The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 80 Desperate Breakthrough

Chapter 80 Desperate Breakthrough

The wolf's eyes were covered with totem patterns, and the giant black wolf above his head let out a long howl and blew the horn to attack.

The nails on his hands were three inches long and as sharp as knives.

He rushed to the Rhino King's side, jumped like a wolf, and rushed towards Chen Bei ferociously.

So fast!

Chen Bei saw the totem pattern on the opponent's body, and knew that this was a rare high-level totem warrior.

"go back!"

Chen Bei didn't have time to think about it, the stone spear swung across and swept towards the wolf's eyes.

However, the strength of the wolf's eyes exceeded Chen Bei's expectations. His hands were like wolf claws, and he grabbed the stone spear with one paw.


The stone spear in Chen Bei's hand broke in two, not only that, but the other claw of Langyan grabbed Chen Bei's neck again.

If he was caught, Chen Bei's neck would be broken in two like the wooden pole of a stone spear.

At the critical moment, Chen Bei lay back directly on the back of the rhinoceros, narrowly avoiding the blow.

The wolf's eyes fell on the ground, and said to Chen Bei: "But that's it, kid, you are dead today!"

Chen Bei looked at the broken stone spear in his hand, and silently threw it away.At this moment, he realized that he had never had a weapon at hand.

He suddenly thought of the bone knife made from the arm bone of the wild bear that was taken away by the Zerg Tribe. If he was holding that bone knife now, even if Wolf Eye was a high-level totem warrior, it would be impossible to cut it with his bare hands.

These thoughts are only for a moment, in fact, he has already jumped off the back of the rhinoceros king.

Facing a high-level totem warrior like Wolf Eye, staying on the Rhino King's back is like a living target, and he can't use it at all.


Chen Bei walked to a tree as big as a washbasin in two steps, clasped his hands together, used the power of the totem, and pulled it up suddenly.

Under the blessing of the power of the totem, his strength is extremely terrifying. Such a big tree was directly uprooted by him.

"Boy, stop playing tricks!"

Langyan didn't want to give Chen Bei a chance to continue to resist, he rushed towards Chen Bei again, trying to tear Chen Bei to pieces.

"bring it on!"

Chen Bei picked up the big tree, swung it up, and fiercely swept towards the direction where the wolf's eyes were rushing.


With such a big tree, the branches and leaves are so dense that even Wolf Eye couldn't avoid it. His claws quickly tore it a few times, but it didn't help at all, he could only tear off some small branches.


Wolf's eyes were blown away by the big tree and hit another tree, he was completely stunned.

This kid looks young, why is he so strong?
He didn't have time to think about it, because Chen Bei swung the big tree over again, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't take advantage of such an unreasonable large-scale attack.

Langyan jumped out directly, avoiding Chenbei's big tree attack, looking a little embarrassed.

Chen Bei saw that this trick was effective, so he said to Rhino King: "Leave me alone, go and help Lie them!"

Rhino King nodded, turned back and ran to where Lie and the others were.

The power of the Rhino King's blood was almost boiling. He ran into some wolf tribesmen or wolves along the way. Anyone who was knocked down by it would be maimed even if he didn't die.

Those wolves tried to attack the rhinoceros king, but even if they jumped up to bite, they were blocked by the thick fur and the hard rhinoceros hide underneath, and they couldn't hurt it at all.

Seeing this scene, Langyan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. The battle he thought he could win easily turned out to be so difficult now.

"Boy, I don't believe you can keep swinging!"

Langyan rushed towards Chenbei again, he believed that Chenbei would be exhausted after swinging such a big tree, and it would be his death time.


Chen Bei swung the big tree up again, but was dodged by the well-prepared wolf eyes.

Langyan changed his position and rushed again, Chenbei continued to swing, and the two continued to fight like this for a long time.

On the other side, Lie and the twenty or so totem warriors were almost all injured. Thanks to the Rhino King's help to contain most of the wolf tribe's strength, otherwise they would have been unable to withstand it long ago, and some people would surely die.

Do you want to fight again?
Lie suddenly remembered what Chenbei said just now, let them run away if they can't fight, but Chenbei is still fighting, if they run away, then there will be only one person left in Chenbei.

Lie struggled painfully in his heart. On the one hand, they really couldn't fight anymore. If they continued to fight, they might all die here.

On the other hand, he didn't want to leave Chen Bei behind and run away by himself.

At this moment, he found that Chen Bei was approaching them while swinging the big tree.

Chen Bei had already realized that they couldn't hold on any longer, but they didn't run away as they said they couldn't beat them.

Chen Bei swung the big tree across and roared at Lie: "Run!"

"Boss, I..."


Chen Bei was getting closer and closer to Lie and the others. He tried to choose an open place to walk, because the trees in many places were densely packed, and it was impossible to shake the big trees.


A member of the wolf tribe was struck by a big tree. He flew upside down and fell to the ground. The terrifying force made him vomit blood.

"Stupid boy, you can't even save your own life, and you still have to take care of others. Since you care about them so much, I'll kill a few for you to see!"

Langyan finally found out that Chen Bei cared about Lie and the others, so he temporarily gave up attacking Chen Bei and rushed towards Lie and the others instead.


A claw pierced through the chest of a totem warrior from the Mang tribe. He had no time to react and could only watch his life go by.

Died, a good totem warrior, just died like this!
Chen Bei witnessed this scene with his own eyes, as if the claw had passed through his heart, the pain made him unable to breathe.


Chen Bei roared in pain, gave up on the big tree, and rushed directly to Langyan.

However, Langyan was not in a hurry to fight him, but attacked another totem warrior of the Mang tribe. He had already discovered Chen Bei's weakness, and he wanted to make Chen Bei suffer more to make up for his grievance just now.

"Boy, did you see it? I killed another one, hahaha..."

The wolf eye's claws slashed across the neck of another totem warrior of the Mang tribe, and this man didn't even have a chance to ask for help.

His eyes were full of unwillingness, he opened and closed his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound, and soon fell into a pool of blood.

Another one died.

At this moment, a sense of powerlessness rose from Chen Bei's heart. Ever since he became a totem warrior, he had a smooth journey and never felt such powerlessness.

Anger, anxiety, heartache, all kinds of emotions are about to overwhelm him.

It was at this time that Lie realized what a stupid thing he had done. They should have run away just now. If they had, maybe these two people would not have to die.

"Run, everyone, run!"

Lie shouted and ran towards Wolf's Eye. At this moment, he would rather die than see other totem warriors die.

The rest of the totem warriors came to their senses one after another. Some climbed onto the back of the rhinoceros, while others ran away in panic like bereaved dogs.

"Run? Can you run?"

Langyan looked back at Chenbei jokingly, relying on his own speed, he continued to rush towards the fleeing Mang tribe totem warriors.

And Chenbei, under the pressure of various emotions, is like an extremely unstable active volcano at this moment, storing energy for an unknown amount of time, and finally erupts!
"Dare to kill my people, I want your life!"

Chen Bei's voice exploded like thunder, and he exuded a terrifying power. The totem lines that originally stayed on his head and chest quickly spread to his arms and thighs.


A huge phantom of a flame rhinoceros appeared above Chenbei's head. At this moment, the flame rhinoceros opened its eyes and let out a terrifying roar!
It was at this time that Chen Bei awakened the second totem supernatural power "Roaring Cow"!
" is it possible???"

Langyan, who was chasing and killing the tribesmen of the Mang tribe, suddenly froze all over. He looked back at Chen Bei in disbelief. This young man who looked less than 20 years old, but broke through to become a high-level totem warrior.

This is something that the heirs of those big tribes cannot do!
Just when he was shocked, Chen Bei had already rushed towards him, his speed was several times faster than before, even if he was good at speed, he still showed a terrified expression.


After Chen Bei rushed over, he directly cast his newly awakened totem supernatural power "Roaring Cow", as if a muffled thunder had exploded on the ground, causing the branches and leaves to fall crazily.

The wolf eye, who bears the brunt, was directly shaken to a blank, and temporarily lost the ability to think and act. Even the phantom of the black giant wolf above his head was distracted by the terrifying sound waves.

"Savage Clash!"

Chen Bei used his first totem supernatural power again, and slammed into the wolf's eyes fiercely.


Wolf Eye was knocked flying, and his chest collapsed due to the terrifying force of the impact, and he fell to the ground fiercely.

"This... is it possible..."

Langyan looked at Chenbei with difficulty, he never thought that he would die in the hands of this young man today.

"Nothing is impossible." Chen Bei said.


Chen Bei punched Langyan on the head, smashing his skull into pieces.

"You shouldn't have killed my people!"

Chen Bei stood up, let out a long breath, and then looked at the other wolf tribe members.


The members of the wolf tribe trembled in shock from Chen Bei's gaze, and the big boss was already dead. They completely lost their fighting spirit and fled quickly with the wolves.

Chen Bei didn't chase either, he sat on the ground exhaustedly, looked at the dead clansman not far away, and murmured: "I avenged you..."

 Thanks to the book friend "Alma Descends to Earth" for the reward of 7000 coins. Congratulations on becoming the helm of this book, Sahua.

  Thanks to the book friend "Dark Day" for the 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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