The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 288 I'm Falling In Love With Your Stones

Chapter 288 I'm Falling In Love With Your Stones

Chen Bei and others waited outside the bamboo forest for four days before the leader of the bamboo rat tribe returned with fifty totem warriors.

"Why is there a new bamboo house in front of it? It doesn't look like it was made by our tribe. Could it be that there are foreign enemies invading?"

When Ju Ya just returned, he was taken aback, thinking that someone was planning to attack the Bamboo Rat Tribe.

"Go back out of the hole."

Ju Fang found a stone engraved with totem patterns, and pushed aside a clump of lush grass behind the stone, revealing a dark hole.

With a bag of salt on his back, Jufang entered the cave first, and other warriors followed quietly. They were very careful and did not make any noise.

After entering the earth cave, the person at the back stroked the weeds again, and it was impossible to see them without looking carefully.

They are familiar with the road in the soil hole, and they can walk in the dark.

The soil hole was very narrow at the beginning, but it got wider and wider, and there was a ventilation hole every other way, and there was light shining down, but it would not be completely dark.

When we reached a big hole, a voice suddenly came from the front and asked, "Stop, who is it?"

A warrior from the Bamboo Rat tribe aimed at this side with a bamboo bow. Because of Chen Bei and others, the Bamboo Rat Tribe was very vigilant.

"Put it down, it's me!"

The giant tooth came out from the darkness, and the warriors of the bamboo rat tribe breathed a sigh of relief.

"Leader, you are back. There are a few people outside, and they have been waiting for you for four days. One of them is said to be the leader of the Mang tribe."

"What? The leader of the Mang tribe is here?"

Ju Ya put down the salt bag and said, "Don't misunderstand, you are sure he is the leader of the Mang tribe?"

At this time, the witch from the Bamboo Rat Tribe came over. He was a thin old man with a long beard and tattoos of the Bamboo Rat Tribe's totems all over his body.

"That person is so powerful that even the Bamboo Rat God feels a huge threat. He should be the leader of the big tribe."

Ju Ya frowned and said, "What is he doing in our tribe? Does he want to take the salt back?"

Wu asked curiously, "How much salt did you bring back when you went out this time?"

Juya said honestly: "Two hundred catties!"

"Oh, two hundred..." Wu stroked his beard. He had just spoken, but he suddenly realized that he subconsciously pulled his beard violently. His tone changed, and he said, "How much?"

Ju Ya chuckled and said, "Two hundred catties of salt!"

"Two... two hundred catties, my God!"

The witch eyes of the Bamboo Rat Tribe were about to fall off, and then he yelled sadly: "God damn Eagle Tribe, how much salt has been cheated on us before!"

Ju Ya also said indignantly: "That's right, the Eagle Tribe is too deceitful, and I won't do business with them in the future."

The Bamboo Rat Tribal Witch's mind turned faster, and he immediately said: "You said just now that the Mang Tribe wanted to take the salt back? I don't think so."

"How to say?" Ju Fang looked at Wu, waiting for him to explain.

Wu stroked his beard and said, "If you want to rob, it's not in our tribe. You just left the Mang tribe, and they should start."

"With the strength of the Mang tribe, you have no room to fight back, and they can't afford to run so far to come here."

Juya asked puzzled, "Then what are they doing here?"

"You just go out and ask, don't you know?"

"That's right. I'll go out and ask right away. If this is the leader of the Mang tribe, if he has no malicious intentions, we can't neglect him."

Wu Dao of the Bamboo Rat Tribe: "Don't worry, I've sent them bamboo worms over the past few days, it's not a neglect."

Juya nodded reassuringly when he heard Wu's words, "Bamboo worm, that's the food that the bamboo rat tribe entertains distinguished guests."

Ju Fang put the salt away properly, and hurried outside.

He went through a series of earth holes, and then got out from the corner of the bamboo house.

The soldiers who stayed in the bamboo house finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the giant tooth. The leader finally came back. If he didn't come back, they didn't know what to do.

Giant Fang asked the soldiers who stayed behind: "Is there any strange behavior by the people over there?"

"No, apart from hunting, they usually spend time next to the bamboo house."

Ju Ya asked nervously again: "Have they eaten the bamboo rat?"


"Huh, that's fine."

For the bamboo rat tribe, those big bamboo rats are not just as simple as war pets, they are also friends.

If the people of the Mang tribe beat and ate the bamboo rats in the bamboo forest without any scruples, it means that they have no respect for the bamboo rat tribe at all.

"You come with me."

Giant Fang called two warriors to follow behind, then patted the dust on his body, tidied up the animal skin clothes and bone ornaments, and then pushed open the door of the bamboo house.

They approached carefully the bamboo house where Chen Bei and the others lived. Outside the bamboo house, the soldiers of the Mang tribe immediately told Chen Bei the situation.

"Finally back, go, go out and have a look."

Chen Bei walked out with Hong Hua and others, and Bai Ya followed beside him, he was getting impatient for a long time.

Walking to the door, Chen Bei immediately saw the leader of the Bamboo Rat Tribe walking slowly with two soldiers, the two front teeth were particularly conspicuous.

"I'm the leader of the Bamboo Rat Tribe, Jufang. Your honored guest has been waiting for a long time."

Ju Ya recognized the leader of the Mang tribe almost immediately, because Chen Bei was the strongest, even if he didn't deliberately target them, he would still put a lot of pressure on him.

Chen Bei smiled and said, "Mang Tribe, Chen."

Ju Ya looked at Chen Bei carefully with those small eyes. First, he was surprised at Chen Bei's age and strength as usual, then observed Chen Bei's clothes and accessories, and found that he was exactly the same as the people of the Mang tribe.

The clothes and accessories of the Mang tribe are very distinctive, completely different from other tribes, and can be easily recognized.

First of all, the animal fur clothing of the Mang tribe has buttons, and the buttons are polished from animal bones, which are very smooth and beautiful.

Secondly, the animal fur clothing of the Mang tribe has a large pocket on each side, which is also the characteristic of the Mang tribe. The animal fur clothing of any other tribe has no pockets.

"I heard that Chief Chen has been waiting here for several days, I'm really sorry." Ju Ya first apologized.

"It's okay, the scenery here is very beautiful, just treat it as a few days here."

Ju Ya asked again: "Chief Chen came to our Bamboo Rat Tribe not just for fun, right?"

"Of course not, I won't play tricks with you either, I've taken a fancy to your rocks."

Ju Ya's heart tightened, and he almost wanted to turn around and run away. Could it be that Chen Bei wants to snatch the stones from their tribe? What should we do?

Chen Bei saw what Ju Ya was thinking at a glance, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't rob you, I'm here to negotiate a deal with you."

"Phew!" Ju Ya heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't just come over to grab it.

Chen Bei glanced at Bai Fang indiscriminately. In fact, he didn't really want to let the Xiang tribe know about the coal, but he couldn't drive Bai Fang away.

He thought about it carefully, and with the prudence of the bamboo rat tribe, even if the elephant tribe came to grab coal, they could hide.

And if the Elephant Tribe came to trade, then in terms of price, it would definitely not be able to compete with the Mang Tribe.

The last important reason is that the elephant tribe has a lot of peat, which is also their main fuel. Maybe the coal reserves near their tribe are even greater!

Thinking of this, Chen Bei felt relieved. He took out a piece of black coal from the animal skin bag, and said, "You gave this to our Mang tribe, isn't it good? Our Mang tribe is very interested in it."

"Carbon? Do you want charcoal? Can it be traded?"

Juya suddenly became excited. In the past, although the bamboo rat tribe regarded coal as a treasure, other tribes didn't want it at all. The smell was too strong, so it was better to burn firewood.

They couldn't trade coal, they had to burn it themselves.

Now Chenbei said he was interested in coal, how could he not be excited?

(End of this chapter)

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