Chapter 365 Price
Ever since Qingzhu got the inheritance of black witchcraft, she locked herself in the house, and only let people keep sending some strange medicines, even wild beasts and ferocious beasts in.

Occasionally, the screams of wild animals can be heard in the house, which is very haunting.

Zidie put a cooked dinner by the door, then closed the door again, Green Bamboo would not let her in, as there was a strong smell of blood inside.

Zi Die quickly walked to her sister Cai Die, and whispered, "What the hell is the witch doing? It's scary."

Cai Die said uncertainly: "It should be trying to save the leader, we can just do our own thing well, don't talk too much, and don't look too much."

Zidie nodded obediently, and then went to the window to observe Chen Bei's state.

Chen Bei is still the same, not dead, but there is no sign of waking up, Zi Die and Cai Die just followed Qing Zhu's previous instructions, using the long-handled spoon to feed Chen Bei a little water dissolved in witch medicine every day .


Red Flower came in suddenly, and she carried a beast with its limbs and mouth bound, and threw it to the ground.

She has done similar behaviors several times. The strange medicines that Qingzhu needs, such as some medicine stones, poisonous insects, and wild animals, are all caught by her.

"Has the witch come out?" Honghua asked Caidie.

"not yet."

"Let the warriors send this beast in when she needs it."


Hong Hua walked outside the room where Chen Bei was, stared blankly for a long time, then turned and left.

She doesn't know how to cure diseases, let alone detoxify. The only thing she can do is to find everything Qingzhu needs as much as possible.

Only in this way can Chen Bei be saved.

Honghua was covered in animal blood, and her face was even more dirty, but she didn't care. She went back to clean up briefly, and after supplies, she set off again with the flamingo team.

In the house, the green bamboo was not as clean as it used to be. Her linen clothes were stained with blood, her hair was tied up casually, and her hands were also stained with blood.

But she was expressionless, still experimenting with some methods in black witchcraft...


In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and it was the fourth month of autumn. The weather was getting colder and colder. According to the situation in previous years, winter would come early again.

And Chen Bei, still in a state of immortality, lay on the stone bed.


Red Flower dropped a prey again, as well as several large bags of strange medicines. As winter approaches, these things will become more and more difficult to find in the future.

Just when Honghua was about to leave after looking at Chenbei, suddenly, the door of the main house, which had been closed all the time, was opened from the inside!
For the first time in more than a month, Qingzhu walked out of the main house.

Her image looks very bad, but her eyes are as calm as ever, even more determined than before.

Hong Hua walked over immediately, and asked nervously, "Wu, is there a way?"

Qingzhu didn't speak, just nodded.

Honghua's eyes lit up, she knew that Qingzhu would never lie, since she said there was a way, then there must be a way.

"What do I need to do?" Red Flower asked.

"I'll call you when needed."

Qingzhu didn't speak for a long time, her voice was hoarse, she walked slowly towards the room where Chen Bei was.

Qingzhu entered the room where Chenbei was, observed Chenbei's state, then returned to her own room, and took out many strange medicines, as well as strange, stitched beasts.

And, a large amount of fresh animal blood.

Afterwards, Qing Zhu walked into the room where Chen Bei was with these things low, and closed the windows and the door.

Qingzhu said to the soldiers guarding the door: "No matter what happens inside, no one is allowed to enter without my permission!"


The two soldiers at the door were armed with bronze weapons, and they were ready to fight. Even Zi Die and Cai Die were not allowed to approach.

Honghua could only stay outside, walking around anxiously, with various thoughts and scenes appearing in her mind, but she could only wait.

Not long after, there were some weird sounds in the room, as well as beast roars, and a strong smell of blood.

No one knew what Qingzhu was doing, but such a scene, such a voice made people tremble from the inside.


Not long after, Qingzhu's scream came from inside, the sound was very loud, and it sounded like extreme pain.


Honghua wanted to go in immediately, but was stopped by the soldiers at the door.

"What are you doing? Something happened to the witch, let me in!"

The two soldiers gritted their teeth: "Wu just said that no matter what happens, no one can go in without her permission!"


Honghua was anxious and angry, but there was nothing she could do, she was completely upset now.

Those two soldiers were actually beating drums in their hearts, they just gritted their teeth and tried their best. They must obey Wu's orders unconditionally.

Otherwise, if there is an accident, they cannot afford it.

"Will Wu be all right?" Zi Die asked.

Zi Die and Cai Die stood together, they were actually very scared when they heard the sound in the room and the strong smell of blood.

"It will be fine, the witch will save the leader."

Cai Die is comforting Zi Die, and she is also comforting herself and giving herself confidence, because she actually has no confidence at all.


There was another scream from inside, it was Qing Zhu's voice, it sounded extremely painful, as if he was suffering great torment.

"Let me in!"

The red flower that had been turning around finally couldn't help it, and pulled out the stone knife, but the two soldiers still gritted their teeth and persisted.

"Don't... don't come in..."

Qingzhu's weak but firm voice came from inside.


Hong Hua stomped her feet, put away her knife, and continued to wait. This process was extremely torturous. She would rather fight the enemy with her life than go through this kind of waiting and suffering.

Outside the courtyard, all the warriors of the Mang tribe who heard the movement came over, but no one dared to come in.

Leaning on crutches, the elder stared eagerly inside, muttering: "We must survive, we must survive..."

Yun, Lie, Shanwen, Hongye and others also clenched their fists. No one likes the feeling of being unable to wait.

This process lasted for half a day, and finally, the smell of blood in the room where Chen Bei was located faded away, and there were no more strange sounds or screams.


In the evening, the door was opened, and Qingzhu stumbled out of it covered in blood, she covered her face with the linen clothes.

"Wu, are you alright?"

Honghua hurriedly wanted to go up to help.

"Don't touch it, it's poisonous."

Qingzhu avoided the red flower, then stumbled into the main house by herself, and closed the door.

Honghua was stunned for a moment, she could vaguely see that something was wrong with Qingzhu's skin.

But right now she was more concerned about Chen Bei's condition, so she rushed inside. This time, the guards didn't stop her.

After entering the room, Hong Hua saw Chen Bei lying on the stone bed. This time, Chen Bei's body no longer had black air, and his breath became much more stable, with his chest rising and falling powerfully.

"Great, the shaman has detoxified the leader!"

Hong Hua was so happy that she was going crazy, she hugged Chen Bei, and finally couldn't help crying.

The people waiting outside also breathed a sigh of relief, they all heard what Honghua shouted.

"It's good to live, it's good to live."

An expression of relief appeared on the elder's old face, and Yun, Lie, Shanwen and the others were also very happy.

However, no one knows what method Qing Zhu used to save Chen Bei, and no one knows what price she paid.

(End of this chapter)

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