Chapter 359

After confirming that it was safe, Chen Bei turned his head and climbed to the top of a nearby mountain to observe the movements of the bee tribe.

After all, he is powerful and his eyesight is extremely strong, so he soon found the new leader of the Bee Tribe, Huwen, and found that he was not dead.

"It's a pity, if there is no big poisonous bee, that arrow will definitely kill him."

Chen Bei himself opened the bow and shot the arrow. He was very clear about the terrifying power contained in that bronze arrow. A high-level totem warrior would absolutely be unstoppable. Even a weaker totem god would be severely injured.

"However, don't be in a hurry. The fun has just begun. I'll see how long you can last."

Chenbei prepared enough "surprises" for them on the way forward, and the sneak attack before was just an appetizer.

Frightened and frightened, the people of the Bee tribe finished their meal in a hurry, and even the corpses of the tribe were buried on the spot, and they were not taken away together.

Afterwards, the people of the Bee Tribe continued on the road. There were more than 3 of them. Before the Mang Tribe attacked, only a few hundred died, and more than 1000 people were traumatized to varying degrees. Regarding the total number of people, the impact is not very big big.

Hu Wen didn't continue to fly ahead on the giant bee, because he was severely injured by Chen Bei, so he could only be in the middle of the team, under layers of protection.

The queen bee used divine power to help him heal his wounds. After all, the leader had just changed, and if he died again, it would still be a big blow to the tribe.

They walked for a while, and suddenly, a bee tribe warrior who was walking in front screamed and fell into a trap.

"Help me, hurry... save me..."

The trap was full of sharp branches, and the sharp parts were coated with poison. The soldier only yelled twice before being poisoned to death.

Because of the huge team, almost at the same time, dozens of people from the Bee Tribe stepped on various traps. Except for a few lucky ones, most of them were killed by the traps and poison.

The soldiers flying in the sky on the giant bee were afraid for a while. If they were walking, many people would have died at this time.

"Damn Mang tribe!"

Hu Wen walked to the front and took a look, and was so angry that the wound cracked again, and he almost vomited blood.

Now if anyone tells him that the Mang tribe is all reckless, he will definitely kill that person.

Have you ever seen such a sinister reckless man?Another sneak attack, another trap, and most importantly, the Bee tribe suffered heavy losses without even seeing anyone.

"Hunting team, send some people out to clear the traps ahead, be careful!"

Hu Wen is definitely not an idiot if he can become the leader. Facing these traps, the hunting team is more experienced. As long as they investigate carefully, they will definitely be able to find out all the traps.


The hunting team of the Bee tribe immediately sent the person who is best at laying traps to check the traps ahead.

Those who can join the hunting team in the big tribe must be the elite. Soon, they found a lot of traps. Of course, there are also a few well-hidden traps that cannot be sorted out.

"There's a trap here, be careful, it's an earth bow."

Two hunting team soldiers found an earth bow, they carefully avoided the direction where the earth bow was fired, and then removed it.

"Okay, there's no danger."

Just when the two breathed a sigh of relief, a face suddenly appeared on the trunk of a big tree nearby!

"Clap clap clap..."

"Do not……"

Dozens of thick branches were pulled down from the head and face, with a force beyond imagination, which directly broke the bones of the two people, screaming in despair.

At the same time, dozens of seemingly normal trees in the woods suddenly launched an attack, killing more than 100 bee tribe fighters who entered the woods to clear the trap.

The tallest tree man said angrily, "Run!"

Afterwards, dozens of treants pulled out the roots, like octopuses, and ran wildly, at a very fast speed.

In the rear, the people of the Bee Tribe were dumbfounded. They would never have thought that the people of the Mang Tribe didn't see it, but saw dozens of big trees that could attack and run away.


This time, Hu Wen really vomited blood with anger. He knew that it might be difficult after entering the Southern Wilderness, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

"Leader, don't be angry, stay rational, the people of the Mang tribe are waiting for you to get angry, and then lose your mind."

At the critical moment, it was the witch from the Bee Tribe who stood up and brainwashed Huwen, calming him down a bit.

Huwen summoned a warrior and asked, "How far is it to the destination?"

The three major tribes did not enter the Southern Wilderness like the Fish Tribe, hastily and aimlessly. Before they came, they sent people to investigate and chose a place to live in the Southern Wilderness.

"If there is no delay on the road, there are still three days' journey." The soldier replied honestly.

The location they chose had a wide flat land and a small river. Coincidentally, it was not too far from the Chuanshan Tribe.

Of course, they didn't pay attention to the Chuanshan tribe, and even planned to expel the Chuanshan tribe after they lived there, or even exterminate them directly.

"Three days!"

Huwen wanted to vomit blood again. Now that the situation was difficult for a whole day, he wished he had to leave, so he found a place nearby as the tribe's new residence.

Of course, this is impossible, and it is not so easy to settle down in such a big tribe.

Hu Wen's face was uncertain, he thought for a while, and came up with an idea that was beneficial to the bee tribe, but very detrimental.

"Take those slaves to the front and let them open the way."


The soldier's eyes lit up. This is really a brilliant idea. A soldier is very precious. It hurts to lose one, but the slave's life is cheap, and no one feels sorry for it when he dies.

Letting the slaves clear the way in front can reduce the death rate of the soldiers of the Bee tribe, which is really a good deal.

Only slaves are willing or not, how much will die, who cares?

Soon, thousands of slaves were escorted from behind to the front to open the way.


There was another scream in front of him, but this time Hu Wen was much calmer, even with a faint smile on his face, proud of his intelligence.

He even blamed himself, why didn't he think of this brilliant idea?

The bee tribe continued to move forward, and there were still many traps ahead, but most of the dead were slaves, as low as weeds, and no one cared.

On the mountain in the distance, Chen Bei's face was not very good-looking, and he was quite disgusted by the behavior of the Bee Tribe.

But I have to admit that this method is effective. Of course, the effect is limited to traps.

"Do you think it's really safe to use slaves to clear the way?"

Chen Bei took three thousand soldiers and walked quickly through the mountains and forests. This time, they came to the end of the bee tribe's team.

Those who walked at the back were all the weaker Bee tribesmen. They either carried or carried heavy supplies on their backs, and they walked much slower than others.


Because of the large number of people, the team of the Bee tribe was very long, and the people behind were safe at first, because the danger was carried by the people in front.

But they ran into Chen Bei.

Chen Bei waited for the right time, rode the Rhino King, held the bronze spear upside down, and shouted: "Go!"

"Dong dong dong..."

The Rhinoceros King took Chen Bei and rushed out of the woods in an instant, followed by three thousand soldiers, and quickly rushed towards the people at the end of the bee tribe.

"Enemy attack!"

The people at the end of the bee tribe screamed and ran forward desperately, while some soldiers drew their weapons to meet the enemy.

But they were too weak, and Chen Bei rushed past with his people, beheading a large area in an instant.


After a round of rushing, Chen Bei didn't miss it, and led his people to the other side of the mountain forest, as fast as a gust of wind.

When the soldiers of the Bee Tribe ran over to meet the enemy, they only saw corpses all over the place, but they couldn't even see the shadows of the Mang Tribe.

"Ah! I'm pissed off!"

Huwen vomited blood again. He was complacent just now, thinking that using slaves to open the way would reduce the death of the tribe. Unexpectedly, this time, people from the Mang tribe came out from behind.

Not only that, but he also ran so fast that they couldn't find anyone if they wanted to fight.

Hu Wen yelled aggrievedly: "Damn reckless man, come out and fight us head-on!"

However, what responded to him were only a few crows waiting to eat the corpse in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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