Chapter 258 Fishing
The people who escaped from the strongholds of the three tribes rushed to their own tribes non-stop, and the soldiers who took the flying pets arrived first.

Afterwards, the news that the four tribes of the Southern Wilderness besieged the strongholds of the three tribes in the central region quickly spread.

The entire central region was in an uproar. No one expected that apart from the Mang tribe and the weird Bloodvine tribe, other tribes in the Southern Wilderness would dare to attack the large tribes in the central region.

"These people from the Southern Wilderness are completely out of order!"

"We must make them pay the price and kill these savages!"

"That's right, go to the Southern Wilderness and turn all those savages into slaves!"


The young people from the big tribes in the central area clamored one after another, wishing they could immediately fight to the Southern Wilderness and wipe out those natives.

However, the big shots of the three major tribes were not so optimistic. They knew very well that they had no advantage in the strange and dangerous southern wilderness.

Unless a large tribe made up their minds to bring the Totem Shenju clan into the Southern Wilderness, it would be possible to gain some advantage.

However, no tribe dares to make this decision at this stage, and winter has come, no matter what action is taken, it can only wait for next year.


By the Lobster River, Chen Bei was holding a thick animal skin rope with his bare hands, a large piece of raw deer leg was tied to one end of the animal skin rope, and a large fishhook made of animal bone was worn inside the venison.

It was afternoon, the warmest time of the day in winter.


Chen Bei threw the bloody deer leg into the river bend, then wrapped the animal skin rope around his hands twice, and tied a knot.

After throwing the deer legs, Chen Bei sat on a big rock and waited patiently.

A few days ago, the fishing team found a big fish here, but cast the net several times to no avail.

A member of a fishing team tried to catch this big fish with a fat gray fur rabbit, but an accident happened.

The strength of this big fish was stronger than expected. If the rope hadn't broken, it would have almost dragged the member of the fishing team into the water.

The matter reached Chen Bei's ears, and Chen Bei planned to come and catch this big fish himself.

Just as the winter sacrifice is approaching, this big fish is a good sacrifice.

Today's weather is good, the sun is shining brightly, the sun is warm on people's body, and the wind is not too strong, which is a rare enjoyment in winter.

Suddenly, Chen Bei felt a pulling force from the animal skin rope in his hand. He slowly pulled it up. When he pulled it to the surface of the water, he found that it was just two small carnivorous fish, less than a foot long.

"If the big fish is not caught, you will bite the hook first."

Chen Bei pulled the deer leg to the surface of the water, the two carnivorous fish were frightened, immediately let go of their mouths, fell into the water, and slipped away.

Chen Bei threw the deer leg into the water again, this time the rope was longer, the deeper the bait was placed, the fewer small fishes there would be.

This time, he waited for a long time, but there was no movement of the bait, as if there were no fish below.

Chen Bei was bored in every possible way, took out some dried meat from the animal skin bag he carried with him, chewed it slowly, and passed the boring time.

Just when he was bored, suddenly, the animal skin rope in his hand stretched instantly, and at the same time, a huge pulling force came from the water.


Chen Bei stood up, held the animal skin rope with both hands, and slowly pulled it up.

The animal skin rope was stretched straight, making splashes in the water. If it wasn't thick enough and tough enough, it might not be able to withstand it now.

"It's really fierce!"

Chen Bei became a little excited, relying on his physical strength alone, it was already a bit difficult to hold this big fish.

He started to use the power of the totem, and the totem lines first appeared on his face, followed by his neck, arms, and chest.

Chenbei's totem pattern is different from other people in the Mang tribe, because he is a demigod warrior, in addition to the power given by the totem god, he also has half of his own power.

The totem pattern of the Mang tribe's totem god is fiery red, while Chenbei's own power is dark red, similar to black.

The two totem patterns are intertwined, but they are distinct.


As the animal skin rope continued to shrink, the black shadow of the big fish gradually appeared on the water surface, and it quickly swam back and forth on the water surface, causing waves of spray.

This big fish is really astonishingly big. It is five or six meters long, weighs in tons, has an oval head, and a streamlined body. Its speed in the water is terrifying.

"No wonder even low-level totem fighters can't pull up, what a big guy."

Chen Bei became a little excited. There is nothing more satisfying than meeting a big fish while fishing.

Of course, one's own strength and whether the fishing line is strong enough are also very important.

If it wasn't for Chen Bei, even an intermediate totem warrior might not be able to pull this big fish up.

If the animal skin rope he had chosen was not thick enough and strong enough, the big fish would have already torn the rope and escaped.

"Get up!"

The two-color totem patterns on Chenbei's arms lit up, and then, when the big fish was swimming to the nearest, he pulled it suddenly, and the head of the big fish was immediately pulled out of the water.

Chen Bei retreated while pulling, the big fish struggled frantically, its tail slapped the water surface, causing waves, but it didn't help.

After leaving the water, no matter how hard the big fish struggled, it was unable to display its ability in the water, so Chen Bei successfully pulled it to the shore.

"Look, the leader has caught a big fish!"

The movement from Chenbei's side had already attracted the fishing team not far away. Seeing Chenbei pulling up the big fish, many people gathered around.

This is a big catfish-like fish, scary big, with a huge mouth that is constantly opening and closing, and there are two rows of fine and sharp teeth in the mouth.

"Such a big fish can swallow a person in one bite, right?"

"The leader is so powerful, he can pull up such a big fish with bare hands."

"That's right, he is indeed the leader of our Mang tribe."


Chen Bei was very satisfied with this big fish. The sacrifices used for sacrifices had to be this big. The totem gods of the Mang tribe liked big guys.

"Stop watching, just carry it back with a fishing net, keep it in the pond first, and sacrifice it to the totem god in a few days"


The soldiers of the fishing team happily found a large net, put the huge fish in it, then found a few thick poles, made a simple frame, and carried the big fish into the tribe.

Along the way, this fish attracted everyone's attention, and many people came to see it, amazed by it.

Only the fighters of the Fish Tribe didn't feel much about it, because they had been fishing for generations. Although such a big fish was rare, it was not unheard of.

One of the fish tribe fighters said: "What is this? In our fish tribe, there is a house that is supported by a whole fish bone. That is called a big fish. I heard from the old man that there are even bigger fish in the depths of the river." A fish is bigger than a boat."

The people next to him didn't believe it, thinking he was bragging, because none of them had seen it.

But Chen Bei believed it, because he knew that there were many fish bigger than houses in the sea, and naturally there were fish in big rivers.

Chen Bei personally took off the hook from the big fish, and put it into the pond, and asked Hongye to send someone to patrol here, not allowing the children of the tribe to approach.

The children in the tribe are very wild and very curious. If they go to the pond to see the fish and are eaten by a big fish, it will be a tragedy.

After setting up the big fish, Chen Bei took the hunting team into the mountain again and captured some ferocious animals as sacrifices.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and one day after the winter, the cold wind howled all night, and then, goose feather snow fell down.

The seventh sacrifice of the Mang tribe is about to begin.

 Thank you for the 10500 book coins rewarded by the leader of this book, "Food Panda". Thank you for your strong support, and I will add an update for you tomorrow.

  Thank you for the 500 book coins rewarded by "Huang Aide", the rudder of this book, and thank you for your continuous support for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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