The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 371 The Messenger Spider

Chapter 371 The Messenger Spider
Central, fox tribe.


In the center of the tribe, the earthen altar was knocked down, and the statue of the fox god on it was also smashed. A medium-sized tribe with 6000 people was completely broken by the jackal tribe.

In the sky, a huge jackal bit a fox into two pieces, and then devoured it viciously.

"Fox God!"

The members of the Fox tribe on the ground let out mournful cries, and those totem warriors lost their totem power in an instant and became ordinary people.

When possessing the power of the totem, they were still unable to defeat the warriors of the jackal tribe, and without the power of the totem, they were at the mercy of others.

All of a sudden, the Fox Tribe slaughtered a river of blood, and killed all those who resisted fiercely, leaving only those who did not resist or were frightened.

"It's gone, the tribe is gone!"

The shaman of the fox tribe looked at the fox blood floating in the sky, his eyes were dull.

Afterwards, she mournfully said: "If I knew this was the case, I might as well migrate to the east."

After the four major tribes migrated to the southern wilderness, the tribes in the central region also migrated one after another. The competition in the southern wilderness was too fierce, and some tribes that were more resistant to cold moved to the east to avoid the jackal tribe.

The fox tribe originally had the opportunity to migrate, but they hesitated and were reluctant to leave their ancestral land, and now they are wiped out by the jackal tribe.

There are still many situations like this. Except for a very small number of very remote small tribes, all the tribes left in the central area were basically wiped out one by one by the jackal tribe, and a small number of tribes became jackal tribes. affiliated tribes.

"The fox god has fallen, and the tribe is gone. What's the point of my life..."


The fox tribe witch raised a stone knife and committed suicide. She didn't want to be killed by the jackal tribe or become a slave.

"Catch it back, take it all back!"

Outside, the fighters of the Jackal Tribe had already killed all those who resisted, and the rest of them would be taken back and become slaves of the Jackal Tribe.

There are also food, weapons, and various supplies stored by the fox tribe, all of which have become the booty of the jackal tribe.

The jackal tribe plundered all the resources in the central region at a terrifying speed to make themselves stronger.


The Jackal tribe was packing up the last spoils when suddenly snowflakes fell in the sky.

This year's winter is here!


Chihu, a senior totem warrior of the Jackal tribe, caught a snowflake with his hand, and the icy touch made his palm feel cold.

"I hate snow."

The red fox clenched its fists. Every winter means lack of food and clothing. Hunger and cold are always the most tormenting things.

"Pack up everything you can take away, and rush back to the tribe immediately!"

The red fox yelled, and then he joined the team of collecting resources.

They must rush back as soon as possible, otherwise, once the snow on the ground thickens, it will be more difficult to go back.


Southern Wilderness, Mang Tribe.


In the early morning, the mountain snail exhaled hot air on her hands, and then rubbed them vigorously to relieve the cold touch of her fingers.

Afterwards, he began to pack all his things, including a stone pick, which was his tool.

Except for big figures like witches and leaders, the farm tools used by most of the Mang tribe are mainly stone tools and bone tools.

Bronze is very precious, because ore is transported from the distant western desert, and then smelted. It is not enough to make weapons, and it cannot be used to make a large number of agricultural tools.

Shan Luo took out a bronze coin wrapped in broken animal skin from a relatively hidden corner under the bed.

Since the Mang tribe smelted bronze, the fragile tin coins have been replaced by bronze coins, which are harder, more corrosion-resistant, and better stored.

This bronze coin is his reward for nearly half a year of hard work. Only the five hardest-working and best-performing people among these pioneers can get one.

The mountain snail is one of these five people.

Shanluo carefully put the bronze coin next to her body. It is said that this bronze coin can be used to buy a catty of salt in the trading area of ​​the Mang tribe, or other things.

Among the five people who got the bronze coins, the rest entered the trading area and spent the bronze coins, showing off in front of the tourists.

However, the mountain snail does not intend to use this bronze coin. He intends to save it. If he gets more bronze coins in the future, he will also save it. In the future, he will find a woman from the tribe and give birth to a baby. At that time, these bronze coins can be used Buy something for this little family.

Shan Luo doesn't know what other people think, anyway, he will do it himself.

Today is the day for the Mang tribe to absorb tourists who have been stranded for half a year. If all goes well, they can enter the city wall to live from today onwards.

Of course, even if they live inside the city walls, they are not the real members of the Mang tribe, and they need to work for another year and be carefully inspected.

Today's Mang tribe is no longer the sparsely populated tribe that normal people want.

The bigger the tribe, the more difficult it is for people from outside tribes to join, they just want to be good.

As for those who cannot join the Mang tribe, unless they make a serious mistake, they will not be expelled. They can continue to work for the Mang tribe, and they can live near the Mang tribe, which is equivalent to the workers hired by the Mang tribe. A certain reward.

After Shan Luo packed up all his things, he walked out of the wooden house, and together with other tourists who were absorbed by the Mang tribe, led by the totem warriors, walked inside the city wall with excitement.

From today onwards, he is considered to be half a member of the Mang tribe. He believes that after one year, he will become a true member of the Mang tribe!


Mang tribe, outside the city wall, at the water gate.

Green Spider and several people are counting the goods on a ship. Only after all the goods are counted correctly can they pass through the sluice and be transported into the tribe.

The reason for this is that people from outside tribes will do bad things in the goods and hide some things privately, and it is also to make the number of all incoming and outgoing goods clearer.

Now that the Mang tribe is surrounded by powerful enemies, they have to be cautious.

"350 for eight animal skins, 220 for one animal tooth..."

The green spider will record the number after counting on the animal skin roll with Arabic numerals, and mark the number of the ship on the top.

Numbers and calculation methods, recording methods, and even the numbering of ships were all taught to them by Chen Bei. Green Spider learned it quickly, and now she knows the quantities of various materials of the Mang tribe.

"This is the last shipment of this year."

On the bow, Bibo flicked her long hair and said to the green spider.

After the Mang tribe trained a group of sailors, Bibo became the captain of the fleet, leading the Mang tribe's fleet to various places to trade and transport supplies.

She is very satisfied with this position and likes this kind of life very much.

The green spider said: "It will snow soon, your fleet has been running outside for more than half a year, you can rest now."

Bibo shook his head, and said: "I would rather not rest, I don't like snow, because I can't get out of the boat when it snows, I like the life of sailing around."

"That can't be helped, but the ice and snow will melt next year."

The green spider shouted to the warriors on the city wall: "Open the gate!"

At the city wall, the heavy sluice was pulled up bit by bit by the winch until small ships that could transport goods could enter.

There is no way for big ships to enter, and they can only stay in the artificial lake by the river.


Bibo shouted, and the soldiers on board paddled together, and the fully loaded cargo ship slowly drove towards the city wall of the Mang tribe.

After the boat entered, the heavy sluice was slowly lowered, preventing everything except small fish from entering.

The cold wind howled outside the city wall, and the green spider hadn't yet awakened the power of the totem. Although it was thickly dressed, it still felt very cold.

She put away the animal skin roll and pen, and said to a few people nearby who were also in charge of counting supplies: "Go back."

Several people immediately walked to the city wall.

Just as the green spider was about to move, suddenly, a black spider quickly crawled onto her body along her legs.

The green spider froze, because this is the messenger spider of the spider tribe!
 Thanks to the deacon "Lao Wuyi brother lao6" for the reward of 5195 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Hey 0 look 0 here" for the reward of 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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