The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 386 The miner delivered to the door

Chapter 386 The miner delivered to the door
Under the ground, the people of the Chuanshan tribe walked straight along the tunnel opened by the totem god.

I don't know how long they walked, but there was a cave in front of them. They walked along the cave for a while, and finally saw the light again.

"Finally out!"

"Have the people from the Ant Tribe caught up?"

"Where are we?"

The members of the Chuanshan Tribe were discussing in one go, while the warriors left the cave and looked around.

After a while, a soldier came back and said to the bone armor: "Boss, we have come to the south of the blood vine tribe."

The bone armor said: "In other words, it is not far from the Mang tribe?"

The warrior nodded. He often followed the Chuanshan tribe's trading team to the Mang tribe to do business, so he was familiar with the scenery on the road.

"Great! People from the ant tribe must not dare to catch up."

The Bone Armor breathed a sigh of relief, the Ant Tribe was tricked by them just now, if they catch up, will they fight with the Chuanshan Tribe?
Fortunately, the totem god is amazing!A tunnel was abruptly dug from the Chuanshan tribe to the vicinity of the Bloodvine tribe.

If there is enough time, it is estimated that digging directly near the Mang tribe will not be a big problem.

Thinking of this, the bone armor looked at the huge pangolin with fanaticism and worship in its eyes.

Unfortunately, the pangolin was guarding its surroundings and ignored him.

Wu Dao of the Chuanshan Tribe: "Now that we are here, we should find another place to settle nearby, and then send someone with gifts to the Mang Tribe to talk about becoming their affiliated tribe."

"Okay, I'll take someone to look for it right away."

Choosing a new place of residence is a very important thing. Even if you become a subordinate tribe of the Mang tribe, you will not live in the Mang tribe. They are still independent from the Chuanshan tribe.

Bone Armor took a dozen warriors to the vicinity to find a new place to live, while the others rested in place while guarding against possible dangers.

The Chuanshan tribe's residence is different from other tribes.

Other tribes looking for a place to live, need suitable forests for hunting, flat land for planting, breeding, building houses, and water sources for drinking and irrigation.

But the Chuanshan tribe doesn't need it. They like to live on the mountain, where the soil layer is thicker, and they don't need open water sources, because they can easily dig out groundwater.

All they need is a mountain range that is convenient for hunting and easy to drill holes.

Bone Armor led those soldiers to search in the surrounding mountains. Every time they went to a place, they would try to dig a hole to see how deep the soil was.

This process lasted for two days. In the end, Bone Armor found a relatively sparsely populated place in the southeast of the Mang tribe, which was suitable for the Chuanshan tribe to live in.

This is a continuous mountain range, there are no tribes nearby, the prey is quite sufficient, and the soil layer is thick, suitable for digging holes.

Bone Armor squatted in front of a mountain spring, took a handful of spring water with both hands, took a sip, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Very good, this is it."

"Go, let's go back!"

The bone armor led the warriors back to the place where the tribesmen were, and then brought them and the totem god to the new place of residence.


The totem god of the Chuanshan tribe waved his sharp claws and quickly dug a large earth hole on the mountain, then dug the innermost part deep and wide, and lived like this.

The totem gods lived there, and other pangolins also quickly dug holes. The tribesmen of the Chuanshan tribe cut down trees to reinforce the caves, and at the same time built some simple wooden houses for temporary residence.

After all, the soil cave is very humid, and people living in it for a long time will have problems. Therefore, the tribesmen of the Chuanshan tribe actually live in wooden houses on the ground most of the time, and there are shallow, dry soil caves.

These wooden houses or earth caves are often connected to deeper caves. Once they encounter danger, they can escape quickly.

It took another half a month to renovate the residence, until the bottom of the mountain was full of criss-crossing earth caves, and a large number of wooden houses were built, and all the tribesmen of the Chuanshan tribe settled down, and the remodeling did not stop.

The wooden houses of the Chuanshan tribe are very distinctive. In their wooden houses, a hole about half a person's depth will be dug down, which is equal in size to the wooden house.

That is to say, half of their house is above ground and half is below ground.

The advantage of this kind of house is that it is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is windproof.

But it can only be built on a steep hillside, because drainage ditches need to be dug. If it is built on flat ground, it cannot drain smoothly. Once it rains, if the house leaks, it will directly become a fish pond.

In the new wooden house, the Wu of the Chuanshan tribe and the leader of the bone armor are discussing the matter of going to the Mang tribe.

In the center of the wooden house, the flames in the firepit were burning fiercely, driving away moisture and cold, and bringing some warmth to people.

It was still early spring at this time. Affected by the glacial period, although the snow had melted, the weather was still relatively cold. It is common to have a warm day and a cold day.

"Going to the Mang tribe, don't talk too much, just send us a big gift, and then briefly explain the situation of our tribe."

"The leader of the Mang tribe is a smart man. We Chuanshan tribe are useful to the Mang tribe. It is good for them to become their subordinate tribe. He will agree."

"Don't worry, Wu, I will definitely give more gifts and talk less."

Wu nodded. As long as these two points are achieved, with the cautious character of the bone armor, it is not easy to make mistakes.

The next day, Bone Armor took dozens of members of the Chuanshan tribe, dozens of the largest pangolins, and a large number of gifts to the Mang tribe.

The new residence of the Chuanshan Tribe is not too far from the Mang Tribe, so they can walk there in a day and a half.

But because of the cautiousness of the bone armor, he quickly hid when he encountered any danger on the road, and walked abruptly for three days.

Although it took a little more time, all the gifts, all the people and the pangolins, were brought to the Mang tribe intact.

Facing the tall city walls of the Mang tribe again, Bone Armor had mixed emotions, both excited and confused about the future.

"I am the bone armor leader of the Chuanshan Tribe. I have something important to see your witch and leader."

The warrior at the gate of the city looked at the bone armor, the pangolin behind him, the warrior, and the gifts he brought.

"I'll go in and ask the witch and the leader for instructions."

The soldiers at the gate of the city hurried into the Mang tribe, went to the witch and the leader respectively, and told about the Chuanshan tribe.

Because of the intelligence network, Chen Bei has a better understanding of the situation of the Chuanshan tribe, and probably guessed their purpose of coming here.

Chenbei said to Qingzhu: "Our tribe just needs miners for mining. Look, people from Chuanshan tribe are very suitable?"

Qingzhu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You can't say this in front of them."

"Of course, I'm not that stupid. Let's go and meet them."

Chen Bei asked people to invite Gu Jia and others to the living room, and then went there with Qing Zhu.

After arriving at the living room, Chen Bei first saw the big bags and bulging things outside, and then saw those giant pangolins, and his heart suddenly became clear.

"Hahaha, bone armor leader, long time no see!"

Chen Bei entered the door and greeted the bone armor enthusiastically, but the eagerness in his eyes was a bit strange to Qing Zhu, that kind of eyes seemed to be looking at a group of miners who were about to work for the Mang tribe...

(End of this chapter)

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