Chapter 42 Sacrifice
The hunting team of the Black Snake Tribe was almost wiped out, and after the few remaining people returned, the entire Black Snake Tribe was in a bleak scene.

"Wu, what should we do? How can our tribe survive without the protection of totem warriors?"

In the past, it was the Black Snake Tribe who wiped out other tribes, but now, they are facing the danger of being wiped out.

The leader has no doubt that once the Mang tribe slows down, they will definitely kill them and deal a fatal blow to the Black Snake tribe.

The Black Snake Witch sighed, and said, "At this point, there is only one solution."

A glint of hope appeared in the leader's eyes, and he said, "What way?"

The Black Snake Witch closed his eyes, opened them after a long time, and said with a tired face: "Sacrifice some of the clansmen to the snake god, and ask the snake god to allow us to enter the snake den for a while."


The leader retreated a few steps hastily, the whole person looked horrified and lost his mind, his eyes were wide open, and his mouth couldn't close.

"That's right, offering sacrifices, this is the only way to keep the tribe going."

"If not, our tribe will cease to exist when others come to fight, and everyone will die."

After the Black Snake Witch made up his mind, he seemed much calmer. Although it was unacceptable to sacrifice his tribe, it was the best way to keep the Black Snake Tribe alive.


The leader's expression kept changing, and he couldn't even finish his sentence, but he knew that what Wu said was right.

Black Snake Wu said: "There is no time to hesitate. Once it snows, the snake cave will be completely closed, and we will not even have the chance to sacrifice to our clansmen."

"it is good……"

Just one word seems to have exhausted all the strength of the leader, and the whole person looks a lot older.

At this moment, he finally realized what it was like for those small tribes that were wiped out by the Black Snake Tribe.

On that day, the entire Black Snake Tribe, more than 500 people in total, was told to take refuge in the Snake Cave, and everyone had to go.

Early the next morning, the Black Snake Tribe, who had packed up their important supplies, went to a mountain not far from the tribe. The people of the Black Snake Tribe called it the Snake God Mountain, and that was where the Snake Cave was located.

Most of the members of the Black Snake tribe are still kept in the dark, and only a few important people know the truth.

At the foot of the Snake God Mountain, there is a huge cave, which is as dark as the mouth of a giant beast.

There is an altar outside the cave, which is the place where the Black Snake tribe worships the totem god.

The Black Snake Witch went to the altar, first offered some sacrifices, and then began to communicate with the snake god.

No one knew what he said to the snake god, because only witches and totem gods could understand that language, and his face became more and more ugly.

In the end, the Black Snake Witch bowed to the snake cave, stepped down from the altar, and came to the leader's side.

The leader asked anxiously in a low voice, "What instructions does the snake god have?"

The Black Snake Witch whispered in a hoarse voice: "Half the tribe."

"What? Half!"

The leader couldn't help but screamed, which attracted everyone's attention.

The Black Snake Witch stretched out his hands and pressed down a few times, motioning him to keep his voice down, and said: "The matter has come to this point, there is no room for redemption. We will use the old, weak, sick and disabled at most, and keep the young and strong and children over ten years old."

The Black Snake Witch looked at the leader and said: "As long as the tribe is still there, there is still a chance. If the tribe is gone, there will be nothing left!"


The leader's breathing became rapid, he slapped himself hard, and then said with red eyes: "Follow the will of the snake god!"

The Black Snake Witch nodded and said, "Let the clansmen who want to sacrifice go in first, let's start."

The leader clenched his fists, forcibly suppressed the pain in his heart, and calmly began to select the clansmen to be sacrificed.

Soon, the clansmen who were picked out stood at the front, most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, and a small part were weak young and strong, because there were not enough old, weak, sick and disabled, so they could only be filled with young and strong.

The leader said: "All those standing in front, light the torches and enter the snake den, and you will be protected by the snake god."

No matter which tribe they are, ordinary people are always full of awe and worship to the totem god, because they know very little.

Therefore, the chosen ones didn't feel that they were going to die at all, but entered the snake cave excitedly, hoping to get the protection of the snake god.

Not long after, countless screams suddenly came from the snake cave, as if it was a hell on earth, it was creepy.

"Boss, what happened to them?"

Some clansmen asked the leader in a panic, but they didn't get an answer. The leader had a gloomy face and said nothing.

The Black Snake Witch comforted everyone, "Don't be afraid, they have already received the protection of the Snake God and will be with the Snake God."

"Let's go in too."

After the black snake witch finished speaking, he took the lead to walk into the snake cave, and the leader followed silently.

The others looked at each other, and both the leader and the witch went in. Even if they felt uneasy, they could only follow in.

Soon, everyone in the Black Snake tribe disappeared into the snake cave...

Mang tribe.

The dead clansmen were burned to ashes, and the living clansmen continued their lives.

In this era, life and death are seen a lot, and most people are more open-minded.

They believe that the souls of the dead will also be protected by the totem god, so many people are not very afraid of death.


Only three days had passed since the attack of the Black Snake Tribe, and the first snow of this year fell from the sky.

Chen Bei walked out of the room, reached out to catch a few snowflakes, and felt the icy touch from his palm.

Chen Bei felt that winter seemed to come earlier and colder these years.

This is a relatively obvious change. Although it snowed in the past, the cold period was far from that long.

With this question in mind, Chen Bei walked to Qingzhu's yard to see if she knew the reason.

In Qingzhu's house, after listening to Chenbei's question, Qingzhu said: "Winter is indeed getting colder every year, and it also comes earlier every year. Wu's inheritance tells me that the weather used to be much warmer than now. "

"In the past, the place where the Mang tribe lived didn't snow, and the four seasons were relatively hot. Many creatures lived here."

"However, as the weather became colder, many creatures that were not resistant to the cold gradually left, and those who did not leave also died slowly."

"As for why, I don't know very well."

Chen Bei frowned. Could it be that the ice age in this world is coming?

This is really not good news.

The ice age winter will be very long, and the cold is terrible. Many creatures will become extinct, and the tribe will be the same. If they cannot adapt, the tribe will not be able to survive.

Qingzhu said again: "The Mang Tribe actually had battle pets in the past, and that was the one-horned rhinoceros. They were covered with thick armor, and they could charge into battle with the totem warriors, and helped the Mang Tribe defeat many tribes."

"But later, the weather got colder and colder. Some one-horned rhinos in the tribe died because they couldn't adapt to the cold winter, and some left the tribe and went to the south where the climate is warmer."

"After losing a powerful battle pet, the former Mang tribe gradually became weaker than other big tribes, and finally declined, and was even wiped out."

It was the first time for Chenbei to know the news about the former Mang tribe. Unexpectedly, they were actually defeated by the weather.

"I see."

Chen Bei suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the Rhinoceros God was so powerful, but ended up like this.

This incident also sounded the alarm for Chen Bei. If he didn't want to follow the old path of the Mang tribe, he had to adapt to life after the weather became colder. Otherwise, the tribe might not be able to survive in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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