The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 331 Seafood on the Primitive Beach

Chapter 331 Seafood on the Primitive Beach
Southern Wilderness, Fish Tribe.


The raging waves slapped on the reefs on the coast, making a huge roar, and the water spray was filled with a lot of white foam.

Not far from the mouth of the big river, the fish tribe has built a large number of houses, as well as wooden and stone fences to guard against beasts.

These houses are very distinctive. It looks like an overturned boat with the bottom up.

It is said that the fish tribe lived in caves at first, and later found a hollow tree that could float well on the water, so they had boats.

The ancestors of the fish tribe cherished this boat very much. During the process of using it, they continued to polish it according to the needs, and finally it became the shape of a canoe.

One day, it rained heavily when they were out, and there was no shelter nearby, so they turned the big canoe over and took shelter under it.

Through this incident, they were inspired, and later built a boat-shaped house and moved it out of the cave.

This kind of boat-shaped house has been continuously perfected and improved in the inheritance of the tribe. Today, the construction technology of this kind of house is relatively mature.

In the center of the tribe, in the largest boat-shaped house, Honglin sat in front of a wooden table made of tree stumps, and recorded the major events that happened during the tribe's migration.

When she was halfway through the recording, the leader of the fish tribe walked in with an excited expression on his face. He held a bamboo tube in his hand and hugged it tightly. Obviously, the things inside the bamboo tube were very important.

"Wu, look, we found something good on the coast!"

Honglin raised her head, put down the animal brush, and said, "What good thing?"

"Salt! Good salt!"

The leader held the bamboo tube, walked to the table, tilted the bamboo tube, and poured the salt grains inside on the table.

White grains of rough sea salt appeared in front of Redscale, better salt than what they had eaten in the middle.

When they were in the central part, what they ate was the salt obtained after brine was dried. The purity was not very high, there were many impurities in it, and the color was not pure white, but mixed with other colors.

The leader was almost dancing with excitement. The appearance of this kind of good salt solved a very important problem for the tribe. After all, everyone needs to eat salt. Without salt, it is difficult to live.

"Where do these salts come from?" Redscale realized the most critical question, whether this thing appeared by chance, or would it appear continuously for a long time.

"It comes from sea water. I have tried it. Put sea water in a bamboo tube on a sunken stone. After the water is dried, there will be salt inside. That is to say, this kind of salt is almost endless!"

Yutribe has experience in drying salt brine before, so after seeing sea salt this time and tasting the taste of sea water, it quickly reacted.

The leader personally tested the sea salt, and then came to report to Honglin.

There was also a relaxed expression on Honglin's face, and he said, "Bless the fish god, this is really wonderful."

With the relocation of the Fish Tribe, Honglin, as the tribe's witch, was under enormous pressure. If she couldn't survive here well, the strength of the Fish Tribe would decline rapidly. This was absolutely unacceptable to her.

Fortunately, everything is going well. The fish resources here are more abundant than those in the central region, and now there is salt. As long as the fish tribe develops steadily, it may be stronger than it was in the central region in the future!

The leader continued: "In addition, I also found a lot of fruits, all of which are not found in the central region. The food in this place is much more abundant than in the central region."

Honglin asked, "Are you sure those fruits are not poisonous?"

"Don't worry, Wu. I saw a group of monkeys eat it, and I tasted it myself. It is definitely not poisonous."

The leader is very satisfied with this place, the food is too abundant, as long as the fish tribe expands its territory well, the food shortage should be greatly reduced in the future.

"That's good."

The leader quickly resigned, Honglin sat down again, and the heavy pressure in his heart was relieved a lot.

Honglin carefully finished drawing this animal skin scroll, then took another animal skin scroll, and began to record everything around the new residence, including salt, fruit, sea, etc., which were all written into the animal skin. volume.

This is something that a witch must do. These animal skin scrolls are a very important inheritance of words and pictures, which can tell the succeeding witches what happened to the tribe and what things they encountered.


On the beach, the fighters of the fish tribe are happily picking up seafood.

Because there are very few tribes here, most of the tribes still tend to live inland, so this sea is almost still in a completely primitive state.

A pristine beach with all kinds of shrimps, crabs, shells, etc., as well as all kinds of small fish washed up by the waves, the number is so large that people are stunned.

The fighters of the Fish Tribe were almost crazy with joy!
"Boss, look, there are a lot of fish in this puddle!"

This beach is not a sandy beach. It is full of reefs. Among these reefs, the sunken places will be submerged whenever the tide rises, and after the tide ebbs, many puddles and puddles will be left behind.

During the daily high tide and low tide, many fish will also swim with the tide. Those fish that just landed in the puddle will be trapped here if they have no time to leave when the tide ebbs.

The leader of the fish tribe walked over to take a look, and was immediately amused. There were dozens of large and small fish in the puddle, and several large, live conchs.

"Bring the net and bring these fish back!"

The warriors from the Fish Tribe quickly came over with a net and caught all the fish in the puddle, including those beautiful big snails.

"Boss, these fish are really beautiful, much more beautiful than the ones we caught before."

Fish in the sea are much richer in color than freshwater fish. They are colorful and very beautiful.

The leader of the fish tribe said cautiously: "The more beautiful the thing is, the more likely it is poisonous. After taking these fish back, find a few wild animals to try each kind of fish. If it is not poisonous, then eat it yourself."


The warriors of the Fish Tribe kept the leader's words in mind, and they were going to go back and try to catch some wild beasts. After all, this place is so good, their lives will definitely be much better in the future. die.

The leader of the fish tribe picked off a living conch the size of a soup basin from the stone in the puddle. It has red stripes on its body, which is very beautiful.

"This kind of snail is really beautiful. Even if you can't eat it, it's still very good to give this shell to a witch as an ornament."

The leader of the fish tribe admired the pattern of this kind of conch for a while. On the beach, because no one picked it up before, there were so many such conch, and the variety was dazzling.

Almost everyone likes beautiful things, even if they cannot be eaten, they can be used as decorations, and the people of the Fish Tribe are no exception.

Almost every one of them will pick a few beautiful conch shells to take back, and there are also some beautiful shells that many people pick up.

Although I don't know what it's useful for now, but when you see something good, it's always right to pick it up first.

The leader of the fish tribe was about to walk back, when suddenly he heard screams.

"Look, what is that?"

"Oh my god, is that a fish? It's horrible."

The members of the Yu tribe on the beach pointed to somewhere in the sea, with horrified expressions on their faces, and yelled in horror.

The leader of the fish tribe looked at the place they were pointing at, and his pupils shrank immediately.

In the sea, there was an unimaginably huge black giant fish floating out of the water. Although only a small part of its body was exposed, it was several times bigger than the largest boat of the Fish Tribe.


The head of the giant fish in the sea came out of the water and let out an earth-shattering roar, setting off terrifying waves.

This sound was too terrifying, like thunder roaring, deafening, the fighters of the fish tribe fled the beach in fright, and hid in the woods trembling.

The leader of the fish tribe also ran away. He hid behind a big tree, hugged a conch, his face was pale, he swallowed hard, and said, "From now on, you must never go fishing in the sea lightly."

The fighters of the nearby fish tribe nodded fiercely. That kind of big fish was too terrifying, and they couldn't deal with it at all.

Fortunately, the huge fish did not get close to the beach, and with its huge body, it was difficult to get close to the shallow water.

It swam a few laps in the deep water, then sank back into the sea, and soon disappeared.

It wasn't until the big fish disappeared for half an hour that it was determined that it would not come back again, and the fighters of the fish tribe came back one after another.

The leader of the fish tribe shouted: "Everyone, don't go into the water, and pick up all the edible things on the beach."

Soon, the fighters of the Fish Tribe got busy again.

The tribal people were always in danger. Although the big fish was scary, they were still not frightened and worked hard to survive.

Bags of shrimp, crabs, fish, conch, shells and other seafood were carried back by the soldiers of the fish tribe, and the harvest was very rich.

The sun gradually sank to the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the sea, which was intoxicatingly beautiful.

"Don't pick them up, it's getting dark, everyone returns to the tribe immediately!"

Darkness means danger. Tribal people have a natural fear of darkness, so they generally don't move after dark.

Under the call of the leader of the fish tribe, those fighters who were excited about picking up seafood reluctantly gathered together, and then returned to the tribe with their harvest.

"Beach, what a nice place."

The leader of the fish tribe took a look at the beautiful sunset, then carried a large net of seafood, and walked back together with all Zhengna.

But they didn't know that in the evening, the sea water gradually receded, and countless seafood reappeared on the beach.

Not only that, when the sun goes down, countless shrimps and crabs crawl to the beach from the sea water, the number is staggering.

After returning to the fish tribe, I took out two of each of the various fish, shrimp, crab, and conch, and fed them to the hungry beasts first.

After eating the beast, there was no abnormal reaction, and then the senior totem warriors tried it themselves. After the senior totem warriors ate it, they confirmed that it was non-toxic before giving it to ordinary people.

Only in this way can the safety of these new foods be ensured, and bolder attempts can be made in the future.

And those conch and shells with bright colors are also liked by the people of the Yu tribe. They decorate these conch and shells in various places, adding a lot of brilliance to the tribe's residence.


Embarrassing, the sequence of the previous chapters is wrong, and the sequence after 320 is all wrong, and the chapter names cannot be changed.It can only be corrected later.

 Thank you book friend "Half Step 1075" for rewarding 1500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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