The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 91 Spring Ploughing

Chapter 91 Spring Ploughing

As the saying goes, good things come in pairs. After the success of weaving animal skin clothes, it didn't take long for Tao Ding to succeed as well.

For the two best pottery tripods from the first kiln, one was sent to Wu and the other to the leader. As for the others, we had to wait.

As expected, Chen Bei didn't hold back on rewards. He gave five pottery workshops, and each of them gave two high-quality stone knives, which can be used to carve pottery.

In addition, they also rewarded each person with [-] catties of animal meat and [-] catties of grain, and promised each person a set of new animal skin clothes.

The breeding team, the clothing workshop, and the pottery workshop have all received generous rewards.

These things quickly spread in the tribe, and the whole tribe was boiling. How can other tribes have such good things?

The ethos of the entire tribe has become more positive, and everyone wants to do something so that they can get rich rewards from the tribe.

The boring time passed by, and before you knew it, the ice and snow began to melt, and the cold and long winter finally passed.

The fourth year of the establishment of the Mang tribe has begun.


The creek next to the tribe finally thawed, and there was flowing water in the middle at first. Soon, the water flow became bigger and bigger, and the ice in the entire creek melted quickly.

"Quack quack..."

Under the leadership of the duck king, the red ducks who had been nesting in the shed for a whole winter couldn't wait to fly into the stream, swimming happily, burrowing their heads into the stream from time to time to eat something in the water.

Chen Bei took the Rhino King and walked slowly by the stream.

The soil is very wet, because of the melting ice and snow, there is water everywhere, and the shoes will get a lot of mud when you step on it.

But Chen Bei didn't care, he smelled the smell of the soil and felt very comfortable.

The Rhino King lowered his head and gnawed on the turf from time to time. The tender grass hadn't grown yet, so he could only eat some hay, which obviously didn't taste very good.

"Pop puff..."

The duck king had enough of swimming in the water, so he flew up and flew to the head of the rhinoceros king. As before, he squatted on top of the rhinoceros king's head to comb his feathers.

The Rhino King shook his head irritably, but failed to shake off the Duck King. Instead, the Duck King flapped its wings and let out a few "quack" triumphantly.

The rhinoceros king had no choice but to let the duck king use the hair on his head as a duck nest.

Chen Bei walked along the creek for a while, and then walked along the ditch to the cultivated land.

After a winter of land reclamation, plus the land opened up in the previous two years, the arable land area of ​​the Mang tribe has reached more than 300 mu.

With the accumulation of farming experience, the planting team has learned to compost and has a certain understanding of the growth habits of various grains and vegetables.

With the increase in arable land area, rich planting experience, and increase in labor force, as long as there are no natural and man-made disasters, the Mang tribe's grain production will definitely be higher this year.

"Come out, come out!"

In the wooden house where the tourists lived, Yan Helie drove the tourists out who had been nested for a whole winter.

These tourists ate and slept in the wooden house, slept and ate. After a winter, almost all of them got rid of their sallow and emaciated state, and looked a lot more normal, and some even got a little fatter.

"It's such a cold day, why did you ask us to come out?" A tourist said dissatisfied in the crowd.

"Cold? The snow has melted, you tell me it's cold?" Yan almost laughed angrily.

"Listen, starting today, everyone has to work. Those who work more can eat more, those who work less can eat less, and those who don't work will have nothing to eat."

"The food of the tribe does not support idlers. If you want to have enough food, you must work hard!"

As soon as Yan's voice fell, the tourists started to commotion.

It is difficult for a person to become diligent, but it is easy to become lazy. One winter is enough to change the mentality of many people.

I used to have food every day without working, but now I have nothing to eat when I don’t work. This gap is too big.

"What are you arguing about? Shut up!"

At this time, Shan Wen stood up, he couldn't always let Yan and Lie be bad guys.

Sure enough, the mountain pattern is still a great deterrent to these tourists, because the mountain pattern is much stronger than the tourists. If anyone refuses to accept it, he will be beaten up directly, and he will not talk nonsense with you at all.

Yan walked back a few steps wisely, letting Shanmon stand in front.

Shan Wen said to those tourists: "If the tribe hadn't taken you in, given you a place to live, given you food, and roasted you, you would have starved to death in winter."

"Now let you work, do you still dare to have an opinion?"

Shan Wen's face was not very good-looking, and he didn't expect that these tourists would have such thoughts.

"Now, everyone follows the planting team to work. If anyone doesn't want to do it, then stand up!"

Shan Wen took down the stone axe, held it in his hand, and kept rubbing against it, very scary.

More than 100 tourists bowed their heads and were silent. No one dared to speak, for fear of being mistaken by Shanwen as having opinions on him.

Shanwen glanced at these tourists, and then said to Yan: "We can go to work now, they are convinced by me, and they are definitely willing to work."

After listening to Shanwen's words, Yan glanced at his stone ax again, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Everyone follow me."

Yan led the members of the planting team in front, the tourists followed the mountain patterns in the middle, and Lie led ten totem warriors in the back.

After arriving in the field, the planting team distributed a farm tool to each of these tourists, and then taught them how to work.

What they have to do is to ridge the newly opened wasteland, dig drainage ditches, and various chores.

Tourists can quickly get started with this kind of simple work, and the arable land will soon be full of enthusiasm.

Chen Bei saw the scene just now from a distance, and he was quite satisfied with the performance of the mountain pattern. These tourists came to various tribes, and there was really no way to make them work hard without beating them severely.

Chen Bei sat on the back of the Rhino King, looked at it from a distance, and said to himself: "The efficiency is still too low. If there are cattle plowing the fields, the speed will be much faster."

This idea has actually appeared in Chen Bei's mind for a long time, but he has never had the opportunity to practice it.

"Go catch a few bison and bring them back for domestication!"

Chen Bei decided to take the hunting team out to capture some bison alive. If they could be tamed, they could be used to plow the fields, and the plowing speed would be much faster.

As long as the bison is tamed, then Chenbei can also produce the magic weapon of plowing, Quyuanli, which greatly improves the efficiency of farming.

Chen Bei is a person who does what he says and does it. He doesn't like to wait, because many times, things will slowly run aground after waiting.

He immediately took Rhino King and Duck King back to find the hunting team led by Yun.

Since the ice and snow began to melt, the hunting team began to prepare for the hunt, and the tools were almost ready.

"If this spearhead is sharpened, the wings will not be sharp enough to penetrate the thick skin of the prey."

Yun is guiding the new totem warriors who joined the hunting team. Because these people are inexperienced, the hunting tools they make are very rough.

Chen Bei came over and told Yun about capturing bison and bringing them back to the tribe for domestication.

Yun thought for a while and said, "Bison are usually in herds, so it's more troublesome to catch a few of them alive."

Chen Bei said: "You have to do the trouble, get ready tonight, and I will go into the mountain with you tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll take some experienced players tomorrow."

That's how it was decided.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, the experienced members of the hunting team gathered and went into the mountains with the leader to catch bison.

 Thanks to the book friend "Three Thousand Realms of the Red Dust" for the reward of 1500 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Yaoyaoling Bookworm" for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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