Chapter 248

The next day, after sending away the members of the Blood Vine Tribe and the Elephant Tribe, Chen Bei finally walked slowly towards the place where the members of the Yu Tribe were under house arrest.

As soon as he approached there, the totem warriors who were in charge of guarding the fish tribes poured bitter water on him.

"Boss, you are finally here. If you don't come again, there will be a fight here."

Chen Bei patted the totem warrior on the shoulder, and said: "What's the rush, it's better to fight. I've long expected them to fight, but unfortunately they are too patient."


The totem warrior felt a little confused, what was the leader thinking?
Chen Bei said: "If they fight, don't we justifiably suppress them and turn them into prisoners, don't their ships and their people belong to us?"

"The leader is so smart!"

The totem warrior finally realized that the leader is the leader, this kind of method can be thought of, although it is a bit destructive, but it is practical!
"But they are not fighting now, what should I do? How about I take someone to stimulate them?"

Chen Bei shook his head and said: "No need, no matter whether they quarrel or not, the result is the same."

If you want to survive in this cruel primitive era, you can't be too shameless, those two ships, Chenbei is going to be ordered!

Chen Bei walked towards the house where the Yu tribe lived, and the soldiers of the Mang tribe along the way hurried out of the way.

When Bibo saw Chen Bei, his face was very ugly, and anyone who was imprisoned for more than ten days felt uncomfortable.

"Chief Chen, you are finally here."

Chen Bei said: "Miss Bibo, don't be angry. The situation is special during this time. Letting you stay here is also for your safety. Those giant sculptures outside are so dangerous."

Bibo said: "Now the people of the Eagle Tribe have also retreated, there is no danger outside, can we go?"

Chen Bei pretended to be surprised and said: "I just communicated with the Blood Vine Tribe to help you find that kind of herbal medicine. Are you leaving now?"

After listening to Chen Bei's words, Bibo actually struggled a little in his heart. After all, if he could find that magical medicine, returning to the tribe would be a great contribution.

However, she can't trust Chen Bei anymore. She used to think that the people of the Mang tribe were all reckless men with simple minds and well-developed limbs. Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Thinking of having left the tribe for two or three months, and thinking that the fish tribe's witch life will not be long, Bibo doesn't want to stay in the Mang tribe for a moment, she must rush back to the fish tribe as soon as possible.

"Thank you, Chief Chen, for your kindness, but I have to go back to the Fish Tribe to do something right now. I'll look for herbs later."

"Well, that's really a pity."

Chen Bei looked regretful, and then he pretended to be casual and said: "By the way, I got a piece of news about the Fish Tribe a while ago, but then I got into a fight with the Eagle Tribe, so I haven't had time to tell you."

"What news?" For some unknown reason, Bibo suddenly became nervous.

"About two months ago, the Fish Tribe announced in the middle that the old witch had passed away and the new witch, Honglin, had officially taken over."


This news, like a bolt from the blue, directly hit Bibo's body, and her body shook a few times before she stabilized.

"It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

After reacting, Bibo let out a hoarse roar, no longer caring about his image.

"The position of the Fish Tribe Witch is mine, mine!"

Bibo pointed at Chen Bei, tremblingly said: "You must be lying to me, right? You must be lying to me!"

Chen Bei said with an innocent face: "What I said is true. The whole central region, including some tribes in the Southern Wilderness, knows it. If you don't believe me, you can ask."

"No..., I don't believe..."

Bibo was finally shocked by the news. She said she didn't believe it, but she already believed it in her heart, because she suddenly thought that the old witch had always favored the red scale. Also a scam.

If this is the case, then everything is over, two months is enough for Red Scale to secure her position as a fish tribe witch, and she has become a complete loser.

The loser will not be sympathized with, even if she returns to the Fish Tribe, those who supported her in the past will no longer support her, and even arrest her and sacrifice her to Red Scale.

"Everyone knows about this. If you don't believe me, I'll find someone to come over for you."

Chen Bei ordered the totem warrior behind him to bring over a warrior from the Eagle tribe who was lucky enough to survive.

When the totem warrior of the eagle tribe fell from the giant eagle, he firmly grasped the neck of the giant eagle. After falling, there was a dense forest and the giant eagle was at the bottom. Take him back as a prisoner.

Soon, the warrior of the Eagle tribe, who was injured all over his body and limped when he walked, was brought over.

Chen Bei said: "Tell her, who is the new witch of the Fish Tribe?"

Because the Eagle Tribe has been doing business in the central and southern regions for a long time, the news is the most well-informed, not to mention that the new witch of the Fish Tribe has already spread the news.

The Eagle Tribe warrior replied honestly, "It's Red Scale."

This answer pierced into Bibo's heart like a knife, making her so uncomfortable that she couldn't breathe.

"Wu, you lied to me!"

Bibo slumped on the ground weakly, she knew that everything was over, and she lost the qualification to return to the Fish Tribe.

There is never a good end for a loser, and she knew this early on, so she tried her best to get rid of Red Scale.

It's a pity, after all, it still fell short and was deceived by the old witch.

Chen Bei waved his hand, and the warrior from the Eagle tribe was taken away.

Chen Bei did not stand, but squatted on the ground, and said to Bibo: "Yu Tribe, it seems that you can't go back, why don't you stay in our Mang Tribe?"

Bibo turned to look at him, and said numbly, "You already knew that, right?"

Chen Bei nodded, now there is no need to deny it.

"You have been in our Mang tribe for a while, and you must have seen the potential of our Mang tribe. Staying in the Mang tribe is now the best choice for you."

"I want a team that can fight on water, and you need a place to display your talents. As long as you do well, the Mang tribe will definitely treat you well. Let's get what we need, how about it?"

Bibo sat on the ground for a while, then said dumbly, "Do I have any other options?"

Chen Bei shook his head and said: "You are a smart person, you should know that staying in the Mang tribe is the best choice now."

Bibo turned his head and looked at Chen Bei with a complicated expression. After a long time, he said: "Boss Chen, you have won."

Bibo has never convinced anyone, even the old witch from the Yu tribe, but now, she has a feeling of admiration for Chenbei.

Chen Bei stretched out his hand to Bibo, pulled her up from the ground, and said, "No one wins or loses, it's all for the tribe."

"For the Horde."

Bibo took advantage of the situation and stood up. From now on, she is no longer a member of the Fish Tribe.

 Thanks to the rudder of this book "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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