After careful consideration, I declare that starting today, Honglin will be the new witch of our Fish Tribe!"

Wu's decision caused an uproar in the Fish Tribe, because before that, quite a few people in the tribe were optimistic about Bibo, including some big names in the Fish Tribe.

But now, just a few days after Bibo left, the Fish Tribe Witch suddenly announced the matter, which caught many people off guard.

Everyone is not stupid, and quickly figured out the joints.

If Bibo stayed in the tribe, it might not be so easy for Honglin to become the new witch of the Yu tribe, so she was sent to the remote southern wilderness.

No matter what everyone thinks, since Wu has already announced this decision, others can only keep their mouths shut.

Wu Zai's place in the tribe is too high, even if someone is dissatisfied, they dare not express their objection in front of this small lake.

Otherwise, it would be disrespect to witches and totem gods, and the consequences would be extremely serious.

Dressed up today, Honglin walked up to the witch, and took a white fishbone from the witch's hand, which symbolized the witch's identity.

Then, holding the fishbone, she bowed down to the great lake, chanting the incantation to invite the totem god.


Suddenly there was a huge wave in the big lake, and a huge red fish appeared riding the huge wave.

It looks very ferocious, with sharp bony spurs on its fins and two rows of sharp fish teeth at its mouth, hundreds of meters long, shaking its head and tail.

After the [-]-meter fish appeared, all members of the Yu tribe knelt down one after another, not daring to breathe.

The big fish looked at the red scales on the ground, and the old witch who was almost out of oil and withered.

Big Fish said, "Allow Red Scale to be the new witch of the Fish Tribe!"

Then, the big fish opened its mouth and sucked, and the old witch flew into its mouth and was swallowed by it.

The old witch faced all this with incomparable calmness, and even smiled when he entered the belly of the fish.

This is the fate of the successive witches of the Yu tribe, and it is also the glory in their hearts. After death, they will be with the totem god.

Hong Lin was very reluctant to give up on the old witch, but now that she had become a new witch, she couldn't show too obvious emotions in front of everyone.

The big fish returned to the lake, and the lake gradually calmed down, and the handover ceremony of the two witches of the Yu tribe was completed.

 Thanks to the book's deacon "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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