Chapter 82
The next day, Chenbei called a dozen strong and strong totem warriors to dig a cave at the foot of the mountain next to the breeding area.

"There are too many rocks here, and the digging is not deep. Change to another place."

"It still doesn't work here, let's change to another place."


Chen Bei tried several places by himself, and finally chose a place with few stones and thick soil for excavation.

With the efforts of a dozen totem warriors, a cave with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters was dug in just half a day.

Subsequently, the carpenter made a heavy, rough wooden door and fitted it. The workmanship was not very good, but it was durable.

The old deer got a lot of hay and fallen leaves and spread them in the cave. This simple pigsty is considered complete.

On the third day, the wild boar family was moved to the cave.

After living in the cave, the wild boar really settled down a lot. Even the wooden door gave up after only arching it a few times.

Apparently, living in a cave is more habituating to these wild boars than living in a wooden house.

At this time, there is only one day left before the first snow in winter predicted by the witch, that is to say, this year's winter sacrifice will soon begin.

Everyone in the Mang tribe cleaned up the inside and outside of the tribe, prepared their best animal skin clothes and bone ornaments, and everyone had to take a bath to clean themselves.

This kind of atmosphere gave Chenbei a feeling of Chinese New Year.

The fifth day finally arrived, and the heavy snow arrived as scheduled.

The first game of this year was extraordinarily large and extremely spectacular.

Groups of fist-sized snowflakes slowly fell from the sky, like countless cotton candy, making everyone who saw it subconsciously stop in their tracks to appreciate the rare beauty.


Chen Bei walked out of the room, stretched out his hand, and caught a ball of snowflakes, which felt like cotton, without any weight.

The snowflakes melted little by little in his hands, and finally turned into water, flowing down his fingers.

Chen Bei looked in the direction of the altar and said, "I don't know how many totem warriors can be added this year."

Totem warriors are the foundation of a tribe's strength, and the number of totem warriors directly determines whether a tribe is strong or weak.

Now there are more than 260 people in the Mang tribe, including 62 totem warriors, which is not a large number.

There were originally 71 totem warriors in the Mang tribe, and nine of them had already died in battle.

If Chenbei hadn't believed that the totem god could protect the tribe, he would not have dared to take fifty totem warriors away when he went out to trade before. This is actually a very risky move.

I hope that this year's sacrifice can add a lot of totem warriors.


Outside the Mang tribe, a team of more than 100 tourists followed the direction of the smoke.

These tourists are all young and middle-aged, because the elderly and children with weak constitutions have all died one after another.

They were all sallow and emaciated, and they obviously hadn't had enough to eat for a long time, and they didn't have much energy.

Among the tourists, there was a middle-aged strong man wearing a fur coat with a large stone axe. This man was named Shan Wen, and he was once a mid-level totem warrior.

Although he lost his totem power later, he was still much stronger than other tourists. In the face of danger again and again, because of his existence, he saved the lives of many tourists, so he was elected as the leader of these tourists.

Shan Wen climbed onto a big tree and saw the houses of the Mang tribe from a distance, as well as a large area of ​​farmland that had been opened up.

Then he climbed down from the tree.

"There is indeed a tribe in front. It looks much stronger than other small tribes, and the houses are well built."

A tourist asked cautiously: "Then will they take us in?"

Another tourist said: "We searched for three tribes in a row, but they were all driven away. Now it's snowing. If this tribe doesn't take us in, we'll all freeze to death and starve to death."

"Yeah, what should we do if they don't take us in?"


Others also feel sorry for them. Except for the tribes that are very short of people or relatively powerful, other tribes don't need tourists very much because of the shortage of food.

Shan Wen shouted irritably: "Stop making noise!"

"It's all here, if you don't give it a try, how will you know if they will take you in? Come with me!"

Shan Wen has a high prestige among these tourists, they all shut up and followed Shan Wen to the Mang tribe.

It's just that most people don't have any hope, and their eyes are numb and dazed.

More than 100 people braved the heavy snow and walked towards the Mang tribe. The fluttering snowflakes fell on their bodies, and no one shook their heads.

When they reached the Mang Tribe, there was already a thick layer of snow on the ground, which reached their ankles when they stepped on it.

These tourists had no extra clothes or shoes, their lips were purple from the cold, and their whole bodies were trembling constantly.

With so many people approaching the tribe, more than a dozen totem warriors guarding the periphery of the Mang tribe became nervous. Although they didn't think these ragged tourists had any fighting power, they didn't dare to be careless.

"Stop! We'll do it if we go any further!"

Those tourists stopped one after another, not daring to go any further.

Shan Wen hung the stone ax on his waist, raised his hand, and walked slowly towards the totem warriors, explaining as he walked, "We have no malicious intentions, don't do anything."

The other tourists also stopped, and they looked at the Mang tribe and the totem warriors in front of them curiously.

Sure enough, as Shan Wen said, the houses of the Mang tribe are nice and tidy, unlike other small tribes, which are dilapidated.

And these totem warriors were all wearing warm animal skin clothes, hats on their heads, shoes on their feet, and well-made weapons in their hands.

From these details, we can see the wealth of this tribe.

Shan Wen and the tourists were a little excited, and the hope of being taken in in their hearts increased a lot.

At this moment, Lie and Yun rushed over upon hearing the news.

Today is a big day for sacrifices, and there is no room for mistakes. The two of them have been patrolling around the tribe to eliminate all hidden dangers.

Holding the stone knife, Lie walked to the front and asked the tourists, "What do you want so many people to do in our Mang tribe?"

Hearing Lie's voice, Shan Wen was stunned suddenly, he seemed to be dumbfounded, he looked at Lie blankly, and didn't speak for a while.

At this time, Yun also rushed over, and he asked Lie who had rushed over first, "What's going on?"

Lie shook his head and said: "I just came here too, these should be tourists, who knows what they want to do."

Shan Wen looked at Yun again, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, his lips moved, but he couldn't speak a word.

He took two steps forward, pointed at himself with trembling fingers, opened and closed his mouth, but couldn't speak, his eye sockets became red and moist.

Lie frowned, looked at this strange tourist, and said, "What does he want to do?"

Yun also looked at it for a moment, and said, "How do I feel, he seems familiar."

Hearing Yun's words, Lie also said suspiciously: "After you say that, it seems really familiar."

After a long time, a voice finally came out of Shanwen's throat.

"I... I... Mountain pattern... Mountain pattern..."

Shan Wen took down the stone ax from his waist, pointed to the position of the handle of the ax, and then pointed to himself.

On the wooden handle of the ax was engraved a simple mountain turtle, which was a totem pattern that once belonged to the turtle tribe.

When they saw the pattern of the mountain turtle, Lie and Yunru were struck by lightning, and the knives in their hands fell off. They looked at the mountain pattern in disbelief, and were completely dumbfounded for a while.

After a long time, Lie walked a few steps forward tremblingly, hugged Shanwen, and cried loudly: "Shanwen, I thought you were dead!"

Yun's eye sockets were also moist, he stepped forward and hugged Lie and Shanwen, the three old men didn't care about their appearance at all, and wept bitterly.

Those tourists peeked at each other, and no one knew what was going on.

However, since the leader knew people from this tribe, the probability of being taken in would be much higher. Thinking of this, they became happy again.

(End of this chapter)

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