The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 303 The Leader Is Mine

Chapter 303 The Leader Is Mine

Chen Bei returned to the side of the altar. After experiencing what happened just now, he realized that he had to become stronger, otherwise he would have no room to resist against other totem gods. It would be too miserable.

But this kind of thing can't be rushed, and at this level, the totem god can't help him too much, he can only rely on himself.

The sacrifice continued.

After the breakthrough of the totem god, both the state and the mood are very good, and then comes the most concerned part of the tribe, which is the new warrior awakening ceremony.

The awakening of new fighters is related to whether the strength of the entire tribe can be raised to another level, that is, to truly become a big tribe!
Qingzhu stood on the altar, bowed down to the totem god Yingying, and said: "Please ask the rhinoceros god to awaken the power of the totem for the new warriors of the tribe."

This time, there were five thousand unawakened warriors on an unprecedentedly large scale. They had already painted totem patterns on their faces, and they all stood in front of the altar in an orderly manner, waiting excitedly for their awakening.

On the altar, the flame rhinoceros nodded, then opened its mouth and sprayed, a large piece of divine fire turned into a sea of ​​flames, covering all these unawakened warriors.

Their blood gradually boiled, and some people's faces quickly showed the totem lines of the Mang tribe, while others were a little slower. This is a matter of talent.

"I'm awake, haha, I'm awake!"

In the sea of ​​flames, a soldier wept with joy. He joined the Mang Tribe as a tourist. It has been two years. In order to become a member of the Mang Tribe, he works hard every day.

Now, he finally got his wish and joined the Mang tribe, and even awakened as a totem warrior, the excitement in his heart can be imagined.

There are many, many people like him who laughed or cried and danced in the sea of ​​fire.

But at this moment, no one laughed at them, and those who were not qualified to participate in the awakening ceremony were full of envy.

This time the awakening ceremony lasted for a long time, because there were too many people, if the totem god hadn't broken through, they really couldn't stand it.

After the awakening ceremony, Qing Zhu bowed again and said:

"Please God of Rhinoceros descend the divine fire to purify all the filth in the tribe!"


The size of the flame rhino became bigger again, as huge as a mountain, and then it opened its mouth to spit out divine fire in all directions, enveloping the entire Mang tribe and everything within the city wall.

"Crackling crackling..."

Inside the city wall, all the snakes, insects, rats and ants were burned up and down in an instant, and quickly turned into ashes.

"Oh no……"

There were also a few people with evil intentions who had nowhere to hide under the divine fire, and were burned to the point of screaming, and then turned into charred corpses.

"too frightening!"

The chiefs of the external tribes who came to watch the ceremony looked at each other. The totem gods of their own tribe also had some special skills to find people with bad intentions, but it was definitely not as easy as the totem gods of the Mang tribe.

Turning the entire tribe into a sea of ​​flames in such a wide area, how powerful would it take to support it?
They are very fortunate that they are friends of the Mang tribe, not enemies.

After burning the fire, the flame rhinoceros was obviously a little tired. According to past habits, the sacrificial ceremony ended here, and he was going to go back to sleep in the magma for a while to accumulate divine power.

"Rhino God, wait a moment!"

Just when the flame rhino became smaller again and wanted to return to the magma below the altar, Chen Bei stopped him.

The Flaming Rhino turned its head and looked at Chen Bei suspiciously.

Chen Bei looked around in the crowd, and then brought Green Spider, Bibo, and those warriors who originally belonged to the Fish Tribe to the altar.

"Rhino God, they were originally captives. After their own efforts, they have already qualified to join the Mang Tribe. Please ask Rhino God to wash away the imprint of the original tribe for them and truly become members of our Mang Tribe."

There are hundreds of such people, and more than 200 have passed the assessment.

"Yes, but I need to devour some more sacrifices because I don't have enough divine power now."

Flame Rhino agreed happily, but he just attacked the totem god of the Eagle tribe, awakened so many totem warriors, and purified the tribe with divine fire, so his divine power was no longer enough.

Chen Bei glanced at the crowd and found Lao Lu, the captain of the breeding team.

"Old Lu, take someone to prepare another sacrifice right away."


The old deer hastily led people to look for sacrifices, they were all bred, as long as they were caught.

The flame rhinoceros stood above the altar, closed its eyes, and waited slowly.

Down below, the green spider looked at Chen Bei gratefully. In order to make them members of the Mang tribe, Chen Bei not only stopped the totem god, but also spent another sacrifice. It is really a blessing to meet such a leader matter.

She was already thinking about how to repay Chen Bei, or wash herself clean and go to his bed?

But Bibo poked Green Spider's waist, and said in a very low voice: "The leader is mine."

The green spider snorted coldly, glanced at Bibo, and said in a low voice, "You're dreaming!"

"You married several men and killed them, you are unclean." Bibo attacked the past of the green spider.

"You've hooked up with many men in the fish tribe, and you're not going anywhere." The green spider confronted her.

The two stared at each other, then turned their heads away, neither of them convinced.

They thought their voices were already very low, but they didn't know that Chen Bei, who was in the demigod realm, had very keen senses and heard everything they said clearly.

The corner of Chen Bei's mouth couldn't help twitching. These two women are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they must not be allowed to work together in the future.

On the altar, the Totem God also gave Chen Bei a half-smile and found it very interesting.

For this, Chen Bei could only respond with a wry smile, and there was no way to explain this matter, the more he explained, the more he seemed to want to cover up.

Fortunately, the embarrassment didn't last long, and soon the old deer came with the second sacrifice.

Bison, triangular green sheep, giant-horned deer, wild boar, colorful pheasant, red duck, etc., some of each kind of livestock were caught and placed in front of the altar.

"Invite the Rhino God to enjoy the sacrifice."

The flame rhinoceros opened its mouth and inhaled, swallowed all the sacrifices into its belly, quickly transformed them into divine power, and then opened its mouth to spit out, a large piece of divine fire engulfed the more than 200 people.


These people let out screams. In their bodies, the power belonging to the original tribe, as well as the totem patterns of the original tribe, etc., were directly burned to clean by the pervasive flames. This process was very painful.

Some people rolled around in pain, screaming heart-piercingly, and some even fainted from the pain.

Only Bibo and Green Spider knelt on the ground with gritted teeth. Although they were trembling all over, they didn't cry out or fall down.

These two women are ruthless to others and ruthless to themselves, and they compete with each other.

Time passed by every minute and every second. In the end, the imprints of the original tribe in the bodies of these 200 people were all washed away, the power of the totem disappeared, and most of them passed out.

The Flaming Rhinoceros said to Chen Bei: "They are too weak now to awaken the power of the Mang Tribe's totem immediately, and they will only awaken next year."

"Thanks to the Rhinoceros." Chen Bei saluted the Flame Rhino seriously.

The flame rhino quickly shrank, and then returned to the altar, and the sacrificial ceremony ended here.

Chen Bei walked up to Green Spider and Bibo who were still holding on, and said, "From today onwards, you are the real members of the Mang tribe."


The two breathed a sigh of relief, and then almost passed out together. It was already the limit to be able to stay awake until the end.

Chen Bei gave a wry smile, and then arranged for people to send these fainted people back to rest.

The sacrificial ceremony ended perfectly.

 Thanks to "book friend 20200127222548900" for the reward of 500 book coins.

  Thank you for the 200 book coins rewarded by the elder of this book "Hunyuan Emperor".

(End of this chapter)

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