Chapter 352 Crazy Plan

Central part, jackal tribe.

Xi changed into a set of animal skin clothes to cover his face, then called a few of his men nearby, and sneaked into the jackal tribe.

The jackal tribe is full of old, weak, sick and disabled, and everywhere is empty. With his skill and the concealment method he learned from the rat tribe, these old, weak, sick and disabled can't find him at all.

He took people around the jackal tribe and found that the tribe was too clean and there was very little food. They should have been taken away by the jackal tribe warriors.

Most of the jackal tribes left behind were slaves. In order to prevent slaves from escaping in the chaos, these slaves were locked up and their hands and feet were tied.

Xi thought, "Since you've come in, you can't come in vain. Why don't you take the opportunity to release these slaves, which can also weaken the strength of the jackal tribe."

Thinking of this, he walked to the cave where the slaves were held, slaughtered the two jackals and two low-level fighters who stayed here, and then opened the cave's fence.

"Everyone in the jackal tribe has gone out, take advantage of this good opportunity and run away! Those who don't run will definitely be eaten by these jackals in winter!"

Xi took out a sharp stone knife and cut the ropes of the outermost slaves.

"Can we really run away?"

The slaves have been locked up for a long time, and they are very afraid of the jackal tribe. Even if the gate is opened now, they dare not run for a while.

"As long as you run fast, you can definitely escape. Do you still want to eat your companion's corpse and let your companion eat you in the end?"

As the captain of the intelligence team, Xi has a good grasp of people's hearts. He knows that the most fearful and disgusting thing for these slaves is to eat the corpses of their companions.

One of the slaves shivered and said, "I don't want to be eaten."

Afterwards, he ran away, and fell halfway, but after getting up, he continued to run, and soon disappeared.

The other slaves looked at each other and found that the escaped slave was not killed suddenly or screamed, so they all ran outside.

Xi Xi and several intelligence team members cut the rope quickly, and the slaves ran outside one after another. Soon, all the slaves in the cave ran away, and the cave was empty, only a few mutilated corpses remained.

Then, Xi ran to another cave and released all the remaining slaves. In order to speed up, Xi asked them to untie each other's ropes, and directly hit them with stones if they couldn't untie the ropes.

Half a day later, all the slaves ran away. Not only that, they also relied on their numbers to kill all the old, weak, sick and disabled left by the jackal tribe, and took away all the usable things, and some even set them on fire. , Burned those wooden houses down.

"These slaves have been repressed for too long, and once released, the damage caused is also horrific."

Xi Xi looked at the jackal tribe caught in a sea of ​​flames, thinking deeply.

"Although it can't cause a lot of damage to the Jackal tribe, but if they can burn down their house and release their slaves, I think they will be furious when they come back."

"let's go."

Xi led the members of the intelligence team and left quickly. Behind them, a sea of ​​flames was burning, and even spread to the surrounding forests, and the flames soared into the sky.


Southern Wilderness, Fish Tribe.

The stormy weather lasted for three days, and the entire land was devastated. There were fallen trees everywhere, and more than half of the houses of the Fish Tribe had collapsed.

The members of the Yu tribe also hid on the top of the mountain for three days, and did not dare to come down from the mountain until the fourth day.

The wind stopped, the rain stopped, and the sky became bright and sunny again.

Naturally, the disaster brought by the tsunami was terrible, but it also brought some windfalls to the Fish Tribe.

That is a huge amount of sea fish, shrimp, crab, conch and other aquatic products.

"Clap clap clap..."

In the puddle on the coast, two big fish flapped their tails, struggling hard, trying to swim back into the sea again.

But obviously, it was futile, the sea water had already receded, and these fish who had no time to follow the sea water to swim back into the sea would stay on the coast forever.


The fish tribe fighters jumped into the puddle, stabbed the two big fish with a harpoon, and then packed them in a net bag.

"I also picked up those big snails."

Next to the water puddle, the leader of the fish tribe pointed to the big conch that had been picked up on the rock, and the soldiers standing in the puddle immediately picked up the big conch as well.

They picked up a lot of fish in various puddles along the coast, and it was because of these fish that the members of the Fish Tribe could still have enough food after the tsunami.

"Let's go back."

After picking up the net bags, the soldiers of the fish tribe returned to the place where the tribe lived temporarily with these seafood on their backs.

Because of the tsunami, fish tribes dare not live in places that are too close to the sea. They have now retreated to places with relatively high terrain that were not flooded when the tsunami occurred.

Of course, because of the relationship between the totem god and the ship, it is impossible for them to live far away from the water.

Therefore, they actually traveled upstream along the estuary for a certain distance, and then rebuilt the house on a relatively flat ground by the river bank.

After the first rough wooden house was built, it belonged to Redscale, because she was a witch.

Standing in front of the wooden house, Honglin looked at the busy clansmen all around, and said to himself: "As long as the clansmen and the tribe are still there, all disasters will pass."

She firmly believes that this is a rich land that is very suitable for the fish tribe. As long as the fish tribe masters the way of living by the sea, the fish tribe will definitely become stronger!


Southern Wilderness, Mang Tribe.

After the rain, the Mang tribe is very busy. Some food crops that can be salvaged need to be lifted up and cultivated.

As for those that cannot be rescued, they can only be cut off before they rot, and fed to the livestock in the breeding area.

The houses that were damaged by the strong wind also need to be repaired. In short, the Mang tribe is very busy.

This kind of busyness lasted for many days before slowly calming down.

"Finally done."

In the yard, Green Bamboo stood up and stretched. The herbs planted in the yard were affected by the storm before, and now they are all replanted.

"Wu, you can rest for a while, we sisters will do the rest."

Cai Die and Zi Die, the twin sisters, used to be members of the Die tribe, but now they are members of the Mang tribe. They learned a lot from Qingzhu.

It is also an honor to be able to learn from Wu and work for Wu. I don't know how many people in the tribe are envious.

Therefore, Zi Die and Cai Die are very diligent, hoping to learn more things, and live a better life in the Mang tribe in the future.

Qingzhu was really tired, she told Cai Die and Zi Die what they needed to pay attention to, and then went back to the house to sit down and rest.

Not long after, Chen Bei walked in. He was still holding something wrapped in animal skin, but he didn't know what it was.

"Good leader."

When Cai Die and Zi Die saw Chen Bei coming, they immediately saluted and said hello. At first, Die Tribe regarded them as a gift to Chen Bei, and their status was relatively low.

If Chen Bei hadn't asked them to come here to help, they wouldn't have learned so much, so the sisters were very grateful to Chen Bei.

Chen Bei smiled at them and said, "Go ahead, I have something to do with Wu."


Cai Die and Zi Die continued to work, while Chen Bei walked through the yard and into the house.

Chenbei and Qingzhu are old acquaintances, and there is no outsider in the house, so Qingzhu didn't even get up.

"The leader is here."

Chen Bei nodded and said, "I'll bring you something."

"What?" Qing Zhu looked curiously at the animal skin in Chen Bei's hand, there was obviously something wrapped inside.

"A sword, a bronze sword, which I specially cast from flint."

As Chen Bei said, he opened the animal hide, and there was indeed a bronze sword inside, but it was different from the swords used by soldiers. This sword was very thin, with a slender blade, and dense patterns of Mang tribe totems on it, very beautiful .

Qingzhu stood up, took the thin bronze sword, and swung it lightly a few times, his face was full of surprise.

Obviously, she likes this sword very much.

"Unfortunately, I'm a witch, so I can't leave the tribe casually, let alone fight the enemy. Give me this sword, and it can only be hung on the wall as an ornament."

The expression on Qingzhu's face was a bit disappointed. It had been nine years since she became a witch of the Mang tribe. She had never left the tribe, and at most walked around the tribe's periphery. Even so, there would be a large number of totem warriors to protect her.

She is a witch, one of the highest status people in the tribe, and no accidents are allowed.

This identity not only gave her glory, but also restricted her freedom.

Chen Bei smiled mysteriously: "Not necessarily, do you want to do something crazy?"

I don't know why, Qingzhu became a little nervous, she asked: "What crazy thing?"

Chen Bei looked at Qing Zhu and said, "Sneak out and play for a while!"

"Slip...slip out?" Qing Zhu's eyes widened, she had never thought of such a thing.

"That's right, I know you really want to see the outside world, that's why I asked someone to forge this bronze sword for you."

"How about it, do you dare to take this bronze sword on your back and sneak out of the tribe with me to play around?"

Qingzhu was very moved, but also a little hesitant, because Wu's inheritance always reminded her that as a witch, she is not allowed to run around, and the tribe should be the most important thing.

But, as a young girl, how could she refuse such a proposal?

Seeing that Qingzhu was hesitant, Chenbei said confidently: "Don't worry, I am now equivalent to a small tribal totem god. With me here, I will definitely keep you safe."

The hesitation in Qingzhu's heart disappeared without a trace following Chen Bei's words. She held the bronze sword and whispered: "Then...then when shall we leave?"

Chen Bei said: "Since we slipped out quietly, of course we have to wait until night, when everyone is asleep, so that we won't be discovered."

Qing Zhu nodded immediately, in fact, she really wanted to go out and play.

"Then it's settled, I'll come to you tonight."

After Chen Bei finished speaking, he turned and left.

The reason why he did such a thing was because he found that Qingzhu was too tired to be a witch, and he had no freedom, and never went out to play, so he thought it was necessary to relax properly.

(End of this chapter)

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