Chapter 354 Rare Freedom

Chenbei and Qingzhu sat in front of the fire, flipping the grilled fish from time to time, enjoying the rare time alone and freedom while blowing the night breeze.

Because of Chenbei's existence, there are no mosquitoes nearby, and all the poisonous insects have run away, and the surrounding area is very quiet.

"I've forgotten how long I haven't spent the night in the wild. It should be when the Turtle Tribe was still there. At that time, I was still young and I hadn't gone hunting before, and the Turtle Tribe was gone."

Qingzhu closed her eyes, smelling the aroma of grilled fish, listening to the crackling of the flames, and feeling the night wind blowing across her face. At this moment, she was very relaxed and enjoying this rare freedom.

Chen Bei said sincerely: "I have worked hard for you all these years as a witch. You have been busy day and night for the tribe, and you rarely have time for yourself."

Qing Zhu shook her head and said with a smile: "It's my luck to be a witch. You are not afraid of death when you fight outside, so how can I be afraid of hard work?"

Qingzhu looked at the lake in the distance, and said: "I am very satisfied to be able to sneak out to play like this now."

Qingzhu said it very easily and sincerely, she is really not afraid of hard work.

On this dangerous continent, it is a lucky thing to be able to live in peace. I don't know how many people are envious of being a witch. It is worthwhile to work hard.

"The fish is cooked, eat the fish."

Chen Bei always carried several pairs of chopsticks with him, and this time was no exception. He took out two pairs and gave Qing Zhu a pair.

Although Chen Bei is not afraid of being hot, he is not willing to eat it directly with his hands. It would be much better to eat it with chopsticks.

Qing Zhu skillfully took a piece of meat from the grilled fish with chopsticks, blew it, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and nodded in satisfaction.

"The food made by the leader is always better than that made by others."

"Eat more if it tastes good, such a big fish."

The two sat by the lake, eating grilled fish, and there were laughter from time to time.

After these years of growth, Chen Bei has learned a lot. He has a soul from his previous life, and he has a wide range of knowledge. Every time he says something interesting, he can make Qingzhu laugh.

This night, Qingzhu laughed more than in a year.

In the middle of the night, Qing Zhu leaned on Chen Bei's shoulder naturally, without any scruples, without thinking too much, let alone paying attention to the image like in the tribe.

"Actually, I'm very envious of Red Flower..."

Qingzhu's words made Chenbei's body stiff, he never thought that Qingzhu would say this.

Qing Zhu didn't seem to notice the changes in Chen Bei, she continued: "She can follow you to various places, fight with you, and do many things for you."

"She will also warn the girls in the tribe not to approach you, and even beat up the brave girls."

"I have no doubt that if you are in danger, no matter who your opponent is, even if it is a powerful totem god from other tribes, she will not hesitate to ride that flamingo named Xiaoyu, hold a stone spear or Shidao, rush directly to fight, even if it means death."

Chen Bei was silent, he didn't speak because he didn't know what to say, but he knew that what Qing Zhu said was true.

Qing Zhu raised his head, looked at Chen Bei's face, and said: "But I can't, I'm a witch of the tribe, so I can't do these things, I can only stay in the tribe, and I can only watch you fight."

Chen Bei waited for a long time, saw that Qingzhu stopped talking, so he asked softly: "If you don't like being a witch..."

Qing Zhu covered Chen Bei's mouth with her hands, shook her head, and said, "Someone has to be a witch. If I am a witch, I can do my best to help you guard the tribe. If I don't become a witch, I don't know what I can do."

Chen Bei fell silent, neither of them spoke anymore, they just leaned on each other quietly.

I don't know how long it took before Qingzhu whispered: "If you are in danger, I will rush over, just like a red flower..."

"Even if it's death!" Qingzhu added, her voice was soft but firm.

This sentence broke Chen Bei's heart suddenly, he turned around and hugged Qing Zhu, holding him tightly.

"There won't be such a day!" Chen Bei said.

Really not?In fact, Chen Bei himself didn't know that this world was too dangerous, even if he became a god, he couldn't guarantee that his life would not be in danger.


The next day, Chen Bei got up early in the morning and went to hunt a big-horned deer himself, and caught some fish and shrimps.

Qingzhu walked around the lake, she was very interested in those plants.

"This is the festival grass, which can clear away heat and detoxify."

"This is fishtail flower, which can be used to stop bleeding."

"This is……"

Qingzhu is very knowledgeable about herbs. All kinds of flowers and plants have certain effects in her place. She has picked a lot and feels very happy.

Usually, she can only stay in the tribe, waiting for the soldiers to bring back herbs, some are planted in the yard, and some are directly dried into medicine.

Now, she can pick them by herself.

Those fighters who don't know much about herbs often pick some useless plants back, and she sometimes gets angry, but she has no choice but to draw better pictures of herbs.

It's all right now, she came here to pick it by herself, she can pick whatever she wants, and she doesn't have to worry about picking the wrong one.

"time to eat!"

Chen Bei shouted in front of the thatched hut, and Qing Zhu picked several more herbs before returning to the front of the thatched hut.

"Roast venison today, and fish too."

Chen Bei picked up a skewer of roasted venison and handed it to Qingzhu.

Qingzhu put down those herbs, took the barbecue, took a small bite, and then smiled with satisfaction.

The food made by Chenbei is always so delicious.

After eating and drinking, the two carefully extinguished the fire, and then, Chen Bei took the green bamboo and flew to the next place on a flamingo.

Now that it's out, let's just have a good time, and think about being so willful in the future, it's not easy.


Central, bee tribe.

Many slaves are repairing damaged wooden fences, houses, and various facilities.

Especially the damaged giant beehive needs to be repaired as soon as possible, and even those soldiers and giant bees have helped.

After all, the giant beehive is the place where the queen bee lives. As the totem god of the bee tribe, how can there be damage to the place where it lives?

It was bustling outside, but inside the Bee Tribe Witch's house, the atmosphere was very dull.

"The leader is dead, Bee God decides that the new leader will be Huwen."

Huwen is the most powerful fighter in the Bee Tribe other than the original leader, and he has a high prestige in the tribe. There is almost no controversy about his appointment as the new leader.

"In addition, the Bee God has decided that the Bee Tribe will move south in one month!"

The words of the bee tribe witch were like dropping a big stone on the calm water, splashing a large amount of water and causing waves.

"What? The tribe really wants to move south?"

"This... are we going to give up the territory in the middle?"


There was a lot of discussion among the people. Although they had already prepared to move south, no one expected that this day would come so fast and so suddenly.


The new leader, Hu Wen, let out a low growl, his cold eyes swept across the crowd, his powerful strength brought a heavy sense of oppression, and finally made everyone in the room shut up.

The Bee tribe witch continued: "I know that everyone is reluctant to part with the territory in the central region, and I am also reluctant. However, our Bee tribe has suffered heavy losses and is not as strong as the other two tribes. In the future, the Jackal tribe will definitely target us."

"How many times do you think our tribe can block the jackal tribe?"

Everyone stopped talking. If the jackal tribe really only focused on the bee tribe, it would be really difficult to resist.

No matter whether they are willing or unwilling, if they calm down and think about it, they will find that moving south has become the only choice.

The Bee Tribe witch said again: "You don't have to be too pessimistic. We are gone, and the Bee and Ant Tribes can't stand it too. Therefore, the Bee God is discussing with their totem god about moving south together."

"If our three major tribes can move south together, the road will undoubtedly be much safer, and we won't be afraid that the Mang tribe in the southern wilderness will come to attack us."

Everyone's eyes lit up. If the spider tribe and the ant tribe also moved south together, that would be a great thing, and they wouldn't have to worry so much.

"Go back, don't let this matter out in advance, prepare secretly."

The bee tribe witch waved his hand to make everyone retreat, and then he sat down tiredly, looking out in a daze, his whole body looked a lot older.

(End of this chapter)

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