Chapter 336

Although Qing Zhu really wanted to comfort Chen Bei, but she was a witch, especially in front of the altar, she had to pay attention to her image, so she could only walk back slowly with the elder.

But after walking a short distance, she gave Honghua a wink.

Honghua likes Chenbei, this is a public matter, this girl never hides it, Qingzhu naturally knows it too.

Honghua pointed at herself in disbelief, and then at Chenbei.

Qingzhu nodded slightly, then left without looking back.

For the first time, she felt that being a witch was really uncomfortable.

Red Flower was different, with the witch's instruction, her face was almost bursting with laughter.

"Boss, are you alright?"

Hong Hua walked to Chen Bei's side and asked softly.

Chen Bei shook his head and said, "It's okay."

"Leader, if you are in a bad mood, how about I take you flying around? Just the two of us."

Honghua continued: "When I'm in a bad mood, let Xiaoyu take me to fly around, blow the wind in the sky, and look at the mountains and rivers on the ground, and my mood will be much better."

Chen Bei also felt that he was too depressed, and there was nothing important now, so he nodded in agreement.

"Ha, great, let's go then."

Honghua was very happy, and walked lightly with Chenbei to the outside of the tribe.

After the matter of the horns was settled, the people of the Mang tribe resumed their busy work, and the gates of the city were reopened, and people from outside tribes came in to trade one after another.

Although there are very few people with bad intentions, most people are still good, Chen Bei thought so.


Honghua and Chenbei walked to the flamingo breeding area, Honghua blew her own bone whistle, a huge, strong flamingo ran towards Honghua with long legs, and put its head on her. Rubbing on the body, very intimate.

"Little fish, squat down."

The flamingo squatted down obediently, and the safflower quickly climbed onto its back, saying to Chen Bei: "Boss, come up!"

With a light leap, Chen Bei landed on the back of the flamingo and sat behind the red flower.


The red flower lightly patted the flamingo's neck. The flamingo spread its wings and let out a sharp cry. The power of its blood surged wildly, and then kicked its legs and flew into the sky without any need for a run-up.

After flying into the sky, Chen Bei lowered his head and could see the whole tribe.

A solid and wide city wall, like a giant dragon, entrenched on the periphery of the Mang tribe, protecting the entire tribe.

Inside the city walls, the various workshops of the Mang tribe were emitting light smoke, and the clansmen were coming in and out, very busy.

Mang tribe's round-domed blue-brick houses have also started construction. Although they are building key houses now, Chen Bei believes that within a few years, the blue-brick houses can completely replace the mud-brick houses.

Outside the city wall, the moat was sparkling, and there were several medium-sized ships on the river, which were transporting goods, and entered the Mang tribe through the water gate of the city wall.

Further outside, in the newly opened fields, the crops planted are already green and full of vitality.

In the Lobster River, the warriors of the Mang tribe are working hard to learn how to control large, medium and small sailboats. They must not only learn to drive, but also learn to deal with various situations on the water and repair the sailboats.

In the forest, the trading teams of the various tribes stepped out of the main roads, and there were frequent personnel exchanges.

Everything showed a thriving scene, even if there was a disharmony once or twice, the flaws were not concealed.

Seeing this, Chen Bei's mood really improved a lot.

"Boss, where are we going?" Hong Hua asked.

"Let's go to the south. Now that we are flying, why not fly farther and fly south along the river to see where the Fish Tribe has settled down."

It has been a while since the fish tribe migrated, but because the fish tribe ran too far, Chenbei still doesn't know where they are.

When such a large tribe enters the Southern Wilderness, Chenbei will naturally want to take a look. No matter whether it poses a threat to the Mang tribe or not, it is never wrong to know more about it.

"Alright, little fish, fly south."

The flamingo circled twice in the air, and then quickly flew south along the Lobster River.

The flamingo's speed is very fast, especially Xiaoyu, who has now grown into the leader of the crane group, surpassing other flamingoes in terms of flying speed and combat power.

Two days later, Chen Bei saw a vast and boundless sea and fish tribes by the sea.

"The Fish Tribe really knows where to choose."

Chen Bei looked at the mouth of the sea, the big boats of the Yu tribe, and the boat-shaped wooden houses they quickly built. Chen Bei was actually a little envious.

This place is really suitable for the fish tribe, with extremely rich water resources.

Living by the sea for a long time, maybe one day the fish tribe will be able to build a large ship that can sail, and at that time, they will definitely harvest more things.

Chen Bei knows very well that such a thing as sailing requires a huge investment in the early stage, and it is very difficult, and the probability of failure is also very high.

But once successful, the rewards of sailing are extremely rich.

At that time, the fish tribe will definitely develop stronger than before.

"However, our Mang tribe now has bronze, and the fish tribe's shipbuilding technology is still very primitive. Maybe our Mang tribe can build sea-going ships faster than the fish tribe?"

This matter, Chen Bei just thought about it in his heart, he had to eat every bite, and he had to do things one by one, the enemies on land hadn't been resolved, and now it was too far away to think about sailing.

Moreover, this is the primordial sea area, who knows what kind of terrifying monsters there are in the sea.

"Boss, are we going to the Fish Tribe?" Hong Hua asked.

Chen Bei thought for a while, and said: "We are only two people, and we didn't bring any goods for trading. Let's go next time and fly along the coast."

"it is good!"

The flamingos flew along the coastline, the magnificent sea, and the mysterious and powerful sea monsters shocked Chen Bei and Hong Hua.

After flying for half a day, the flamingo landed in a forest next to the beach to rest.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Honghua ran to the beach and picked up a lot of beautiful shells, colorful and strange shells, which were not seen in the inland.

While Hong Hua was picking up shells, Chen Bei caught a few big crabs, and stabbed a few big fish along the coast with a bone spear.

Afterwards, Chen Bei built a stone stove under the shade of trees beside the beach, washed and peeled the big fish and crabs, skewered them with peeled sticks, and grilled them on the fire.

Chen Bei was grilling. Suddenly, he heard some unusual noises, and then noticed a strange plant in the woods. He asked Hong Hua to take over the grilling of the fish, and he walked over with the bone spear.


This sound is that animals are biting plants, and the bites are very cheerful.

Chen Bei walked over to take a look, and at first glance he thought he had misread it.

"sugar cane?"

Chen Bei found that a rodent was gnawing on a plant with blue skin.

This plant is exactly the same as the sugar cane that Chen Bei ate in his previous life, and each one is very thick.


Seeing Chen Bei approaching, the rodent ran away immediately, leaving only the half-gnawed thick plant.

Chen Bei walked over excitedly, split a section with a bone knife, bit open the hard skin with his teeth, took a bite, a faint sweet smell filled the tip of his tongue.

"That's right, it's sugarcane!"

At this moment, Chen Bei was very excited. It was definitely a surprise to find sugar cane by the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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