The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 1 Son-in-law Su Tianling

Chapter 1 Son-in-law Su Tianling

"Finally home."

In the dark void, there stood a young man in white robes. His face was crowned like jade, and his long hair was loosely draped behind him. His eyes seemed to have experienced the precipitation of years, full of vicissitudes.

Looking at this familiar continent, Su Tianling felt mixed feelings in his heart. He used to live on this continent, but due to an accident, he inexplicably entered the entrance to another world. In that world, he practiced hard and spent ten After ten thousand years, he has finally reached an extremely high state, and is only one step away from the peak state.

After he was fully prepared, he started to hit the pinnacle, but he encountered the demon tribulation. The regrets from the past poured into his soul. With regrets in his heart, he couldn't cross the demon tribulation.

Also can't reach the pinnacle.

After Su Tianling thought twice, he used the "Book of Time" in the Nine Great Heavenly Books, went against the sky, erased time, and finally came back here.

Su Tianling looked at a small town on the edge of the continent, where he used to live, Qingling Town.

"According to the timeline, I went back to the past, and the me in the past disappeared automatically."

Su Tianling muttered to himself, he cut off the past, since he stepped into this world, his young self has automatically disappeared.

He took a step, crossed countless galaxies, and instantly appeared in the street market of Qingling Town.

Looking at the familiar Qingling Town, Su Tianling was filled with emotion for a moment. He never thought that in this life, he could start all over again.

The only difference is that he has 10 years of memory from another world, including that he came here with a powerful cultivation base.

"I used to be married to the Liu family of the three major families in Qingling Town. The time I disappeared from Qingling Town was the second day after I married Liu Xue. God." Mentioning Liu Xue, Su Tianling's eyes showed a touch of complexity.

The heart demon tribulation he encountered in reaching the pinnacle was mainly related to his sister Su Xiaoke and his wife Liu Xue.

Because of these two people, he failed to hit the peak.

If he wants to reach the peak state, he must eliminate the regret and guilt in his heart, and reach the point where his mind is complete, in order to reach the peak state.

"Hey, isn't this Su Tianling who disappeared overnight?"

A passer-by who knew Su Tianling exclaimed in surprise.

The speaker's companion cast a contemptuous glance at Su Tianling, and said sarcastically, "A majestic man, who actually married into a family, is really useless and useless!"

Su Tianling looked at the passerby with indifferent eyes, as if he was looking at an ant.

Now, he can kill this passerby with just one look.

However, Su Tianling didn't do that, and his thoughts went back to the distant past.

When he was very young, his parents disappeared, and they only placed him and his younger sister Su Xiaoke in the Liu family.

Why was it placed in the Liu family?
Because his parents and Liu Xue's biological father had engaged him to Liu Xue when they were young.

Refers to the belly for marriage!
Because Su Tianling's parents have been missing for many years, and they don't have a place of their own in Qingling Town.

Liu Xue's biological father asked Su Tianling to join Liu's family.

At that time, Su Tianling agreed to marry.

Although marrying a man is very undignified for a man, and he will also be gossiped by others.

Because a married son-in-law is like a concubine, and in the future there may be a scene where multiple husbands serve one wife together.

Many men can't accept this point, serving a woman with other men?I feel nauseous just thinking about it.

Su Tianling recalled that the main reason for agreeing to join Liu's family was for his younger sister Su Xiaoke.

His younger sister, Su Xiaoke, is sixteen this year, but she has an unparalleled appearance. In Qingling Town, many young talents covet his sister's beauty.

Even the young talents of the Liu family coveted his sister's beauty.

Su Tianling knew that he was not capable of protecting his sister, so he wanted to give himself more strength to protect his sister by marrying into a family.

"What are you looking at? Useless!" The man saw that Su Tianling was looking at him at the same level, especially the kind of eyes that seemed to be looking at an ant, which made him annoyed from the bottom of his heart.

"Perhaps this wretch thinks that he is married to Liu Xue and has Liu Xue backing him, so now that he is strong, he doesn't care about us anymore." A passer-by fanned the flames.

Because there was a lot of movement here, many passers-by gathered around one after another. In just a short while, 50 to [-] people gathered here.

Su Tianling glanced indifferently at the two people who targeted him, then ignored everyone, and walked towards Liu's house.

A passer-by aimed at Su Tianling, seeing Su Tianling admitting to being cowardly, showed a smug look, and played with it: "It turns out that he is still a coward, I thought he was being stubborn."

"A coward is always a coward, how can you be stubborn?"

The two passers-by were having fun, teasing Su Tianling could help them balance their minds.

Who made Su Tianling have the enviable, jealous and hated shit luck to marry Liu Xue!

Who is Liu Xue?

The proud daughter of the heavens with the highest martial arts qualifications in the Liu family and in Qingling Town!

Liu Xue is not only highly qualified, but also has a beautiful appearance, which has made many young talents intoxicated and crazy about her.

How can a woman like Liu Xue, who is unparalleled in martial arts aptitude and appearance, marry Su Tianling, who has mediocre martial arts aptitude and no background?
Whoever it is, I feel unbalanced.


Those two passers-by suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and their entire faces turned extremely pale. They only felt that their internal organs had been hit hard, and even their souls were forcibly torn apart!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the two fell in a pool of blood.

"What's the matter, why is it spurting blood?"

"Quick, come forward and have a look."

Someone came forward to investigate the situation of the two people, and found that there was no breath of life, and the whole person was frightened.


When everyone heard the words, their hearts were lifted!

How did you die?

Did no one kill them at all?
At this time, Su Tianling, who was walking on the road, had a calm expression and no waves in his eyes...

The two passers-by were like ants in his eyes. The ants made fun of him and just killed them.

It was Su Tianling's masterpiece that those two passers-by suddenly spurted blood and died suddenly.

Su Tianling shook his head lightly. In his life, even this world could not be filled with the people he had killed, and he was already numb to those who killed.

He didn't take the death of these two passers-by to heart.

Su Tianling stopped for a moment, and looked at Liu's mansion. Here... is the family he married into, the Liu family.

His sister and wife live here.

Ps: Some readers don’t know the word for son-in-law, please explain [Zuo, zhui, the fourth tone, son-in-law refers to a man who marries a woman and lives in the woman’s house. This is called zuzui. 】

(End of this chapter)

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