The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 340 The Idea of ​​Establishing a Medical Center

Chapter 340 The Idea of ​​Establishing a Medical Center

"Beastmaster, no wonder."

Chenbei had hunted a Beastmaster before, and it was a sacrifice last year. The Beastmaster-level giant-toothed tiger is already equivalent to a demigod warrior of the human race. When a hunting team encounters a Beastmaster, they don't go hunting, but are hunted.

Sometimes the roles of prey and hunter change so quickly.

"Treat the wounded first."

Although Chen Bei really wanted to kill this beast king-level giant-toothed tiger, and use its tiger teeth to make two top-quality tooth knives.

But right now the hunting team has too many wounded, Qing Zhu, Cai Die, and Zi Die are too busy.

Chen Bei had no choice but to help in person.

Most of the warriors of the Mang tribe know how to heal their injuries. After all, they have been in a dangerous environment for a long time, and it is common for them to get injured.

But their healing methods are quite rough, that is, to rinse the wound with water, and then apply the medicine on it. If the wound is deep, at most, find something to bandage it.

They also have some native methods of healing.

For example, chew some medicinal herbs to apply to the wound, and apply a cotton-like soft and dense spider web to the wound, and apply clay to the wound.

Some of these home remedies are useful, but some are wrong and can cause wound infection and make the injury worse.

So later, Chenbei uniformly asked them to learn to wash the wound with cold boiled water or the liquid medicine they carried with them, apply the healing medicine made by witches to the wound, and finally wrap it with sackcloth.

There are also various ways to deal with trauma, Chen Bei tried his best to tell them practically what he could remember.

After standardizing the methods of healing, the number of times wounds deteriorated significantly decreased among the wounded in the Mang tribe.

After finally dealing with all the wounded, Qingzhu finally breathed a sigh of relief, went back to the house, sat down and took a sip of water.

The pair of twin sisters were also exhausted. They were in charge of laying hands and running around, which was not easy.

Chen Bei washed his hands, then walked into the main room, and sat opposite the green bamboo.

He had an idea in his mind, and he had been thinking about it for a long time, and according to the current situation, this matter was imminent.

"Wu, I plan to find some young people from the tribe to come over and learn from you how to make witchcraft and cure diseases."

"Now there are more people in the tribe, and more people are sick and injured."

"If you rely on the three of you alone, you can't be busy at all. In today's situation, if you can have more helpers, you don't have to be so tired."

Unless the tribal people are seriously ill, they will not disturb Wu lightly. Most of the time, they can only resist by themselves.

This is a very bad phenomenon, because it is best to treat a disease when it first occurs, and the more it is delayed, the more serious it will be.

When there is nothing to procrastinate, even if it can be cured, there will be no small sequelae.

There are not a few people who die of illness every year.

In other tribes, this is a survival of the fittest. It seems to be a matter of course for some weaker people to die. Except for the close relatives of the patients, few people care.

But in Chenbei's view, all tribesmen are valuable, as long as they are given suitable jobs, they can also contribute to the growth of the tribe.

It was fine if there were no conditions in the past, but now the conditions are a little better, Chen Bei feels that it is very necessary to set up a medical center in the tribe to treat people and heal their injuries.

Qingzhu said: "The leader's idea is very good, but learning to make witchcraft is not an easy thing, witchcraft is very complicated and difficult to learn."

Chen Beidao: "Even if they can't learn very powerful healing methods, it would be good if they can learn how to make some common witchcraft and healing methods."

"What's more, with so many people in the tribe, there must be people who are particularly talented in making witchcraft. As long as they study hard, they will learn it sooner or later."

In fact, healing has always been the prerogative of witches. The reason why witches in many tribes have such a high status is that apart from being able to communicate with the totem gods, another important reason is that witches can heal diseases.

Living in this dangerous world, no one can guarantee that they will not get hurt or get sick. Therefore, witches who can heal diseases and wounds are naturally respected by everyone.

In order to maintain their status, these witches often only cultivate one or two heirs, and the means of curing illnesses and wounds, and making witchcraft will never be passed on to the outside world.

However, after all, Qingzhu is not a witch from other tribes, and the Mang tribe is also very different from other tribes. With Chenbei around, Qingzhu doesn't need to worry about his status at all.

Therefore, Qingzhu didn't think too much, and nodded directly: "What the leader said makes sense, let's find some people to come over and try it, first let them learn to identify and process herbs from Caidie and Zidie."

Cai Die and Zi Die help Green Bamboo grow and process herbs every day, and they have learned a lot. It is perfect for them to lead the newcomers first.

After all, Qing Zhu is a shaman of the Mang tribe, and has a lot of work to do, so it is impossible to teach those newcomers all day long.

"Okay, I will choose some people to come over tomorrow."

After Chenbei received Qingzhu's reply, he went back immediately, selected some clever boys and girls from the tribe who were interested in learning witchcraft and curing diseases, and sent them to Qingzhu's yard.

These boys and girls first followed Cai Die and Zi Die to plant herbs, identify herbs, and process herbs, because this is where the witch is, no one dares to be presumptuous, even with so many people, the courtyard of Qingzhu is still relatively quiet.

After these people learned how to cure diseases and make witchcraft, Chen Bei planned to use these people to open a medical clinic in the Mang tribe, which would treat diseases for the tribe.

Medical care is the most important thing besides food, clothing, and shelter. Now that we have the conditions, we must do it!
Of course, the medical clinic is not something that can be done just by saying, at least it can only be run after this group of people have learned something from Qingzhu.

Right now, Chenbei has another thing to do, and that is to hunt and kill that beast king-level giant-toothed tiger!
The existence of this giant-toothed tiger will pose a fatal threat to the hunting team of the Mang tribe, and its territory is extremely wide. If it is not eliminated, the hunting team of the Mang tribe will not be able to approach that area at all.

Chenbei will not allow such a thing to happen.

Chen Bei waited for a few days, and when the second hunting team came back, he took the Rhino King, Shan Wen, Yun, and a few intermediate totem fighters, and went to the deep mountain and old forest to hunt the beast king-level giant-toothed tiger.

As for the other high-level totem warrior Lie, he stayed behind in the tribe to prevent accidents.

Chen Bei brought the animal horn bow, bone spear, bone knife, and various supplies needed for hunting, as well as food.Drugs, then sat the Rhino King, ready to go.


The Rhino King roared, and took the lead to walk outside the tribe's city wall. Behind it, Yun, Shanwen, and five intermediate totem warriors all rode the rhino and followed closely behind.

Behind them, members of the Mang tribe prayed for them, hoping that they would successfully hunt down the beast king-level giant-toothed tiger and return safely.

(End of this chapter)

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