Chapter 73 Night Attack
It was late at night, except for the night watchmen, most of the members of the Mang tribe trading team were asleep.

The flames were still burning, and the night watchmen kept burning the fire in every possible way, adding more firewood from time to time.

Chen Bei was lying on the animal skin. Although he closed his eyes, he couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. He always felt that there was a danger nearby, which made him very uneasy.

The rhinoceros king was right behind him, just like Chen Bei, it didn't sleep, it just closed its eyes and fell asleep.

Chen Bei leaned against the Rhino King and said in a low voice: "You also feel something is wrong, don't you?"

The rhinoceros king has a very high intelligence, especially after the Mang tribe activated the power of blood, his IQ is not lower than that of a human being, and he can understand Chenbei's words.

The Rhino King nodded.

"In this case, let's watch the night together and see what danger there will be."

Chen Bei put a stone spear and a bone spear within reach, checked the stone knife hanging on his body, and then leaned on the rhinoceros' belly with peace of mind, closed his eyes, and listened carefully to the movement around him .

At midnight, the wolf tribe finally started to move.

Wolfpaw led people to sneak around the camp of the Mang tribe, forming a semicircular encirclement around the camp of the Mang tribe.

Wolfpaw was just about to attack, when suddenly, a loud roar pierced the night sky.


In the camp of the Mang tribe, the Rhino King smelled the smell of wolves, and he immediately stood up and issued a warning.

When the Rhino King yelled, the other rhinos also yelled, waking up everyone in the Mang Tribe Trading Team.

"What happened?"

Lie shuddered, grabbed his weapon, turned over and stood up, observing his surroundings vigilantly.

The others were similar to him, and they took up arms one after another.

In the bushes, Wolfpaw punched the ground fiercely, saying: "Damn it, I was discovered, everyone rush to me, kill them all!"


With the order of the wolf claw, nearly a hundred totem warriors of the wolf tribe led the gray wolf and frantically killed everyone in the Mang tribe.


The black wolf next to Wolf's Claw raised its head to the sky and howled, and all the wolves rushed forward like chicken blood.

In an instant, a fierce battle broke out between the totem warriors of the Mang tribe and the wolf tribe.

Chen Bei turned over and sat on the Rhino King's back, holding the stone spear in his hand, and shouted: "Everyone, don't mess around, come with me!"


The rhinoceros king stimulated the power of the blood in his body, his eyes gradually turned red, and his temper became irritable. He took Chen Bei and rushed directly to the place where there were many people in the wolf tribe.

"Dong dong dong..."

The Rhino King started to run. It was huge, with rough skin and thick flesh. It was like a moving hill. Anyone standing in front of it, whether it was a human or a wolf, was knocked into the air or trampled to death.

And Chen Bei, sitting on the back of the rhinoceros, waved the bone spear wildly, fighting a bloody path together with the rhinoceros king.

"Quick, follow the leader!"

Lie and the others also rode on the backs of the rhinos. These rhinos also inspired the power of the blood. Each rhino could seat two or three people. All the totem warriors of the Mang tribe sat on the backs of the rhinos.

When the twelve rhinos ran, the ground shook. The fighting power of these heavy cavalry was beyond the expectation of everyone in the wolf tribe.

They had never seen such a way of fighting. At this moment, they became infantry under the heavy cavalry's iron heels, and they had no power to fight back.


A wolf rushed fiercely at a rhinoceros, but when the wolf's teeth bit on the rhinoceros, it seemed to be biting on an iron plate, and it couldn't bite in at all.

The rhinos of the Mang tribe are all mutated rhinos. They are not only covered with thick fur, but also have amazingly rough skin and thick flesh, as if wearing a suit of armor.


The tooth sitting on the rhinoceros cut the wolf's neck with a knife. The brave wolf was cut in two, wailed, and fell to the ground. It seemed that he would not survive.

Chen Bei led the group of rhinos to charge back and forth several times. A large number of people and wolves from the wolf tribe died, while on the mang tribe, only some people were injured.

"Damn, how could this be?"

Wolf Claw, who had never made a move, was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he saw this situation.

The black wolf beside him was the alpha wolf in the pack, and the alpha wolf usually commanded the pack to fight, rather than fighting by himself.

The same goes for Wolf's Claw. He confidently believes that his side is absolutely superior in numbers, and he will definitely be able to catch a small tribe like the Mang tribe that came out of nowhere, plus a night attack.

Unexpectedly, the ending turned out to be like this, completely different from what he had imagined.

When Wolf Claw was still hesitating whether to retreat, Chen Bei had already set his sights on him.

Chen Bei knew very well that when a pack of wolves was fighting, as long as there was a wolf leader, their combat effectiveness would be strong, and if the leader wolf was killed, they would quickly disperse.

Therefore, Chen Bei has been looking for the location of the wolf's claws, and now, he finally found it.

"Old man, rush over and kill them!"

Chen Bei's spear pointed to where the wolf's claw and the wolf were, and the rhinoceros king immediately turned around and rushed in the direction Chen Bei pointed.

Wolf Claw could naturally see such a big movement. For some reason, he suddenly panicked and even wanted to run away.

However, before he could think clearly, Chen Bei had already rushed in front of him.


Unconvinced, the black wolf avoided the horn that the rhino king had bumped into, and grabbed the rhino king's neck with one paw.

Its claws are very sharp, and if other prey is caught by it in the neck, at least a piece of flesh will be torn off.


However, Chen Bei didn't give it this chance, he used the stone spear as a wooden stick, and suddenly drew it towards the black wolf, and when it jumped up, he drew it on its body.

With a scream, Hei Lang was thrown out, fell to the ground, whimpered in a low voice, crawled a few times, but failed to stand up.

The wolf's paw next to him was irritated by this scene, and the scar on his face became more hideous and terrifying due to the congestion.

"I am going to kill you!"

The totem pattern on Wolf Claw's body manifested, and his whole aura changed, as if he had turned into a wolf, ferocious, cunning, and fearless of death.

A low growl sounded from Wolf Claw's throat, and then he held the bone knife and rushed towards Chen Bei ferociously.

The Rhino King turned his head and wanted to impale him with his horn.

However, the wolf claw was very flexible and fast. He adjusted his direction instantly, avoiding the horn of the rhinoceros king, and rushed towards Chenbei from another direction.

Chen Bei really chose to jump off the rhino's back, and at the same time, his stone spear collided with the bone knife of the wolf's claw.

The two soon began to fight, the wolf claw's bone knife was faster than the spear, and his speed was also faster than Chen Bei's.

But Chen Bei's strength is much greater than his, and every time he collides, he can shake the wolf's claws so that his wrists go numb.


Suddenly, the wolf claw's bone knife cut into the middle of Chenbei's stone spear, and the wooden pole was cut off directly.

Seeing that the bone knife continued to slash towards Chen Bei, the image of Chen Bei being slashed already appeared in Wolf Claw's mind.

However, he was doomed to be disappointed, because Chen Bei's speed was also not slow, and Chen Bei avoided the knife sideways.

"Savage Clash!"

Without waiting for the wolf's claws to close the knife, Chen Bei directly took this opportunity to use the totem supernatural power.

Chen Bei bumped his head on the wolf's claw's chest, and the terrifying force directly knocked the wolf's claw into the air.


I don't know how many ribs of the wolf's claw were broken, and there was despair and regret in the eyes of the wolf's claw, but it was too late to regret now.

Chen Bei followed quickly, and at the same time pulled out the stone knife from his waist, and stabbed the wolf's claw into the heart without even giving him a chance to speak.


Wolf Claw's trembling hand pointed at Chen Bei, but he couldn't speak from behind, his life had come to an end.

Afterwards, Chen Bei killed the black wolf again.

Both the wolf paw and the alpha wolf were dead, and the rest of the wolf tribe fled and died, and the rest were nothing to fear.

This time the sneak attack ended in the wolf tribe's defeat.

 Thanks to the book friend "Kong Kong" for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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