The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 318 The person who came from the middle

Chapter 318 The person who came from the middle
In the ninth year of the Mang tribe's establishment, it is the beginning of the third month of spring.

On this day, a thin man in ragged clothes appeared in front of the city wall of the Mang tribe.

When he saw the totem pattern above the city gate of the Mang Tribe, he knelt down and cried loudly, out of breath.

Hongye happened to be on patrol with the guards, and frowned when she saw this, walked to the two soldiers who were in charge of guarding the city gate, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

The soldier guarding the city gate also replied with a confused face: "We don't know, he started crying when he got here, and no one bullied him."

Hongye had no choice but to walk over by herself. After all, there were so many people coming and going at the gate of the city, most of them were carrying goods. One person was crying in the middle of the road. Not only was it unsightly, but it also hindered others from entering and exiting.

"Which tribe are you from, why are you crying here?"

Hearing Hongye's question, the ragged man finally raised his head and said, "I... I come from the central region. Our tribe is gone. I want to join the Mang tribe."

"Please, let me join the Mang tribe. To get here, I have walked for more than half a year. From winter to spring, it is too difficult to get here alive."

Hongye asked in astonishment: "You came alone?"

The man replied: "At first I was alone, but later I joined several groups of tourists. They encountered danger on the road and all of them died. I was the only one left, and walked all the way here."

Not only Hongye, but also the soldiers of the guards, and the people beside them were all shocked.

This person's luck was so good that he exploded. After walking for more than half a year, all the people around him died, but he managed to find this place alive.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have the power of totem, he is just an ordinary tourist. It is a miracle in itself for a tourist like this to walk from the central part to the southern wilderness alone.

Hongye was dumbfounded for a while before continuing to ask: "What's your name?"

"My name is Shanluo."

Shan Luo wiped away his tears, and after crying, he was not so excited anymore, and he stood up slowly.

Among the slaves who escaped from the jackal tribe, he was the only one who survived in the end. The others were either caught and eaten by the jackal tribe, or they could not survive in the forest after escaping, freezing to death or starving to death.

He walked all the way from the central part to the southern wilderness, the process was extremely difficult, and he went the wrong way many times, and encountered countless dangers.

If it weren't for the support of his beliefs and his astonishing luck, it would be impossible for him to come here alive.

There are many tourists who want to join the Mang tribe every day, but it is the first time Hongye has seen tourists like Shanluo.

The Mang tribe accepts tourists, not to mention talents like Shanluo.

Hongye said cheerfully: "Our Mang tribe never refuses tourists to join, let alone you came so far away."

"However, it is not so easy to really join the Mang tribe."

"The most common sentence our leaders say is 'how much work you do, how much food you eat'. The Mang tribe does not support idlers or idlers. What we need are capable and hard-working people."

The mountain snail chick nodded like pecking rice, and said, "As long as I can join the Mang tribe, I will work hard."

Hong Ye said again: "There is one more thing, that is, you must not do anything that harms the interests of the Mang tribe. You must remember this rule, if you do something wrong, you will die."

Shanluo nodded solemnly. He had worked so hard to get here and paid a high price to join the Mang tribe, so naturally he would not do anything that would harm the interests of the Mang tribe.

"Come with me."

Hongye took the mountain snails and walked along the bank of the moat outside the city wall. The tribe on the bank of the moat close to the city wall was only about one meter wide, and the road was paved with bluestone slabs, allowing only one person to pass through.

They walked a large circle around the city wall, from the north gate to the west gate. Outside the gate, there was a suspension bridge. Once the enemy attacked, the suspension bridge would rise. The enemy had no choice but to swim across the moat.

The tall city walls, beautiful clothes, excellent weapons, everything about the Mang tribe is beyond Shanluo's imagination.

Although in his imagination, the Mang tribe was already very rich, he never expected that it would be so rich, and everything seemed to be different from other tribes.

Shanluo's heart was very excited. At this moment, he felt that as long as he joined the Mang tribe, the suffering he had experienced before would be nothing.

Crossing the suspension bridge, Hongye brought the mountain snails to a large wasteland opened up by the Mang tribe.

Next to the wasteland, a long row of solid wooden houses was built, and thousands of tourists who wanted to join the Mang tribe lived in these wooden houses.

Right now, these tourists are on the wasteland, digging hard, picking up stones and weeds in the ground, and killing some pests by the way.

Shanwen saw a tourist holding a stone hoe. He had never seen this kind of tool before, but it seemed to be very useful for digging.

The tourist shoveled the ground with a hoe, turned the soil over, picked up the small stones and grass roots on it, and also turned out a worm with a milky white front and a black tail.

The tourist skillfully pinched off the black part of the worm's tail, then threw the milky white part into his mouth as if nothing had happened, and smacked his lips after eating, as if the taste was not bad.

Hongye said to Shanluo: "These people, like you, want to join the Mang tribe. They need to work here for the first half of the year. If they perform well, they can join the Mang tribe. If they don't perform well, they can just leave. .”

Shan Luo nodded hastily and said, "I will definitely behave well."

Afterwards, the mountain snail hesitated, and said, "I want to ask, can I only eat bugs when working here?"

Although there are a lot of worms in the field, it is obviously not enough to eat such a hard work.

Hongye smiled and said, "Our Mang tribe never treats the workers badly. Don't worry, we won't let you eat only bugs and other food."

Shanluo breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that the Mang tribe would also treat these tourists as slaves, feeding them only worms and even the corpses of their companions.

With red leaves, he would feel much more comfortable, and he would not have to worry about starving to death.

Hongye led the mountain snail to the Mang tribe warrior in charge of this area, explained to him, and then handed the mountain snail to him.

As the guard captain of the Mang tribe, Hongye is also very busy. She was able to bring the mountain snails here in person because the story of the mountain snails is so legendary. She walked from the central part to the Mang tribe.

For an ordinary tourist, Hongye would at most send a soldier to bring him here, or even just show him the way and let him come here by himself.

After Hongye left, Shan Luo was given a place to live. The wooden house was not dirty or smelly, and it was better than Shan Luo lived in the previous tribe.

Not only that, the place to live is not on the ground, but a wooden bed with something to cover it.

All of this is better than what Shan Luo expected. He has not joined the Mang tribe, and he has such good treatment. What kind of life should the real people of the Mang tribe live?
Shan Luo took a stone hoe and started working in the field like other tourists. Before working, he even ate a red cone.

He is full of expectations for the future.



The mountain snail suddenly dug up a stone, and two ancient characters were engraved on the stone: Monthly ticket!
 I wish everyone a childlike innocence and a happy Children's Day.

(End of this chapter)

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