The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 89 Tanning and Sewing of Animal Skins

Chapter 89 Tanning and Sewing of Animal Skins
After Chen Bei left the breeding area, he went directly to Zhi Zhi, the person who was the best at sewing animal skin clothes in the tribe.

The animal skin clothes that Chenbei wore when offering sacrifices were made by her.

Weaving lives near the creek, because she always needs to process some animal skins, and animal skins inevitably need to be beaten and soaked in water.


The north wind howled, and the sky began to snow again.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Chen Bei knocked on the door.


A middle-aged woman opened the door, holding a bone needle and a half-sewn animal skin coat in her hand.

She is Zhi, who is best at sewing animal skin clothes in the tribe.

"Boss, come in, it's cold outside."

Chen Bei entered the house, and the door was closed again.

Zhi’s house still has a firepit and a stove, but she still uses the firepit for work.

Seeing Chenbei staring at the firepit, Zhizhi smiled and said, "I often need to get some animal skins. The firepit is more convenient and the fire is brighter."

In the houses of the Mang tribe, the windows are very small, and they will be blocked with something in winter, because there is no glass, if they are not blocked, the house will be very cold.

This also brings about a problem, that is, the light in the room is seriously insufficient, and it is dark all day long.

Other people are fine, anyway, there is not much work to do in winter, and it gets darker when it gets darker.

But weaving is different. She needs to sew animal skin clothes, and it is too dark to see clearly, so she still likes the firepit.

The other one, Chen Bei noticed, was above the firepit, hanging from the beams of the house were a few animal skins stretched by branches, which were a little black from the smoke.

"Why did you hang the animal skin on it?" Chen Bei asked puzzled.

Zhizhi explained: "After the animal skin is peeled off, it will gradually harden, but it will be softer when it is smoked. This is what an old man in our previous tribe told me."

"So it is."

Chen Bei felt that this method was rather peculiar. He had heard in his previous life that animal skins needed to be tanned, but he knew nothing about how to do it, because he had never been in touch with fur production.

Zhi Zhi continued: "After the animal skin is smoked, soak it in water for two or three days, and beat it repeatedly, so that the animal skin clothes made in this way will be more comfortable to wear."

While talking, Zhi continued to sew the animal skin clothes.

Chen Bei noticed that the bone needles she held in her hand were thinner than those used by ordinary tribesmen, and the threads were also thinner.

Many people in the tribe can sew animal skin clothes, which is also a skill that must be learned. If you can't sew, you will have no clothes to wear.

Chen Bei has also seen the bone needles these people used for sewing, they are very thick, and the thread used is also cut out of animal skins, very thick, because the tribal people are strong, and the thin bone needles are accidentally broken.

Although the animal fur clothing sewn with thick bone needles and thick threads can be worn, there are many problems. One is that the airtightness is not good, and the other is ugly.

Like weaving, with such thin bone needles and threads, she is the only one in the whole tribe.

Zhi asked again: "Did the chief come to me because he wanted to sew animal skin clothes?"

"It's indeed sewing animal skin clothes, but it's not for me, it's for the whole tribe."

"The whole tribe?" Zhi Zhi said helplessly: "Boss, I can't sew the animal skin clothes of the whole tribe."

Chen Bei said: "You used to follow the collection team, right?"

"That's right, I'm with Captain White Grass."

Chen Bei said again: "Okay, I'll tell Baicao that from now on, you don't need to collect any more, and you don't have to do other things, just make animal skin clothes at home."

"Really? Great, thank you leader."

Weaving is really happy, she likes making animal fur clothing, including animal leather shoes, and she is happy to be able to concentrate on doing this.

"In addition, you can choose ten people from the tribe to make animal skin clothes with you, and you can add more people if necessary in the future."

"I have only one request, and that is for the whole tribe to be clothed."

"Can it be done?"

Chen Bei looked at Zhi Zhi with a look of hope and encouragement.

Zhizhi thought for a while and said, "If you give me ten people, it's no problem to make animal skin clothes, but if you want everyone in the tribe to wear clothes, there's not enough animal skins. How can our tribe have so many animal skins?"

Chen Bei said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this problem. In just one year, our tribe will have a lot of animal skins, and it may even be inexhaustible."

"That's great, I'm relieved."

Since the leader said yes, then there must be. This is the trust that almost everyone in the Mang tribe has in Chenbei.The same goes for weaving.

Chen Bei said again: "Tomorrow I will send you dozens of animal skins, you try to make animal skin clothes first, by the way, it is best to remember to sew a few pockets on it when sewing animal skin clothes. "

"Pocket?" Zhi was a little puzzled, what was that?
Chen Bei pointed to the animal skin coat in her hand, and said: "On both sides of the animal skin coat, sew a piece of animal skin together, sew it on three sides, and leave a hole on it, so that when you wear it, you can put things inside. "

"That's a good idea, why didn't I think of it before, leader, you are so smart."

I feel very excited about weaving. After sewing the pockets, the function of the animal fur clothing is not only to keep warm, but also to hold some portable things.

Zhi likes this idea very much, and she believes that those tribesmen will also be full of praise for it after wearing the animal fur coat with pockets.

Chen Bei said again: "Not only pockets, but also buttons and hats can be sewed on animal skin clothes."

Chen Bei explained the buttons in detail. With buttons, sewing a fur coat can save a lot of materials, because when there are no buttons, the fur coat is crossed on both sides, and then tied with a belt.

And the hat is easy to understand, as soon as Chen Bei said it, Zhi Zhi understood it.

After Chen Bei finished speaking, Zhi Zhi's eyes revealed a look of worship.

In her eyes, Chen Bei is omnipotent, he even knows how to make animal skin clothes.

Soon, Chen Bei noticed several wooden barrels beside the fire pond, which were soaked with animal skins and pressed with stones.

Chen Bei said: "What kind of water do you use to soak the animal skin?"

"It's the water in the creek, but now the creek water is frozen, so I put them next to the firepit so that it won't freeze."

Chen Bei searched his memory carefully, and said: "The soaking effect of clear water is not very good, you can try adding plant ash into it."

Soaking animal skins in plant ash water should be better than soaking them in clean water, but he doesn't know the reason for it, he just heard such a saying by chance.

"Let me try."

Zhi Ma grabbed a lot of plant ashes from the edge of the firepit and put them into the wooden barrel where the animal skins were soaked.

"Okay, you are busy, I will go back first."

After Chen Bei finished talking about the matter, he left and went back. Anyway, he had already mentioned the method. As for what Zhi Zhi could do, it depended on her talent.

 Thanks for the 100 book coin reward from the guardian "Food Panda".

  Thanks to the book friend "Finchlin" for the reward of 100 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Yaoyaoling Bookworm" for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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