The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 78 Meeting the Wolf Tribe Again

Chapter 78 Meeting the Wolf Tribe Again

After eating, Chen Bei and the others were about to embark on their way home.

The goods have been traded, and the weather is getting colder every day. It may start snowing at some point, so they all want to go back to the village as soon as possible.

At the foot of the mountain, beside the huge rock engraved with the totem of the Chuanshan tribe, the bone armor bid farewell to the people of the Mang tribe.

"Chief Chen, if you have good goods in the future, you must come to our tribe to trade."

Chen Bei sat on the Rhino King's back and said, "Okay, I will definitely come next time. Let's go!"

The people of the Mang tribe turned and left, and the people of the Chuanshan tribe stretched their necks to watch their backs slowly disappear. No one knew when the next time they would see each other again.

They didn't come back to their senses until Chen Bei's figure completely disappeared.

"Go back all!"

With a wave of the bone armor, the people of the Chuanshan tribe got into the hole one after another, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

They don't like to walk on the ground, they prefer to burrow, which is their way of life.

The bone armor did not drill the hole, but walked up the mountain step by step. He thought about the chopsticks and pottery he traded with the Mang tribe, which was enough for him to be happy for a long time.


On the way back to the tribe, everyone was in a much happier mood. Although the outside world was wonderful, they still wanted to go back to the place they were familiar with.

After all, it has its own home there.

"Leader, what do you think the tribe is doing now?"

Yahe stood beside Chen Bei, and couldn't help asking.

Chen Bei said: "I guess they are preparing for the sacrificial ceremony, which is the top priority right now."

Ya enviously said: "I don't know how many sacrifices they have prepared. This year, many totem warriors will definitely be awakened. If there are fewer sacrifices..."

Listening to the chanting, many people also thought of the tribe, where they had their concerns and inseparable feelings.

Chen Bei watched them miss the tribe, and a warm current surged in his heart. These years of hard work were finally not in vain, and everyone had a strong sense of belonging to the tribe.

For a newly established tribe, the sense of belonging of the tribe is particularly important. It can determine whether the tribe will directly become a mess or twist into a rope to resist the crisis when a crisis comes.

Half a day later, they approached the place where they had fought the wolf tribe again, and everyone's expressions gradually became serious.

Chen Bei thought for a while, and said: "We are carrying a lot of goods now. If the wolf tribe waits in front, a fierce battle is likely to occur, and a lot of goods will be lost. Let's take a detour."

The others also nodded. They were small in number, and if the wolf tribe came again, there would be a large number of them, and they would definitely suffer from a fight.

They bypassed the woods ahead, which added an extra two hours of walking.

However, what should come cannot be avoided anyway.

Creatures like wolves hold grudges the most, and so do the people of the wolf tribe. Chen Bei killed their leader, so they can't just let it go.

Wolf Claw's elder brother, Lang Yan, is the leader of the tribe, second only to the leader of the tribe. He led a hunting team of more than 200 people, hunting and searching in this mountain forest.

Although he really wants to avenge his brother, but winter is coming soon, and the wolf tribe does not have enough food. He must hunt enough food to go back, otherwise he will not be able to explain to the tribe members.

He sent a large number of men and wolves to distribute in various mountains and forests. As long as he found a man from the Mang tribe, he would report to him immediately.

In a forest, the figures of the Mang tribe appeared, and the twelve huge rhinos were very conspicuous.

In a bush in the woods, a member of the wolf tribe took a wolf down and hid.

"They are finally here!"

The man said to the wolf: "You follow them quietly, you must be careful, don't be discovered, I will report to the big boss."

The wolf had been with people for a long time, and obviously could understand people's speech. It quietly followed the team of the Mang tribe.

The man quickly ran to report to the big boss, Langyan.


In another forest, a brown bear is fighting with people.

Although the brown bear is not as ferocious as the wild bear, it is also a bully in the mountains and forests. It is huge and powerful. If it is not necessary, even the hunting team does not want to provoke it.

Because even an intermediate totem warrior might not be able to defeat it, and might even die under its paw.

However, the man who fought the brown bear actually beat the brown bear. His strength was terrifying. The totem pattern on his body covered almost 80.00% of his skin.

This is a rare high-level totem warrior!


The brown bear screamed, its throat had been cut by the stone knife, and its body was also scarred, and finally fell to the ground.

Everyone in the wolf tribe applauded, and their admiration for him was like a surging river.

This person is the leader of the wolf tribe, the elder brother of wolf claw, wolf eye.

Langyan wiped his stone knife, put it away, looked at the brown bear on the ground, and said, "A nice bear skin, peel it off carefully, and give it to Wu Yuhan when you go back."

Two totem warriors from the wolf tribe went up immediately and began to peel the bear's skin carefully. Only when it is hot can the skin be peeled well. If it is cold and the body is hard, the skin that comes out will be much worse.

At this moment, a totem warrior hurriedly ran to Langyan's side and said, "Big Boss, Big Boss, we've found someone from the Mang Tribe!"


Hearing these words, Langyan immediately became murderous, and even the person who reported the letter trembled with fright.

"In the forest to the west, I asked the wolf to follow, and it should not have gone far."

"It's time for revenge!"

Langyan clenched his fists and said, "Leave two people to guard the prey, and the rest follow me!"


Soon, more than 200 people from the Wolf Tribe hunting team gathered, followed the Wolf Eyes and chased in the direction where the Mang Tribe members were.


Chen Bei was riding on the rhinoceros king, and he always felt that there were eyes watching him from behind, but when he looked back, he didn't find anything.

After becoming a totem warrior, his sixth sense became stronger day by day, and he rarely felt wrong, so he guessed that there must be a problem behind it.

Chen Bei leaned over to Rhino King's ear and said, "Did you feel something following us?"

The Rhino King sniffed the air carefully, then nodded.

Chen Bei immediately understood that the rhinoceros is the most spiritual, especially the powerful rhinoceros king, whose five senses are much stronger than humans.

Chen Bei took a deep breath, and without notifying others, he held the spear in his hand. After feeling the gaze behind him appearing again, the totem pattern all over his body lit up instantly, and he jumped from the Rhino King. Down, suddenly rushed in that direction.

His speed is very fast and his movements are very flexible. After jumping a few times on trees or rocks, he rushed out a long way.

In a bush at the back, the fur of the gray wolf that had been following the Mang tribe was all blown up, a terrifying danger enveloped it, and it was so powerful that it couldn't resist.


Gray Wolf turned around and wanted to run, but Chen Bei broke out with all his strength, how could he let him run away?

After Chen Bei closed the distance, he threw the spear directly, and with a piercing sound, it pierced Gray Wolf's waist.


Gray Wolf let out a scream, and was nailed to the ground by the spear.


Chen Bei stepped forward and killed it with one blow, without giving it a chance to yell again.

All this is very long to say, but in fact it only happened within a few breaths, and before the Mang tribe could react, it was over on Chenbei's side.

When everyone turned their heads and saw the gray wolf, their faces changed drastically. They knew that the wolf tribe had discovered them.

Chen Bei drew back his spear, walked into the team, and said with a gloomy face: "We have been discovered, it seems that this battle is inevitable after all."

"Gather all the goods together, Baicao, you take half of the people away, and we will stay behind."

Bai Cao said anxiously: "Leader, let me stay. I am strong and can help."

Chen Bei said: "Those goods are all the harvest of our trip, Baicao, you must take them back to the tribe."

The others wanted to say something, but were interrupted by Chen Bei.

"I am the leader. Now everyone listens to me. Concentrate all the goods on the six rhinos. Bai Cao will take the weaker people away. Lie and the others will stay with me."

"Hurry up, the wolf tribe is coming soon, none of us can leave if it's too late."

Bai Cao gritted her teeth, and finally obeyed Chen Bei's order and quickly transferred the goods.

Afterwards, Baicao ran forward at a faster speed with twenty totem warriors and six rhinos who were relatively weak.

"Boss, you must catch up quickly!"

These people kept looking back. At this moment, they hated that they were not strong enough to stay and fight side by side with the leader.

Chen Bei waved his hand at them, and then said to Lie: "Before the wolf tribe comes, you lead people to make traps immediately, the more the better, the faster."

"Yes, chief."

Lie immediately took the rest of the people to make traps.

As for Chen Bei, sitting on the back of the Rhino King, he is not good at making traps, and he has to prepare for the upcoming fight.

Chen Bei stroked the thick hair on Rhino King's body, and said, "Old man, we are going to fight side by side again."

The Rhino King snorted in response.

As time passed bit by bit, Lie and his team had made many traps, using local materials, and they didn't pay attention to anything, as much as they could do.

Finally, a wolf broke into the woods, followed by the second, the third... and more than 200 people led by Wolf Eye.

On Chenbei's side, there were only thirty totem warriors and six rhinos.

The battle is imminent!
(End of this chapter)

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