The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 44 Giant Wild Boar

Chapter 44 Giant Wild Boar
At the beginning of the third month of winter, the Mang tribe's hunting team set off again.

This time, the number of hunting teams has increased to thirty, and their strength has been greatly improved compared to the previous nine.

As for the other totem warriors, the fishing team has thirty members, and the remaining ten or so are responsible for staying behind the tribe to protect the safety of the tribe.

When the hunting team goes hunting in the mountains, the fishing team will not be idle. They will try "winter fishing" in the Lobster River. If they can catch fish even in snowy days, the tribe's food will be more guaranteed.

Compared with the "winter fishing" of the fishing team, it is obviously more dangerous for the hunting team to brave the heavy snow to hunt in the mountains, so Chen Bei followed the hunting team into the mountains and tried his best to protect everyone's safety.


The snow on the ground was knee-deep. If it weren't for the tall "leather boots" that Chenbei had prepared for the hunting team in advance, walking in the snow would have frostbitten one's feet.

The high leather boots made of animal skin can keep the snow out, and the animal hair inside can keep you warm, so it feels good to walk on the snow.

"Boss, there are many hoof prints ahead, very dense."

The totem warrior who was exploring the way ahead came back and reported the latest discovery to Chenbei.

"Go and have a look."

Chen Bei raised his feet and walked forward, and the rest of the hunting team followed closely.

Chen Bei went to the forest in front and found a row of hoofprints on the snow, which was very messy. It looked a bit like the hoofprints of wild boars, but it was several times larger than the hoofprints of ordinary wild boars.

"Come and have a look."

After finally finding the trace of the prey, Chen Bei naturally didn't intend to let it go, and immediately led the hunting team to follow the hoofprints.

After following for about an hour, Chenbei finally found the maker of the hoofprints on the snow in a deciduous broad-leaved forest.

Chen Bei waved everyone to lie down in a low-lying place and hide quietly so as not to disturb the prey.

Yun walked to Chen Bei's side, licked his lips, and said, "Boss, they are two giant wild boars."

The giant wild boar is one of the overlords in the mountains and forests. It is much larger than ordinary wild boars, and the largest one weighs more than 5000 catties.

When they are looking for food in groups, even the fierce and powerful savage bears will choose to avoid them.

If he encountered a herd of giant wild boars, Chen Bei would not even think about it, and would just turn around and leave with his men. With such a small-scale hunting team as the Mang tribe, provoking a herd of giant wild boars would be courting death.

But there are only two giant wild boars here, about the same size as bison, weighing more than 2000 catties, and obviously because the mountains are closed by heavy snow in winter, they often starve and are in very bad condition.

"Boss, do you want to hunt them?"

Everyone looked at Chen Bei eagerly. In this kind of weather, it was not easy to find large prey. They obviously didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

Chen Beidao: "Hunting is fine, but to ensure safety, you must first check the surrounding area to make sure there are no giant herds of wild boars."

Yun immediately said, "I'll go."

Chen Bei nodded. In terms of hunting, Yun was more experienced and stronger. Chen Bei felt more at ease when he checked.

Yun quietly left, and everyone could only wait patiently in place.

Yun carefully walked around the woods where the giant wild boar was located far away. After walking a long circle, he didn't find any other giant wild boars.

Yun returned to the hunting team and whispered to Chen Bei: "Boss, there are no other giant wild boars nearby, so these two should be alone."

"Okay, since that's the case, you take someone to hunt them back."


Yun immediately beckoned everyone in the hunting team to follow him.

However, Chen Bei didn't move. With his ability, it is not very difficult to hunt and kill these two giant wild boars alone. After all, these two giant wild boars are already very weak after starving for half a winter.

But in that case, the Mang tribe's hunting team would not grow.

If you want to have a qualified hunting team, you can't do it yourself every time. This is the experience Chen Bei has summed up.

Yun didn't lead anyone to rush up directly. After all, these two giant wild boars are very dangerous, and rushing up rashly may cause unnecessary casualties.

"Quickly, dig a few more traps and drive the giant wild boar here."

The solution Yun thought of was to dig a trap first. As for traps such as lassoes, it would be difficult to have any effect against giant wild boars because they are too large.

But the trap is different. Even if the giant wild boar cannot fall down, it can still make them step on the air and fall.

Totem warriors have great strength, coupled with good tools, they can dig soil very fast.

Thirty totem warriors dug the pit together, and it took less than half an hour to dig seven or eight large pits.

After digging the trap, the hunting team spread branches on it, then covered it with a layer of snow as a camouflage, and then left the trap area.

Yun called everyone together, and said to them: "In a while, we will divide into three directions, ten people in each direction, and then drive the giant wild boar together to a place with traps."

"As long as it falls into the trap, everyone will go up together and kill it as quickly as possible, do you understand?"


With a wave of Yun's hand, the thirty people were divided into three teams, and they walked in different directions and surrounded the giant wild boar.


The archers of the hunting team shot, and several arrows shot at the eyes, neck, and back door of the giant wild boar.


An arrow hit the giant wild boar's neck. The totem warrior's bow was so strong that half of the feathered arrow sank into its neck.

After the giant wild boar was injured, its eyeballs were red, and it frantically looked for the enemy who injured it.


Another wild boar was shot through the back door, its whole body trembled, and it even jumped up. Obviously, such an attack was very fatal.


Yun and the others all stood up, screaming sharply, and the two wild boars panicked when they saw that there were people on three sides.

If it was one or two people, they would catch up without hesitation and bite them fiercely, but with so many people and their strong breath, they could only run away.

The two giant wild boars rushed towards the side where there was no one, but the thick snow made them not run fast and stumbled.

"Come on!"

Yun yelled, took a spear and chased after him, and everyone in the hunting team hurriedly followed.

The giant wild boar quickly ran to the trap area. A giant wild boar suddenly stepped on the air, and the front half of its body fell directly into the pit.

"Spear throw!"

Yun made a decisive decision, and after accumulating strength, he threw the spear in his hand at the giant wild boar.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The members of the hunting team threw their spears one after another, and before the giant wild boar had time to get up, it was tied into a hedgehog.

The fate of another giant wild boar was similar. After stepping into the trap, it was slaughtered by everyone.


After everything was over, everyone stood in front of the pit, panting heavily. They were surprised to find that hunting in winter seemed easier than in other seasons.

If it is not winter, it is definitely not so easy to hunt a giant wild boar.

Chen Bei, who had been watching their hunting, came over, first checked whether the giant wild boar was completely dead, and then smiled and said to everyone: "Very good, this time the hunting was very successful."

After being recognized by the leader, everyone laughed easily.

Yun pointed to the huge tusks of the giant wild boar, and said to Chen Bei: "Boss, the tusks of the giant wild boar can be used to grind high-quality knives. This pair of fangs is dedicated to the leader."

Chen Bei didn't refuse, the dental knife is better than the bone knife, because the teeth are harder than the bones, especially the teeth of giant wild boars, they are extremely hard, after being made into dental knife, it must be a good knife.

(End of this chapter)

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