Chapter 229

In the Mang tribe trading area.

Under Chen Bei's careful teaching, Qiao finally mastered some trading skills within a few days.

Chen Bei is very accurate in seeing people, and Qiao really has a certain talent in management.

On the first day, she was still a little shy, and would carefully ask Chen Bei every time she made a transaction.

But three days later, she was able to introduce the products in the trading area to those tourists without changing her expression.

As for the other two teenagers, their talents are slightly inferior to Qiao's, but it doesn't matter, if you teach them more, you can always learn.

"Can this animal bone be exchanged for some salt?"

The two tourists walked cautiously to the grain and oil shop in the trading area, and took out a large shoulder blade of a beast from a hollow dead log.

The two ends of the dead wood were sealed with soil. If they hadn't opened the soil, they would never have imagined that such a large animal bone was hidden inside.

The reason why the animal bone is put into the hollow dead wood is to make some camouflage, because it is not easy for a tourist to get a good animal bone, and if it is not well hidden, it is likely to be snatched away.

Qiao picked up the animal bone and inspected it carefully. It was heavy in the hand, hard in texture, smooth as jade, which showed that the quality of this animal bone was very good.

This shoulder blade has a triangular shape, which is very suitable for farming tools, and looks very good.

The Mang tribe now has more than 8000 mu of arable land, and there will be more in the future. The amount of farm tools consumed every year is very huge.

Therefore, stone or animal bones suitable for farming tools are very popular among the Mang tribe.

Qiao glanced at Chen Bei who was sitting aside, with a questioning look in his eyes.

But Chen Bei just looked at her with a smile, gave her an encouraging look, and didn't guide her directly.

Qiao clenched the animal bone in his hand, encouraged himself in his heart, and then said to the two tourists: "This animal bone is very good, you can exchange it for some salt, but since there is only one animal bone, you can only exchange it for one." Spoon of salt."

Qiao opened the earthen jar containing the salt, scooped a spoonful of salt with a wooden spoon half the size of a fist, wrapped it in a soft leaf, and handed it to the two tourists.

"It can really be exchanged for salt!"

The two tourists were going crazy with joy. The spoonful of salt seemed to be of very good quality, better than anything they had eaten before, and they thought it was worth it.

However, they didn't know that to the Mang tribe, that piece of animal bone was worth far more than a teaspoon of salt, because the quality of the animal bone was so good, it was better than most animal bones.

After the two tourists left, Qiao handed the animal bones to Chen Bei, and said nervously: "Leader, look at this transaction, whether I made a profit or a loss."

Chen Bei took the animal bone, looked at it, and said: "It's very good, this animal bone, I think the bonesmith will like it very much. This deal is not a loss."


Qiao jumped up so happy that a bright smile appeared on the girl's face.

This was the first transaction she completed independently, and to be recognized by the leader was the greatest encouragement for her.

In the following time, Qiao completed several transactions on her own, most of which were profitable, but there were also one or two things. Due to her lack of experience, she was not sure, and lost some salt and food.

Every time, Chen Bei waited for her to finish the transaction, and then told her how high the value of the item was, and how to make the transaction to make the Mang tribe more profitable without making the tourists suffer too much.

If you want to do business for a long time, you can't be too black-hearted, otherwise those tourists will suffer more times, and they will have resentment towards the Mang tribe, which is not worth the loss.

Chenbei would rather earn less in the early stage and spread the reputation of the trading area. In this way, there will be more tourists doing publicity for them and attracting more people to come and do business with the Mang tribe.

In the long run, the Mang tribe will earn more.

In this way, under Chen Bei's teaching, Qiao grew up very quickly. It won't take long for her to master the skills of trading proficiently and continuously improve her ability to judge the value of goods.

Chen Bei felt that Qiao would soon be able to stand alone in the trading area.

Of course, Chen Bei didn't just teach Qiao alone, Chen Bei also taught the other two teenagers carefully.

But as the saying goes, if you compare people, you will die, and if you compare goods, you will throw them away.

With Buckwheat in front of them, those two teenagers were naturally a lot darker, and they learned more slowly. It would take more time for Chen Bei to teach them.

Half a month later, the trading area of ​​the Mang tribe became more and more famous, and people from the nearby small tribes gradually began to come to do business.

On this day, in the evening, the gate of the trading area was about to close.

Because it was outside the tribe, for the sake of safety, a stone wall was built in the trading area of ​​the Mang tribe, surrounding the trading area, with two gates at the front and back, guarded by two totem warriors respectively.

Trading is generally carried out during the day, and the trading area will be closed at night, and those totem warriors live in houses in the trading area.

"Etc., etc……"

Just when the gate was about to close and Chenbei was about to return to the tribe with Qiao and the two teenagers, a group of strange totem warriors appeared.

There are more than 50 of them, they are relatively thin, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, their bodies are dirty, and their fingernails are black and long, like the claws of burrowing animals.

They also carry a lot of things, shouting while running.

The totem warriors guarding the trading area became vigilant and stood beside Chen Bei with weapons, staring at these strange totem warriors.

These strange totem warriors ran to Chen Bei and said to Chen Bei: "Chief Chen, we are not enemies, we are friends, friends!"

The man pushed back his dirty and messy hair to the back of his neck, exposing his face for Chen Bei to see.

There are totem lines on his face, which looks like...a mouse.

Chen Bei felt that this totem pattern and this person were somewhat familiar, he thought for a while, and finally remembered.

"Rat tribe?"

The man shouted happily: "That's right, we are members of the Rat Tribe, and Chief Chen really still remembers us."

Chen Bei signaled the totem warriors next to him to put down their weapons. The Rat tribe was also an acquaintance, and they had no guts to attack Chen Bei.

Chen Bei asked the leading mouse tribe totem warrior, "What's your name?"

"My name is Changwei, and I am the little leader of the hunting team of the Mouse Tribe, the leader of Chen."

Chen Bei nodded, pointed to something behind Long Tail and said, "Are you make a deal?"

Nagao said: "That's right, we heard that the Mang tribe has established a trading zone, and we came here to make deals with you."

Chen Bei said in surprise: "You are so far away from the Mang tribe, you are well informed."

Changwei smiled, and said, "Our Rat Tribe has always been well-informed."

Chen Bei looked at the sky, and said: "However, it's so late today, and I can't see clearly, why don't we make a deal tomorrow."

Changwei said with a bitter face: "Chief Chen, we don't want to spend the night in the forest, it's too dangerous."

Chen Bei said: "Since you have come all the way here, you are the guests of the Mang tribe, how can we let you spend the night in the mountains and forests, don't worry, our Mang tribe has a house to live in."

Only then did Changwei smile happily, and said: "That's great, thank you, Chief Chen."

That night, Chenbei brought the people from the Shu tribe to a row of wooden houses built outside the stone wall of the Mang tribe. This is a house specially built by the Mang tribe to entertain guests, and the things inside are quite complete.

Chen Bei had someone light the fire again, and sent food and water over.

The people of the Rat Tribe are very satisfied with this. You must know that their tribe lives in a cave. Everything about the Mang Tribe looks fresh to them.

(End of this chapter)

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