The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 34 Trading and Pottery

Chapter 34 Trading and Pottery

Looking at these exquisite utensils, Chen Bei had to admit that a big tribe is a big tribe with a profound heritage, and the things they make are different.

Shock was shocking, but Chen Bei didn't want to buy these things.

For the Mang tribe, the things brought by the Diao tribe are almost all luxuries, and with the current strength of the Mang tribe, they cannot afford to consume them at all.

In a sense, the Eagle tribe used this method to silently weaken other tribes and strengthen their own tribe.

The Diao tribe will not sell tools that are beneficial to the development of the tribe.

This kind of method is really powerful. It does not cost a single soldier, and it is not easy to cause other tribes to resist. They make huge profits by selling luxury goods and necessities, so that the eagle tribe continues to grow.

Chen Bei picked up a pottery bowl, looked it over and over again, and finally put it down again, and said with a embarrassed face: "The things are really good, but our tribe has just been established, and there is really nothing to exchange."

Akabane held the salt bag and said with a smile: "Chief Chen, if you don't change anything else, you must eat salt, right? Our tribe's salt is the best salt, and it's not comparable to other tribes' miscellaneous salt."

"How about this, show me the things of your tribe, and if I think it's valuable, I'll exchange it with you for salt."

Chen Bei thought for a while, and said behind him: "Lie, go and catch two big lobsters."

"Yes, chief."

Lie hurriedly walked towards the ponds, one of which had a lot of big lobsters caught from the river.

"Large lobster? What's that?"

It was the first time Akabane heard this name, so he was a little curious, and the three people behind him were also surprised. This small tribe actually had something they had never heard of.

Not long after, Lie came over with two arm-thick red lobsters in a rattan basket.

Chen Bei grabbed one from the basket, and the big lobster waved its big pincers, grabbing everywhere, but couldn't catch Chen Bei's hand.

"This is the prey we caught from the river. It is called a big lobster. It is very fierce, but the meat is very delicious."

"This is the only good thing in our tribe. See if you can change it for some salt."

Akabane reached out to take the big lobster, observed it carefully, and said, "I've seen a kind of green shrimp in the fish tribe, but it's not so big. You big lobster is quite interesting."

The Fish Tribe is a big tribe outside the mountain. They live by the big river and make a living by fishing, and they often do some business with the Eagle Tribe.

Akabane said again: "How about this, you catch ten of these big lobsters for me, and I'll exchange you a catty of salt, how about it?"

Akabane had seen shrimp in the Fish Tribe before, and he knew that this thing had tenacious vitality, as long as it was covered with moist aquatic plants and packed in animal skin bags, it could survive for several days.

Such a big shrimp is relatively rare, and Akabane plans to bring it back and present it to the tribe's senior management. Maybe the senior management will give him a lot of rewards if they are happy.

Chen Bei was not very happy when he heard that ten big lobsters were only exchanged for a catty of salt. These guys slaughtered too hard.

Moreover, the Mang tribe has no shortage of salt at all, and buying salt is just to deceive people.

However, right now, Chen Bei can only hold his nose to buy, who made them a big tribe, if they don't buy at all, they may secretly trip the Mang tribe in the future.

Chen Bei pretended to be happy, and said: "Okay, Lie, hurry up and catch ten big lobsters."

Lie took a few people to the pond and caught ten big lobsters.

Chen Bei pointed to the ten big lobsters in the big rattan basket, and said, "These ten big lobsters are exchanged for a catty of salt."

Chen Bei pointed to the small rattan basket he brought earlier, and said, "These two big lobsters are for you to try."

Akabane looked at Chen Bei in surprise, he never expected that the leader of this small tribe was young and very good at doing things, and he would even think of giving them two big lobsters.

Akabane laughed and said: "Chief Chen is generous, and I can't be stingy, Ling, add a little more salt to Chief Chen."

Behind Akabane, a low-level totem warrior named Ling immediately put a little more than a catty of salt in a small animal skin bag, and handed it to Akabane.

Akabane took the animal skin bag containing the salt, weighed it, and said: "Chief Chen, this bag of salt belongs to you."

Chen Bei took the animal skin bag and said, "Thank you, thank you. If there are good things in the future, I will definitely keep them and trade them with you."

"Okay, next time we will definitely bring more good goods over."

Several people from the Eagle tribe quickly packed up the goods on the ground and tied them to the giant eagle's back again. Then, they prepared to leave the Mang tribe and go to the next tribe to make a deal.


The giant eagle spread its wings and ran for a while, then suddenly flew up, circled a few times, and gradually rose to high altitude.

Before leaving, Akabane took another look at the house made of "mud" of the Mang tribe, and the people hiding in the house, and confirmed that this was a tribe of poor ghosts, and there was nothing lucrative about it.

"Don't land in this tribe next time." Akabane said.

Several other people nodded one after another, and they only sold a catty of salt once they landed. If it weren't for the novelty of these big lobsters, they might not even be able to sell a catty of salt.

Such a tribe is not worthy of their special trade.

In the Mang tribe, Chen Bei looked at the giant eagle flying farther and farther away, and wished that they would not come next time.

The Mang tribe is too weak now, trading with such a big tribe will only be at a disadvantage.

However, the exquisite pottery brought by the Diao tribe this time gave Chen Bei the idea of ​​making pottery by himself.

In his previous life, Chen Bei liked to watch some outdoor survival programs. Among them, there was a program on how to make pottery in the wild.

Because pottery is much easier to make than porcelain, Chen Bei even tried it out and successfully fired several crooked flowerpots.

"If you can successfully fire a few jars, you can make sauerkraut!"

As soon as this idea came out, he couldn't restrain it at all. Thinking of sauerkraut, his mouth began to secrete saliva continuously.

"Just use this salt to make acid water."

Chen Bei tasted the salt obtained from the trade, and the taste was indeed slightly better than the one he cooked himself. Although it was not as pure salt, it was not far behind.

Chen Bei said to Lie and Yun: "Gather people and bring tools to dig soil by the river."

"Boss, what are you digging for?" Lie asked in puzzlement.

Chen Beidao: "Make pottery, just like the pottery pots carved by the tribe just now."

"Boss, are you saying that we can do something like that ourselves?" Yun asked in surprise.

"of course."

"Great, let's call people right away."

Lie and Yun immediately went to gather the hunting and fishing teams, brought tools, and followed Chen Bei to dig soil by the river.

Making pottery is very particular about the soil. If the soil quality is not suitable, it is easy to burst during firing. Even if it is lucky that it does not burst, the quality will not be very good.

Clay is the most suitable for making pottery. Usually, there is clay in places where there is water all year round, such as the bottom of a pond, the bank of a stream or a river, and some are submerged in water.

Chen Bei found a lot of clay on the bank of the Lobster River, and he wanted to try to use this clay to make pottery.

 In order to facilitate reading, the entire continent has unified writing, unified language, and unified weights and measures. Otherwise, it will be very complicated. Hope you understand.

(End of this chapter)

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