Chapter 63 Strange Trees

It took half a month, under the guidance of Chen Bei, the Mang tribe finally repaired the irrigation ditches.


With a hoe, Chenbei dug up the earth wall between the source of the ditch and the creek, and continued to widen it.


The stream poured into the ditch and flowed along the ditch. After passing through the main canal and the auxiliary canal, it flowed into the Lobster River.

"The water is flowing!"

Chen Bei raised his hoe and shouted, and the surrounding crowd erupted into cheers like a tsunami.

"Finally there is water."

Yan wiped the corners of his eyes, and wept with joy. Since he took charge of the planting team, he has devoted all his thoughts to planting the land. Water is very important to farming, which is why he is so happy.

The rest of the planting team are similar. They can't forget how hard it is to carry water to irrigate the land when the weather is dry.

As for those tourists, they have not experienced farming and harvesting, but are simply happy that the project has finally been completed.

Chen Bei put down his hoe. Looking at the rushing water and the large fields waiting to be planted in the distance, he suddenly thought of a food crop.

"If only there was rice."

With water, part of the land can be turned into paddy fields, and rice can be grown. That is the real staple food in Chenbei's heart.

It's a pity that he hasn't found any trace of rice until now, maybe because he didn't go far enough.

Chen Bei hadn't eaten white rice for many years, and he couldn't help swallowing when he thought of the taste.

Not only rice, he also misses many things, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, radishes...

He is not sure if there are these things in this world, but even if there is no such thing, there are probably substitutes, as long as you look for it with your heart, you will definitely find it.

After solving the ditches, Chen Bei devoted his time to another matter.

That is the last deal of the year with other tribes before winter comes.

This time, the transaction will not only go to the tree tribe, but also to other tribes, so it is natural to make sufficient preparations.

There are a lot of smoked fish, smoked meat, pottery, tools and accessories made of various animal bones and fish bones, etc., are prepared.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and they must complete the deal before the snow falls and return to the tribe.

After everything was ready, the Mang tribe's trading team set off again.

This time, Chenbei brought twelve rhinos and fifty totem warriors, including Lie who couldn't go out last time, and White Grass who knew various plants.

Ya also followed, this is the opportunity he got by recommending himself to Chen Beimao, he wanted to go out and learn more.

The rhinoceros carried the goods and walked unhurriedly, while Chen Bei and the others walked, guarding around the rhinoceros, alert to possible dangers.

With seven or eight short spears on his back, and a bone knife more than a foot long in his hand, he followed Chen Bei excitedly. After entering the strange mountain forest, everything felt fresh.

"Leader, I heard that the people of the tree tribe have a huge totem god tree, and all of them live in tree holes. Is it true?"

"it is true."

Chen Bei was a little helpless, Ya was a boy after all, chattering and asking questions all the way, Chen Bei didn't want to talk to him anymore.

"My God, they live in tree holes, aren't they afraid of bugs?"

"Don't guess, you will know when you arrive, let me be quiet for a while."

Chen Bei's words finally made Ya realize that he seemed to be talking too much, so he had no choice but to shut his mouth. In fact, he still wanted to talk very much.

Although I have been to the tree tribe once, there is no road in the mountains, so I can only walk in that direction, looking for iconic references along the way, and the route is actually different every time.

This also leads to some unpredictable dangers, and no one dares to be careless.

"call out!"

Lie walked in the front to open the way. Suddenly, a dangerous breath made his hair stand on end. He instinctively squatted down, and something like a sharp arrow flew over his head and stuck in a big tree. On the trunk of the tree, the tail was still quivering.

It was a three-inch long wooden thorn with green skin, thicker than a finger, and flew out extremely fast.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Before Lie could take a closer look, he saw countless wooden thorns flying out from the bushes in front of him, shooting at Chen Bei and the others indiscriminately, it was like a rain of arrows all over the sky.

Fortunately, all the totem warriors who came here reacted quickly, and they all looked for places to hide. Even so, many people were still stabbed.

As for rhinos, they have thick skin and thick hair, and their defense is amazing. These wooden thorns cannot harm them.

"Lie, what's the situation? Is it an enemy?"

Chen Bei hid behind a big tree, and anxiously asked Lie in front, because he was the first to notice something was wrong.

"Boss, I didn't see the enemy, nor did I sense the totem aura of other tribes."

If there is a surprise attack from another tribe, when using the power of the totem, there will be an obvious totem breath, and the totem warrior can easily sense it.

But the current situation is very strange, there seems to be no one in front.

Ya was not far from Chenbei. There was a wooden thorn stuck in his arm, which was bleeding at the moment. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the wooden thorn, then took out a small bag of medicine powder from the animal skin bag he carried, and poured it on the ground. On the wound, and wrapped the wound with a strip of animal skin.

"Tooth, are you okay?"

Chen Bei waited for a while, and felt no danger anymore, so he quickly ran to Ya's side to check his injuries.

"Boss, I'm fine, I just got stabbed."

Chen Bei said: "You stay here, I'll go ahead and have a look."

Chen Bei held the stone spear and moved quickly, not in a straight line.

"Quick, keep up."

Baicao and several stronger totem warriors followed behind Chenbei. No matter what was ahead, the leader could not let the leader take risks alone.

After Chen Bei ran to the front, he didn't find the enemy. Instead, he saw a large area of ​​short trees as tall as half a person.

These dwarf trees are quite strange, each of them grows straight, and the bark is covered with green thorns. Among them, the bark of many trees is smooth, and there are obvious traces of wood thorns growing on them.

"What kind of tree is this? Why is it so weird?"

While Chen Bei was observing, suddenly, a dwarf tree bent like a bow, and then straightened suddenly, the wood thorns growing on the bark broke away from the bark, and shot towards Chen Bei like lightning.

"Boss be careful!"

The anxious voices of Baicao and others came from behind, but Chenbei actually discovered the danger immediately, and a lazy donkey rolled to avoid the wooden thorns that were shot.

"It turns out that the 'rain of arrows' just now was made by these trees." Chen Bei finally understood.

Baicao and the others also came to Chenbei's side. Everyone looked at these dwarf trees, and they were a little surprised that these inconspicuous dwarf trees had such a strong lethality.

Chen Bei asked Bai Cao: "Do you know what kind of tree this is?"

Baicao shook his head and said, "I've never seen it before, maybe the people in the tree tribe know."

Gritting his teeth fiercely, he said, "These damned trees hurt our people, why not cut them all down."

Chen Bei stopped him and said: "No, I think these trees are useful. I dig a few and take them to the tree tribe, and ask them what kind of tree it is. If it can be planted alive, I want to take it back to the tribe to plant it. It might come in handy."

Chenbei is very interested in these strange plants, and he feels that if they are used well, these plants can also create great value.

After confirming that there was no danger, Chen Bei dug a few trees himself, packed them in animal skin bags, and planned to take them to the tree tribe for questioning.

After a short period of repairs, the team continued to move towards the tree tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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