Chapter 326

In the middle, on a hillside near the Jackal Tribe.


Five giant eagles landed one after another, carrying a large amount of goods on their bodies, as well as warriors from the eagle tribe.

These eagle tribe fighters are all carefully selected, and each of them is above the mid-level totem fighter, and one of them is even a high-level totem fighter.

This high-level totem warrior is named Lei, and he is one of the top fighters in the eagle tribe. He usually doesn't go out to make deals at all.

However, today, he came here just because the transaction partner this time is unusual.

"Why haven't they come yet?"

Lei looked around and frowned dissatisfied.


As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people suddenly emerged from the distant woods. They were riding ferocious jackals, carrying weapons, and a large amount of goods.

These are people from the Jackal Tribe, and they are also the target of the Eagle Tribe's trade today.

I'm afraid the tribes in the middle would never have imagined that the eagle tribe would make a deal with them, and then turn around and make a deal with the jackal tribe, making money at both ends and making a lot of war fortune.

The leader of the jackal tribe is a man wearing red and colorful animal skins, who is also a high-level totem warrior named Red Fox.

"Did you bring everything we wanted?"

The red fox walked in front of Lei, and the two kept a certain distance, not getting too close.

Lei turned around and waved to the soldiers behind him, and one of the soldiers immediately took a bag of animal skins from the back of the giant eagle and handed it to Lei.

Lei untied the rope of the animal skin bag, threw it forward, and accurately threw it in front of the red fox.

"Look for yourself, it's all high-quality salt, and only our Eagle tribe can get it and bring it here."

Lei's face was a little proud. The salt of the Diao tribe was their money-making tool and their pride.

With giant eagles, they have an advantage over other tribes and can find better salt.

The red fox picked up the animal skin bag on the ground, grabbed a handful of salt from it, first sniffed it, then pinched a little bit into his mouth, tasted it, then nodded and said, "Yes, it's good salt." .”

Afterwards, the Eagle Tribe brought out some goods that the Jackal Tribe lacked, including some high-quality stone-polished weapons.

Such as stone knives, spearheads and other things.

The jackal tribe lived on the grasslands, and usually used bone tools the most, and stone tools were their weakness.

The disadvantage of bone tools is obvious, that is, they are not as hard as stone tools, nor are they as sharp as stone tools.

But now, the Eagle Tribe sold them a batch of high-quality stone tools.

Lei looked at the red fox and said, "I have brought you all the goods you want, and have you brought the goods I want?"

In fact, the red fox really wanted to swallow the goods of the eagle tribe directly. Anyway, they were familiar with robbery.

But the shaman of the Jackal Tribe wouldn't let him do this, saying that he wanted to make a long-term deal with the Eagle Tribe, and had warned him severely.

Therefore, Chihu had no choice but to let his men put the goods they brought in front of the eagle tribe warriors.

The red fox pointed at the pieces of goods on the ground with a bone knife, some of which had blood stains on them.

"We snatched this from the spider tribe."

It was a spider silk garment, very soft and light, and people from all tribes liked it very much.

"We snatched this from the bee tribe."

The jars were placed on the ground one by one. After opening the lids, they exuded a strong fragrance, and the insides were full of honey.

"It was snatched from the ant tribe."

"It was snatched from the Crow Tribe."


The red fox introduced the goods brought in one by one. Here are all good things, but none of them were made by the jackal tribe themselves, and all of them were snatched.

The more people in the Eagle Tribe look at it, the happier they feel. Although it is a bit dangerous to trade with the Jackal Tribe, the profits are indeed high. If these goods are traded normally, the Eagle Tribe will not make much money, but if you trade with the Jackal Tribe, you can lower the price. Press down.

Lei pointed at the honey and the spider silk clothing, and said, "A spider silk clothing, add a jar of honey, and I can exchange a catty of salt for you."

The red fox's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he said coldly: "Do you think I don't know the value of spider silk clothes and honey? A spider silk dress is more than a catty of salt!"

"You can't say that."

When it comes to business, Ray is much more relaxed.

"We, the Diao tribe, came here to do business with you at a great risk. Once we are discovered by the major tribes in the central region, our Diao tribe will be in big trouble."

"These goods were all snatched by you. It's easy to say, and in your hands, their value is definitely not as important as salt."

"So, it is very reasonable to add a jar of honey to a spider silk garment for a catty of salt."

Lei's reason is also true. Once the deal between the Eagle Tribe and the Jackal Tribe is known to other tribes, they are likely to refuse to make deals with the Eagle Tribe in the future.

Because the actions of the Eagle tribe are helping the enemies of the Central tribe.

The red fox stared at Lei coldly for a long time, and finally, he suppressed the idea of ​​killing this man.

Lei is also fearless, he is a high-level totem warrior, and there is a giant eagle beside him, if he can't beat him, he can directly ride the giant eagle to escape.

The red fox suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "We have been fighting with the tribes in the central region for so long, and we paid a lot of money. These things are all bought with the lives of soldiers, not easy to get as you said."

"If you're not sincere, we'd rather not make a deal, and we'll even snatch you from the Eagle Tribe in the future!"

This is the confidence of a powerful tribe. The red fox dared to threaten Lei directly, but Lei couldn't help but believe it.

Lei thought for a while, and said, "Well, let's take a step back and exchange a spider silk garment for a catty of good salt. This is my bottom line."

The red fox looked at the goods on the Eagle Tribe's side for a long time before saying, "Add another small stone tool!"

Lei frowned deeply. The members of the jackal tribe were more greedy than he thought, and it was difficult to take advantage of them.

However, the value of a spider silk garment is far more than a catty of salt, even if a small stone tool is added, it is nothing.

After thinking carefully for a long time, Lei finally nodded and said: "Okay, we will suffer a little loss and trade as you said."

After the two sides negotiated, they immediately started trading. The fighters on both sides were cautious, because the two tribes currently did not trust each other.

Finally, the transaction was completed, and both parties got what they wanted.

Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the price of the transaction was a little higher than expected, the Eagle Tribe can still make a lot of money.

Lei said: "One month later, it will still be at this place and at this time. If you have enough goods, we can definitely continue to do business."

The red fox nodded and said, "I hope you can bring more good things next time."

"let's go!"

The red fox rode on one of the strongest and tallest jackals, and took the exchanged goods to the current territory of the jackal tribe.

"We went back too."

The people of the eagle tribe tied up the cargo, and then jumped onto the giant eagle. The giant eagle honked a few times, then found a place to run, and soon flew into the sky and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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