The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 241 The Way to Deal with the Giant Eagle

Chapter 241 The Way to Deal with the Giant Eagle

On the tenth day of the siege of the Mang tribe, the mood of the people in the tribe has become increasingly irritable. The feeling of being blocked at the door of the house is really uncomfortable.

"Leader, let me go. Let's go straight into the forest and touch the top of the mountain. As long as we get close to those giant eagles, we will definitely be able to shoot them down!"

In Chenbei's courtyard, Shan Wen was challenging Chenbei for a fight, and his reason was very good. The soldiers of the second hunting team were very good at camouflaging, and the forests near the Mang tribe were dense, so it was difficult to be found after sneaking in.

Behind the mountain pattern, Yun, Lie, and Hongye are also watching. They have had enough of this kind of life, and it is better to go out and have a good fight than to stay here.

However, Chen Bei shook his head and said, "No matter how good your secrets are, it's hard to escape the giant eagle's eyes. Once you are discovered, you are on the ground and they are in the sky. You will almost become living targets."

Chen Bei knows very well how powerful the eyes of eagles or eagles are. Their eyesight is many times better than that of humans. Even at high altitudes, they can clearly see small animals on the ground.

Although there are various shelters in the forest, the vegetation becomes less and less as you go up the mountain. It is too difficult to get close to the giant eagles on the top of the mountain.

If it is impossible to get close to the giant eagle, then it is meaningless for the hunting team to go out, and it may increase the casualties.

After all, the people of the Eagle tribe would never let them hunt.

Shanwen said helplessly: "But our food is getting less and less every day. If we continue like this, we won't last long. We might as well fight them to the death."

Chen Bei said: "Go back first, let me think about it, there must be another way."

Shan Wen and the others left in disappointment. Due to the majesty of the leader all along, they could not disobey orders, so they could only hope that Yu Chen Bei would come up with a good way to deal with those annoying giant eagles.

If it's just for hunting or fishing, it's actually not that difficult, you just need to dig a few more tunnels to lead to the mountains or rivers.

The big deal is to learn from the Chuanshan tribe. When the enemy comes, they will get into the tunnel, and when the enemy leaves, they will come out.

Counseling is a little cowardly, but it is also a good way to deal with those giant eagles.

For this point, you can refer to those animals that like to dig holes. As long as they are not too far away from the hole, the carnivorous raptors in the sky have nothing to do with them.

By digging a tunnel to the river, the river water can be directly introduced into the Mang tribe, and more bait can be sprinkled, and those fish that smell fishy will swim along the secret passage.

However, this method is too cowardly, and it will greatly damage the confidence of the tribal people. It is suitable for the Chuanshan tribe, but not for the Mang tribe.

Therefore, unless it is really a last resort, Chen Bei will not use such a method.

Chen Bei sighed, and said: "Is it true that we can only rush out and fight them to the death?"

If Chen Bei rushed out with the tribe's warriors, the Diao tribe would not be able to get anything good, and the totem warriors of the Mang tribe would also suffer heavy casualties.

It's not that Chenbei wants to see the result.

Chen Bei scratched his hair, sat on a chair in the yard, looked at the sky and thought hard.


On a mountaintop to the north of the Mang tribe, the leader of the Diao tribe sat on a boulder and bit a piece of raw meat.

Although most tribes now mainly eat cooked meat, raw meat is still loved by some tribesmen.

The leader of the Eagle tribe is one of those who like to eat raw meat.

However, he only eats the best meat from a prey. Such meat can satisfy him while filling his stomach.

After eating a piece of meat, the leader of the Eagle Tribe wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked in the direction of the Mang Tribe and cursed: "Didn't you say that the Mang Tribe are all reckless men? It's been ten days, why haven't they rushed out yet!"

"Could it be that the legends are all lies?"

The leader of the eagle tribe was indignant.

He brought half of the Eagle Tribe's combat power out, and it was okay for a short time, but it took a long time. He was very worried that the Eagle Tribe would encounter unexpected situations.

But in this situation, if it is withdrawn like this, the time and energy spent before will be in vain.

"I don't believe your food can last that long!"

The leader of the Eagle Tribe stood up and kicked a stone hard. The stone fell on the hillside and rolled all the way down.

He planned to surround them for another three days. If the Mang tribe still hadn't come out after three days, they had no choice but to retreat.

The Mang tribe can't afford it, and the Diao tribe can't afford it either.


In the Mang tribe, Chen Bei really couldn't think of any good way in the yard, so he decided to go for a walk to let his mind rest.

He walked in the tribe. The tribe full of laughter and laughter in the past has become a bit dull because of the siege of those giant eagles.

Even those energetic children stopped coming out to play, and were forced by their parents to stay at home and reduce exercise so that they could consume less food.

There will soon be a shortage of food, and Chen Bei's heart is covered with a shadow.

One-third of the livestock in the breeding area has been slaughtered, and most of the fish in the pond have been picked up and eaten. The grain in the field will take more than a month to mature, and the only edible vegetables that cannot resist hunger .

Is it really necessary to dig a tunnel, or simply rush out to fight to the death?

Chen Bei scratched his hair irritably, before he knew it, he walked into Qingzhu's yard.

The fragrance of medicinal herbs came from the tip of his nose, which lifted Chen Bei's spirit.

Qingzhu was weeding and loosening the soil among the herbs. Because of the hot weather, there was a fine layer of sweat on her face, her face was flushed, and a drop of sweat from the tip of her nose fell on the leaves of the herbs.

"Wu, let me help you."

Chen Bei was fine, but he was annoyed, so he picked up a small stone hoe and started working with the green bamboo.

While weeding, Qingzhu said: "The leader doesn't seem very happy."

Chen Bei couldn't reveal too much in front of the tribe's totem warriors, otherwise it would cause people's hearts to be unstable.

But in front of Qingzhu, he doesn't need to have scruples, because Qingzhu is the witch of the tribe.

Chen Bei told Qingzhu about his troubles, including the two measures that he had to do as a last resort.

Qingzhu stood up and looked at Chenbei, saying: "About how to deal with the giant eagles of the Diao tribe, I have actually been thinking about it for the past two days."

"There are two ways to deal with these giant eagles."

"Two?" Chen Bei looked at Qingzhu in astonishment, could it be that Qingzhu could surprise him?


"The first way is to ask the Totem God to take action and expel those giant eagles directly."

This method is the fastest, but the totem god needs a large number of sacrifices to maintain his divine power, and the Mang tribe is now short of food, so where can they find so many sacrifices.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the Totem God will not make a move. This is the guarantee of the bottom of the box.

"The second way is to use those adult flamingos to fly into the sky, and the leader can lead some sharpshooters to chase those giant eagles."

Chen Bei frowned and said, "But we didn't tame those adult flamingos."

"Also, Wu may not know that those adult flamingos are too fat to fly now."

Chen Bei spread his hands, feeling a little helpless, those adult flamingos had lost their former ferocity after being fattened up, they were simply eating and waiting to die.

Qingzhu said: "It's okay, I have a witchcraft, I can control these adult flamingos for a short time, and stimulate their potential, I will definitely make them fly."

Chen Bei was overjoyed and said, "That's great. As long as we can fly into the sky, even if the number of flamingo cranes is small, we will have the capital to fight, so we won't be so passive."

"Without further delay, Wu, please go to the breeding area now and perform witchcraft on those adult flamingos."

Qingzhu nodded, and walked to the breeding area of ​​the Mang tribe together with Chenbei.

(End of this chapter)

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