The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 274 Rapid Expansion

Chapter 274 Rapid Expansion (Congratulations to book friend "Huang Aide" for becoming the book master)
The leader of the ape tribe was in a hurry and didn't even intend to sit down with the Mang tribe for a detailed discussion.

Because the journey from the southern wilderness to the central part is too far away, and the ape tribe doesn't have flying mounts, so it takes two or three months to go back and forth.

Chen Bei thought about the pros and cons carefully, and then said to him: "If you want to migrate, you have to go out of the central part by yourself. It is impossible for us to take the risk of going deep into the central part to meet you."

The reason why the Butterfly Tribe went so smoothly was because they were originally close to the Southern Wilderness, and the other tribes didn't know about it beforehand.

But if the Mang tribe swaggered into the central region to protect the ape tribe's southward migration, then the enemies of the Mang tribe would definitely not let them pass like this.

The Mang tribe is not invincible to the extent that others dare not move.

"Go to the Southern Wilderness by myself..."

The leader of the ape tribe had an ugly expression on his face, but he also knew that Chen Bei was telling the truth. The Mang tribe had too many enemies, and they were all powerful.

After a long time, the leader of the Ape Tribe gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! We will walk out of the central region by ourselves, but when we reach the Southern Wilderness, the Mang Tribe must protect us."

Chen Bei nodded solemnly, and said: "Don't worry, I swear to the Rhinoceros God, as long as you can go to the Southern Wilderness, you will leave your safety to our Mang tribe."

Swearing to the totem god is the most reliable thing for tribal people, because every tribe has a totem god.

Sure enough, upon hearing Chen Bei's words, the face of the leader of the ape tribe eased a lot.

"Then it's settled, Chief Chen, I'll go back now and let the tribe prepare to move south!"

After the leader of the ape tribe said this, he turned around and was about to return to the central part with the dozen or so warriors of the ape tribe.

"and many more!"

Chen Bei stopped him.

"Is Chief Chen still doing something?"

Chen Bei said: "You are walking too slowly, I will send you a flamingo for a ride, and I will give you some dried meat to eat on the way."

"Great, thank you, Chief Chen."

Soon, Chenbei asked the Red Crane Team to come over, and gave more than 100 catties of dried meat to the people of the Ape Tribe, which is very generous.

To be on the safe side, Chenbei directly sent Lie to follow the flamingo team. Lie is a high-level totem warrior, and he can handle any unexpected situations.

Soon, a dozen flamingos took off amidst the strange screams of the people from the Ape Tribe, and the warriors from the Ape Tribe who had never been to the sky were so frightened that they dared not move, so they could only hold onto the feathers of the flamingos tightly. .

After flying for a long time, the flamingoes landed to rest, and the legs of these ape tribe fighters were still weak.

The leader of the ape tribe took a piece of jerky and stuffed it into his mouth, wanting to eat something to calm his shock.

After the jerky was in his mouth, a salty taste permeated his mouth. It was the taste of salt.

The leader of the ape tribe's eyes widened. He turned his head and looked at the more than 100 catties of dried meat sent by the Mang tribe, and sighed: "The Mang tribe is too generous!"

The soldiers of the Mang tribe did not speak, but their faces were very proud. The Mang tribe is powerful, and these fighters also have a bright face.


Ten days later, the entire tribe of the ape tribe migrated. Their totem god was a giant ape, and his strength was considered strong among the totem gods of the small tribes. They cleared all the obstacles along the way and finally came to the edge of the southern wilderness.


A flamingo hovered in the sky, and it was easy to spot the people of the Ape Tribe, because there were more than 3000 of them.


The totem warrior on the back of the flamingo blew the bone whistle, and the sound of the bone whistle echoed throughout the forest.

"What is he doing?"

A member of the ape tribe asked suspiciously.

"Maybe, you are calling your companions?"

The person next to him replied with some doubts.

They didn't have doubts for too long, because the answer was quickly given over there.


One after another flamingoes suddenly flew up from the forest, spreading their wings and soaring. Each flamingo carried two warriors from the Mang tribe on its back.

In the end, more than 30 flamingos circled continuously in the air, and their huge figures were like burning flames, making the nearby birds dare not approach.


In the forest, there was the roar of a rhinoceros, and then one after another, warriors from the Mang tribe also appeared. The leader was riding a rhinoceros, holding a sharp harpoon, tall and powerful.

He is the captain of the fishing team of the Lie Mang tribe and one of the three high-level totem fighters.

More than 200 warriors of the Mang tribe stand on both sides of him, each of them has bright totem patterns on their faces, and their aura is very strong.

Lie rode a rhino to the front and shouted loudly to the people of the Ape Tribe: "Mang Tribe, Lie, under the order of the leader, come to meet the brothers of the Ape Tribe."

The members of the ape tribe were shocked.

Although the Mang Tribe has only over 200 people, their aura is too strong, their weapons and equipment are neat and tidy, and their totem aura is very strong.

Especially Lie who was riding a rhino, and even the totem god of the ape tribe felt some threat.

At this time, all members of the ape tribe have a consensus that the Mang tribe is far stronger than they imagined!
The leader of the ape tribe was stunned for a while, and then responded: "The Mang tribe really keeps its promise. When our ape tribe settles down, we must thank you very much."

Lie laughed loudly and said, "Okay, then it's settled!"

"set off!"

With an order from Lie, more than 200 totem warriors of the Mang tribe opened the way ahead. In the sky, flamingoes circled and flew continuously, leading more than 3000 people of the Ape tribe across the southern wasteland, heading towards the Mang tribe.

Along the way, no matter which tribe they were from, after seeing the warriors of the Mang tribe, they retreated one after another, and then hid on the edge and talked a lot.

"The Mang tribe just accepted a subordinate tribe not long ago, is it going to accept another one now?"

"This tribe is much stronger than the previous one!"

"Look at that giant ape, it's the totem god of this tribe, it's so tall and big, it's much scarier than that butterfly."

In the distance, several giant eagles flew by, and they also saw this scene.

The faces of the eagle tribe warriors on the giant eagle's back turned black.

"The Mang tribe is too arrogant, and they brought another tribe to the Southern Wilderness. This is not taking our Diao tribe seriously!"

"That's right. In the past, whenever a tribe entered the Southern Wilderness, which one didn't seek the protection of our Diao tribe? Now it's good, it's all cheap for the Mang tribe."

"Don't worry, the leader said, we must let them taste the power of our eagle tribe in the future!"

"At that time, roast all those big red birds, stew their rhinos, and capture all the people of the Mang tribe as slaves!"

"That's right, just wait, sooner or later there will be such a day, hum!"

These eagle tribe warriors finished their mouth addiction, glared at that side with hatred, and then flew away on the giant eagle.

It's okay to let them scold, but it's impossible to let them pass.

Don't you see those flamingos staring at them?The past will be beaten!


A month later, the Yuan tribe successfully settled down in the southwest of the Mang tribe, and became neighbors with the Butterfly tribe.

The addition of the Butterfly Tribe and the Ape Tribe made the Mang Tribe more influential.

Many small tribes in Wangfengnanhuang saw that these two tribes had a good life after joining the Mang tribe, and they also came to see Chenbei one after another, wanting to become affiliated tribes of the Mang tribe.

For these tribes, Chenbei did not accept all of them, he only chose those with stronger strength and useful to the Mang tribe.

As for those small tribes who wanted to come to gain benefits, Chen Bei rejected them all.

The Mang tribe is not a philanthropist, and will not allow moths to lie on their bodies and suck blood.

 Thanks to the book hall master "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

  Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by the elder of this book "Hunyuan Emperor".

  Thanks for the 100 book coins rewarded by the book friend "喜兰".

  Thanks to "book friend 20191103183000853" for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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