Chapter 104

Seeing this, Su Tianling couldn't help being dumbfounded.

He just mentioned before that he planned to establish a sect in the eighth-class region, but he didn't expect to encounter the broken pages of the soul book.

Now he's out.

The Mietian Sect has already been established.

And it has taken root in the eighth-class regions.

Su Tianling knew that it would be very, very difficult to establish a power in the eighth-class region with Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran alone.

It should be the Mie Tianzong that Xie Yujie helped to establish.

Destroy Tianzong.

He took the name of this power at that time, mainly because he had been judged by heaven and earth, and felt that he had been practicing for a lifetime, but he was always subject to the rules set by heaven and earth.

Therefore, he thought that when he reached an extremely high level in the future, he would destroy the sky and replace it.

So it was named Mietianzong.

"With two pages of the soul book, you can create a group of the strongest forces of your own."

Su Tianling opened his mouth leisurely, and then his figure appeared in the eighth-class area out of thin air.

The eighth-class area is more extensive, the aura is more intense, and the level of martial arts is higher, at least better than the ninth-class area.

These eighth-class regions.

The easternmost region has the strongest aura.

The westernmost region is relatively less.

However, it is still much stronger than the aura of the ninth-class area.

On the land of the westernmost region stands a sect called Mietian Sect.

Su Tianling's figure appeared outside Mietian Sect.

Compared with the normal sect, the structure of Mietian sect is somewhat different.

Normal sects stand on mountains, but Mie Tianzong stands on flat land.

On the right side, there are several figures approaching. Everyone is in the realm of military generals. The leader is a young man. He looked at Su Tianling coldly, and asked coldly, "Do you want to practice in Mie Tianzong?"

Su Tianling glanced at the young man, "Is there a problem with practicing in Tianmie Tianzong?"

"Get lost! No one can join the Mie Tianzong to practice, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!" the young man said coldly.

"Brother Xuan told you to get out, are you deaf! If you don't get out, I'll kill you!" The man next to the young man's eyes sharpened, and he scolded coldly.

Su Tianling glanced at several people, then walked towards Mie Tianzong.

"Damn, dare to ignore us..."

Before the young man finished speaking, the figures of several people suddenly turned into nothingness.

Inside the sect.

There is a backyard behind the sect.

In the backyard, several beautiful women were sitting there drinking tea and chatting.

At this time.

Su Tianling's figure suddenly appeared in the courtyard, and he glanced at several people, Liu Xue and others were all there.

"Brother." Su Xiao could see that it was Su Tianling, so he hurriedly got up and walked over.

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan also got up immediately, and a year later, the scene of Su Tianling massacring the Martial Emperors a year ago still frequently appeared in their minds.

Facing Su Tianling now, he is not as unrestrained as before, but more cautious.

"This Mietian sect is just an empty shell, without even a single disciple. How did you manage this sect this year? And what happened to the group of people outside the sect?" Su Tianling asked, although it was the first time One year, but to him, is not a long time, so he didn't catch up with a few people, and asked a question directly.

Su Xiaoke looked at Su Tianling, with a cold look in his eyes, and said, "We established a sect in the eighth-class region, and we were scouted by many forces from the very beginning. The suzerain of the Eastern Emperor Sect took a fancy to Senior Sister Li, and even launched an attack on Senior Sister Li. Pursued, but was rejected by Senior Sister Li in public, the Patriarch of the Eastern Emperor Sect felt embarrassed, so he sent someone to target Mie Tianzong, and anyone who wanted to practice Mie Tianzong was driven away by them!"

"Senior Sister Li?" Su Tianling looked puzzled.

"It's the Sect Master of the Li Sect. She has stepped down as the Sect Master of the Li Sect and is now the head of the Law Enforcement Pavilion of the Mie Tian Sect." Su Xiaoke said.

Su Tianling looked at Li Ran, Li Ran actually resigned from the position of suzerain of Li Zong, and now he has become the head of Law Enforcement Pavilion of Mie Tian Zong.

Li Ran met Su Tianling's eyes, her voice was cold, "My disciple insisted on coming to the eighth-class area, and I followed her because of her safety."

Su Tianling nodded slightly, and looked at Ye Qingxuan again.

Ye Qingxuan met Su Tianling's eyes, and said directly, "I was concerned about Xiao Ke's safety, so I followed. Now I am the chief elder of the Law Enforcement Pavilion."

"Who is the suzerain?" Su Tianling asked the doubts in his heart. Since Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan have served as the law enforcement officers of the Law Enforcement Pavilion, Su Xiaoke and Liu Xue are the only suzerains.

"The suzerain is you." Liu Xue was wearing a long white dress, sitting there, looking dignified and beautiful, and the lines of her whole body were completely outlined, looking beautiful and moving.

"Me?" Su Tianling was surprised, it turned out that before Mie Tianzong was leaderless.

"Well, after the establishment of this sect, it has been empty here." Liu Xuemei looked at Su Tianling with puzzled eyes, and said, "Why do you want to establish a sect?"

"I just want to build my own power." Su Tianling asked, "Tell me something about the eighth-class region."

Liu Xue spoke slowly, telling all the information about the eighth-class regions under her control.

Su Tianling listened carefully.

From the big frame.

The peak martial arts level of the eighth-class region is at the peak Martial Emperor.

The person who controls the eighth-class region is a strong Wuzong of the seventh-class region, and that Wuzong is also the controller of the seventh-class region.

That is to say, the real controller of the eighth and seventh-class regions is Wuzong.

That Wuzong was a man named Zhuge Sheng.

And in the eighth-class region, there are nine major forces.

Among them, the Eastern Emperor Sect is secretly targeting the Mietian Sect, while the rest of the forces are not making too much noise.

After Su Tianling understood the basic situation, he pondered.

He has two pages of soul books, and he can create eight-star martial souls. He will create eight-star martial souls for all disciples who enter the Mie Tianzong.

Correspondingly, the disciples recruited by Mie Tianzong need to pass many tests.

The conditions for recruiting disciples do not require the other party to have high martial arts talent, but the other party must be a trustworthy person.

Before recruiting disciples.

Solve the internal problems of the sect first.

Su Xiao is his younger sister, needless to say, she can definitely be trusted.

Liu Xue is his wife, needless to say, she can be trusted.

Su Tianling looked at Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan.

Li Ran is Liu Xue's master.

From the days he had been in contact with Li Ran, he could see that Li Ran was not bad-hearted, and had no relatives, no friends, no father, no mother, and now the only thing that Li Ran could miss was his wife Liu Xue.

As for Ye Qingxuan.

He had been in contact with Ye Qingxuan for a relatively long time. Generally speaking, there was no problem with his character and he was trustworthy.

The problem is that what he wants to create is the strongest force, and in the future it will be a strong force that will follow him in all directions.

The recruited people must be extremely trustworthy.

In particular, he has the ability to create an eight-star martial soul, which cannot be leaked no matter what.

[daily recommendation ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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