Chapter 389 Sandstorm

In the tenth year since the founding of the Mang tribe, at the end of the second month of spring, Chenbei and Ciliu entered the deep part of the western desert, a desolate area.

The flamingos started to fly just after dawn. The air was not so dry at this time, there was some moisture in the air, and the wind blowing was very cool, which made people feel very comfortable.

"Why are you called Thorn Willow?" Chen Bei asked casually on the flight path.

The girl replied: "Prickly willow is another name for the sandy jujube tree, because the tree is full of thorns. The sandy date is a very important food in our scorpion tribe. My family hopes that this name can bring me Good luck, you won't starve in the future."

"So it is."

Chenbei suddenly realized that in the small oasis where the Xie Tribe was located, there were indeed sandy date trees planted everywhere. The fruit sources of the Xie Tribe were few, and the sandy date was the most.

Although in Chenbei's view, sand dates are an unpalatable fruit, to the Xie tribe, sand dates are too important to them.

Chen Bei joked: "Why doesn't your family name you Rourou? Maybe it will bring you good luck and make you have endless meat."

Thorny Willow was silent for a while, and said: "There is too little meat in the tribe, so it's not my turn."

Chen Bei was also silent. This era, and even this world, is so cruel. It is not so easy for most tribal people to starve and eat meat all day long.

Only the Mang tribe has relatively sufficient food, and the tribe can often eat meat, which is actually a very remarkable achievement.

The flamingo continued to fly forward, the sun gradually rose, and the clouds in the sky were very thin, which caused the desert under direct sunlight to heat up very quickly.

The sand was quickly scalded by the sun, and then continued to emit heat, which finally caused the entire desert to become hot.

Of course, because it's not midsummer yet, this kind of heat is still within the acceptable range.

The cool wind gradually becomes hotter, and the sun dries up the water on the ground. People in this environment tend to become restless.

Fortunately, Chenbei is strong enough to adapt to this climate. The flamingo has awakened the power of her blood and can also adapt. Thorn Willow lives in the desert all year round. This climate is normal for her.

After flying for several hours, there was a piece of yellow sand everywhere, and there were no mountains to be seen except for the sand dunes.

After flying for another distance, Thorny Willow was obviously exhausted due to not having awakened the power of the totem, but she gritted her teeth and did not speak.

"Drink some water, find a place to land later, take a rest, and eat something." Chen Bei said.

Thorny Willow didn't try to be brave, picked up a animal skin bag filled with water, and sucked it up with a bamboo tube under Chen Bei's instruction.

After drinking some light salt water, the condition of the thorn willow is much better.

The flamingo flew another distance, and several large Populus euphratica trees appeared in front of them, and some drought-resistant weeds grew under the trees.

"Just rest here."

Under Chen Bei's order, the flamingo landed under the tall Populus euphratica tree, and squatted in the shade to rest.

Chen Bei also came down with Thorn Willow. Chen Bei drank some water, took out some jerky to eat, and gave some to Thorn Willow.

"Try it. This is the dried meat made by our Mang tribe. It tastes good and is very chewy."

The thorny willow was also polite, picked up a piece of jerky and bit it. The jerky was marinated with salt and spices and then smoked. It tasted very fragrant.

The thorny willow took a few bites, and she was so happy that she almost shed tears.

She used to not be able to eat meat twice a year, but after meeting Chen Bei, she ate it two or three times within two days, she was really lucky.

Chief Chen is a good man, it's great to follow him, Ci Liu thought so.

At this moment, she didn't miss the Scorpion Tribe at all, and followed Chen Bei to have meat to eat, what could be better than this?
After eating the dried meat, Thorny Willow searched among the nearby weeds, found a thin vine, and quickly dug out a plant tuber from the sand along the vine.

"Chief Chen, I'll give you something to eat."

Thorny Willow handed the plant tuber to Chen Bei with a smile on his face.

"what is this?"

Chen Bei looked at it curiously, and found that it looked a bit like a potato. The skin was khaki, but it was much bigger than a potato, and the appearance was not very good, with some small potholes.

"This is called disa fruit, it's delicious."

Thorny Willow tries hard to explain to Chen Bei that this kind of plant tuber is delicious, and let Chen Bei taste it.

Chen Bei took out a small bronze knife and peeled off the outer skin of the Disha fruit, exposing the white flesh inside.

He cut a small piece and put it in his mouth. There was a slightly sour taste in the mouth. After chewing, he felt sweet again.

Compared with sand dates, it is indeed delicious.

Chen Bei said to Thorn Willow, who looked at him expectantly: "The taste is really good."

Only then did Ciliu laugh happily, feeling that he was useful, and he didn't eat Chenbei's jerky for nothing.

Chen Bei ate half of the fruit, and gave the remaining half to Thorn Willow for her to eat.

The thorny willow is not as particular as Chen Bei, she just wiped it off, and then ate it with the skin, so there was nothing left.

"Strange, why does it feel cooler?"

Chen Bei looked at the sky with some doubts. The sun was still very bright, but there was a strange cool breeze on the ground.

Not only that, but it's getting cooler and cooler.

This was originally a very comfortable feeling, but Chen Bei keenly sensed a hint of danger.

The flamingo also became a little uneasy. It stood up and looked around with panic in its eyes.

Thorny Willow stuffed the last bit of jerky into his mouth, looked at the sky, his expression changed, and he said vaguely: "Hurry up, hurry up..."

"Where to go?"

Thorn Willow swallowed the jerky, took another sip of water, and was finally able to speak clearly.

"A sandstorm is coming, run and find a place to hide."

"What? Sandstorm?"

Chen Bei was taken aback. He had only heard of sandstorms, but he had never seen them. Could it be that he was going to experience one today?
Thorn Willow didn't have time to explain so much, she dragged Chen Bei to run to the flamingo, and said while running: "Run, if it's too late, it will be too late."

Chen Bei knows that people who have lived in the desert for a long time must know more about the desert than him, so Chen Bei chooses to believe in Thorny Willow.

They immediately climbed onto the back of the flamingo and took everything with them. The flamingo seemed a little anxious, and it quickly flew into the sky.


In the desert, the wind suddenly blew up. At first, the wind was very low, and only some fine sand and dust were blown up.

Then, the wind intensified little by little, and more sand was blown away by the wind, and the scenery on the ground was gradually covered by the dust and became blurred.

The flamingo also seemed to know that the situation was dangerous, and the power of its blood was surging wildly, flying with the wind at the fastest speed.

Finally, a rocky mountain appeared in front of him, Thorny Willow's eyes lit up, and he said, "Quickly, land on the leeward slope."

Under Chen Bei's command, the flamingo immediately fell to the ground and landed on the leeward side of the stone mountain.

After a short time, the wind on the ground became stronger and stronger, and gradually turned into a strong wind. The sand and soil were rolled up into the air and danced around by the wind. The scene became terrifying.


The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the whining sound was like ghosts crying and wolves howling. It was very scary. The terrifying dust was lifted up tens of meters high, rushing past like huge waves, drowning everything on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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