The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 322 The Tribe by the Sea

Chapter 322 The Tribe by the Sea

The Fish Tribe's fleet has been going south, the climate is getting warmer and the waters are getting more and more, but the population is even less.

Moreover, because these waters are sparsely populated, there are a lot of powerful water animals and big fish.

If it wasn't for the totem god of the fish tribe to clear the way ahead, those water beasts and big fish would directly attack the boat and the people on board.

Fortunately, that giant fish is a great god, and its strength is very strong. Wherever it passes, all the fish, water animals, and even the animals on the shore flee frantically, and they dare not stop it at all, let alone attack it.

In this way, another ten days later, the waters in front suddenly became very wide, and not long after, they saw a blue ocean.

" this...the sea?"

The people of the Fish Tribe were stunned. They have always lived in the inland rivers, they have never traveled so far, and they have never seen the sea.

But people from the Fish Tribe have heard many legends about the sea, and they are all told by people from the Eagle Tribe.

There are giant eagles in the eagle tribe. They will ride giant eagles to travel to various parts of the continent, and their range of activities is very wide.

Some of the eagle tribe fighters happened to fly to the seaside.

When they went to the Fish Tribe to do business, they knew that the Fish Tribe liked to hear stories about water, so they told them about the sea.

According to the people of the Diao tribe, the sea is so big that there is no end in sight, and the fish in the sea are also very big, some are bigger than houses, even bigger than big boats.

The people of the Fish Tribe were skeptical about these things, because they had never seen them before, and they always felt that the people of the Eagle Tribe were bragging.

Until today, they came here and saw the vast sea with their own eyes.


On the surface of the sea, the waves kept hitting the reefs on the coast, making a violent roar, and splashing large pieces of white foam and waves.

There is a special smell from the tip of the nose, which belongs to the smell of the sea. It has a salty smell, a faint fishy smell, and some indescribable smells.

The totem god of the fish tribe circled around the mouth of the sea, and then swam back for a while, then surfaced, and said to Honglin: "This place is very good, and the tribe will settle here in the future."

Honglin said respectfully: "Follow the oracle."

The place chosen by the fish tribe totem is still a freshwater area, but a seawater area, a little bit above the mouth of the sea.

This place has a wide water area and fresh water, which is more suitable for the totem god to live in.

If you swim directly into the sea, it will feel uncomfortable instead. After all, fish that have lived in fresh water for a long time will definitely not be able to adapt to being thrown into the sea.

Another reason for choosing this place is that there is a large area of ​​flat land next to the water area, which can be used for the members of the Yu tribe to build houses and live here.

"From now on, this will be our new home!"

Redscale got off the boat and stood on this strange and vast land. At this moment, she was very excited. The Fish Tribe finally found a new place to live, and it seemed very suitable for the Fish Tribe.

There are large areas of water here, and there are countless fish in the water. Not far away, you can go to sea to catch more fish.

Soon, everyone in the Fish Tribe stopped at the shore and lowered their anchors.

Then, they moved all the things off the ship, and among them, the totem warriors took their weapons and went hunting in the nearby forest to clean up the dangerous beasts.

Others began to cut down trees and build houses.

It is impossible for the people of the fish tribe to live on the boat all the time. They need real houses for them to live in, to shelter them from wind and rain.

Everyone in the Fish Tribe is busy working hard to build a new home.

And the Fish Tribe has also become the first big tribe by the sea. It's really hard to say what they will develop into in the future by relying on the ocean.

But one thing is certain.

This place is more suitable for the fish tribe than the middle part. As long as it goes well, they will definitely develop better than when they were in the middle part.


While the Yu Tribe was busy building, the Mang Tribe was also very busy.

"How many little flamingos have hatched this year?"

Chenbei was at the place where the flamingos were raised, and asked Honghua about the situation of the newly born flamingos this year.

"Last year, there were 75 flamingos in our tribe, and 28 of them were born last year. This year, 72 female cranes laid eggs. A total of [-] eggs were laid, and [-] eggs were successfully hatched."

"In other words, we have a total of 140 seven flamingos this year."

Safflower is very familiar with the number of flamingos, not because she is good at counting, but because she counts the number of flamingos and eggs every day.

"Seven of 140, even if a few died halfway, there are more than 100 flamingos, not bad."

Chen Bei was very satisfied with this. The reproduction speed of the flamingo was not slow. The female crane gave birth every year. A female crane laid three to five eggs, and most of them could successfully hatch.

If this continues, within a few years, the number of flamingos in the Mang tribe will be very large, and by then, they will not be weaker than the flying war pets of other tribes.

If, like those rhinos, it takes eighteen months to conceive once, and it takes a certain period of time to conceive again after giving birth, it will take a long time for the population to expand.

What the Mang tribe lacks now is time, with so many enemies around, Chenbei has no time to wait slowly.

The rapid expansion of the flamingo population gave Chenbei a certain amount of confidence. In the future, the Mang tribe would never be besieged with flying war pets, but they would be powerless to resist.

"Since the number of flamingoes has increased, the number of fighters in the flamingo team must also increase. You had fifty fighters before, and I will add another hundred for you."

Hong Hua smiled and said, "That's great, I'm worried about not having enough staff."

Chen Bei said: "Don't be afraid of lack of manpower. The tribe will add a large number of totem fighters every year. As long as there are enough flamingos, I will definitely assign enough fighters to you."

Chen Bei personally fed the little flamingos again. Although these little guys were not born for a long time, they have very long legs, run fast and eat a lot.

Chen Bei stayed in the breeding area for a while, and then went to the pottery workshop.

Today's pottery workshops not only make pottery, but also tinware. These two things are very popular in the trading area. The cost is low and the profit is high, making a lot of money for the Mang tribe.

Therefore, Chenbei naturally pays more attention to the pottery workshop, and he will come and have a look when he has time.

As soon as he entered the pottery workshop, he saw Wu Teng running over excitedly with a pottery in his arms.

"Boss, I'm going to find you."

"Looking for me? Is there something wrong?"

"Of course, we have fired new pottery, you see."

Wu Teng handed the pottery in his arms to Chen Bei's hand, and then waited for Chen Bei's compliment.

When Chen Bei saw this pottery, he was immediately surprised, because he found that this pottery was no longer a single black or red, but three colors, red, yellow and white.

The three colors are intertwined to form a pattern, which is much more beautiful than the previous single-color pots.

"Cai Tao, you actually made this thing out!"

Chen Bei's face was full of surprise. Although it was just adding a few colors to the pottery, in fact, this was a huge improvement.

If things go on like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before the porcelain will be made by these craftsmen.

(End of this chapter)

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