The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 310 Natural Tin Ore

Chapter 310 Natural Tin Ore

Shanluo got rid of the fate of being a slave, but he wanted to go to the southern wilderness, and there were still many dangers. It was not an easy task to get there alive.

And the Mang tribe he longed for was experiencing a major event at this time.

The footsteps of the soldiers of the Mang tribe to open up wasteland in winter are really too fast. There are more than 5000 totem warriors, this is an extremely powerful force, and they have opened up all the land adjacent to the Mang tribe.

So that in the end, they also went to open up wasteland on those lands that were not very smooth, rocky, and relatively barren.

On this day, the new totem warriors of the Mang tribe were digging the soil with great difficulty. Suddenly, a warrior's stone hoe dug a strange stone.

After the stone was dug up by a stone hoe, a gap was dug on the surface, revealing a silver-white section.

"Hey, what is this?"

The soldier thought he had dug some treasure. After all, the stone looked unusual, and the cross-section reflected light.

However, he picked it up to have a look, but was very disappointed, because this kind of stone is too soft, although it looks good, it is useless.

Tribal people like hard stones. The harder they are, the higher the grade. For example, top-grade stones are almost all kinds of gemstones with extremely high hardness. After making tools, they are not easy to wear and are very sharp.

A soft stone like this is almost useless because it can't be used as a tool.

The warrior threw the stone away and continued to reclaim the wasteland.

Later, he discovered that this area was full of such stones. The small ones were only as big as a thumb, but the large ones weighed dozens of catties.

Other warriors also dug up this kind of stone one after another. They threw all the stones aside, piled them up in a big pile, and then turned the soil over.

One of the warriors said: "There are too many stones in this place, it seems that they can only be used for planting trees."

Another soldier said: "It is also good to plant some fruit trees, dig them quickly."

Everyone continued to dig, and when they encountered that kind of stone, they all piled up together, and finally they piled up into a small mountain.

In the afternoon, Chenbei would go around the tribe as usual, and would also come over to boost the morale of these pioneers.

After all, land reclamation is a major event related to the next year's production. Although the land reclamation in winter is mainly to temper these totem warriors, it is undeniable that a large part of the fields that the Mang tribe increases every year are opened up by these warriors.

After Chen Bei walked around the tribe, he came to the west of the Mang tribe. There are not many totem warriors here to reclaim the wasteland, because there is relatively little flat land, and only more than 200 people are busy here.

"The leader is here!"

As soon as those soldiers saw Chen Bei coming, they all became more energetic, and everyone wanted to perform well in front of Chen Bei.

After all, those who perform well can join the various brigades of the tribe in advance, while those who perform poorly can only continue to cultivate wasteland.

Chen Bei walked to the side of the wasteland, with a smile on his face, he said: "Everyone has worked hard."

A more clever warrior shouted: "Working for the tribe, it's not hard!"

When Chen Bei heard this, he glanced at the soldier several times. This guy is very good at answering questions.

When the soldier saw Chen Bei look over, the totem pattern on his body became more obvious, and he dug harder.

Chen Bei looked around and was very satisfied with their performance. After tempering, they have been able to control the totem power in their bodies very well, and they are more experienced in how to break through solid ice and frozen soil. Start doing that.

Soon, he was attracted by the large pile of stones.

Some snowflakes fell on the stones, which were not very conspicuous, but Chen Bei saw a gap in one of the stones, reflecting silvery white light.

"Huh? What kind of stone is this?"

Chen Bei walked over, picked up a piece, and broke it with force, directly breaking the stone.

The cross-section is silvery white, reflecting the light, and looks very beautiful, but it is different from silver, which is bright white, but this kind of stone is black on the outside, and the cross-section is dark silvery white.

A soldier next to him said: "Boss, there are many such stones in this field. Although they are beautiful, they are too soft and useless, so they cannot be used as stone tools."

The other warriors also nodded. It is common sense that stones with high hardness are needed to make stone tools. Soft stones are useless no matter how beautiful they are.

However, Chen Bei said excitedly: "Who said it must be used to make stone tools? You have made great achievements!"

"Contributing meritorious service?"

The nearby warriors were a little confused, and some smart people realized that this kind of stone might be more valuable than they thought, and it wasn't waste rock.

"Chief, is this some kind of treasure?"

Chen Bei said cheerfully: "For other tribes, this is a waste stone. It can't polish stone tools and is useless, but for me, this is really a treasure!"

"This is natural tin ore that can be used to make beautiful pewter!"

In the place where Chenbei lived in his previous life, there was a mining area with many types of minerals. His parents had dug in the mine, and he had also helped out.

Other ores are more difficult to identify because there are too many types, but tin ore is very easy to identify because it is relatively large and the natural ore is of high purity.

Tin ore is not particularly valuable, unlike tungsten ore, which is very valuable, so the tin ore that is dug up occasionally is not used, it is used as a toy by Chen Bei, and it is smashed into different shapes with stones.

Because of this, he was able to recognize this thing at a glance.

"Pewter? Rare?"

The land reclamation warrior scratched his head, not quite understanding what Chen Bei was talking about.

Chen Bei didn't bother to care about their bewildered looks, he was very excited now.

Tin is a metal that is very easy to smelt. It has a low melting point, is very soft, and has good ductility.

Most importantly, this metal is non-toxic to the human body!
Tin can be used to make a series of utensils such as exquisite vases, kettles, bowls, and saucers relatively easily.

In human history, tin should be the earliest metal used to make utensils, earlier than bronze.

Because of knowing this, Chenbei was very excited about the discovery of a tin mine near the tribe.

This meant that the Mang tribe could make real metal utensils instead of brittle pottery, or heavy stone, less durable wood.

When Chen Bei was young, there was a jug used to hold water, a wine jug, and some cups at home. They were all made of tin. After decades of use, there was only slight deformation. After repairing, they looked like new. the same.

Thinking of this, Chen Bei became even more excited as he held the tin ore.

"Come here and move all these stones back to the tribe."

Chenbei called ten stronger warriors to move these natural tin ore to the tribe bit by bit in rattan baskets.

And the remaining people, after realizing that this kind of stone is very important, dug harder. They used to open up wasteland, but now they mainly dig tin ore.

Soon, people in the tribe noticed that the leader had moved piles of strange stones outside the pottery workshop, and asked the people in the pottery workshop to make a small blast furnace to try to smelt these "stones".

(End of this chapter)

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