The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 106 Liu Xue Su Xiaoke's Shock

Chapter 106 Liu Xue Su Xiaoke's Shock
while eating.

Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoke and Liu Xue, and began to use the two-page soul book that he had thoroughly comprehended to create new martial souls for them.

Martial souls are innate, under normal circumstances, those who inherit are the martial souls of their ancestors, and only in a few cases, will there be martial souls that are different from their ancestors.


Su Xiaoke and Liu Xue noticed something strange in their bodies, and couldn't help putting down the bowls and chopsticks.

They discovered that there was an extra Martial Soul in their bodies, and it was still increasing! ! !

Each is an eight-star martial spirit.

"What's the situation, why do I suddenly have three more eight-star martial arts?" Su Xiaoke lost his voice.

Upon hearing this, Liu Xue immediately said, "I also have a few more eight-star martial spirits."

The two women looked at each other with shock and puzzlement in their eyes. Why did their martial spirits suddenly increase, and it was two people who increased their martial spirits together, each of which was an eight-star martial spirit.

"My derived martial soul, don't get excited."

Su Tianling said.

"You?" Liu Xue's beautiful eyes were full of shock, she looked at Su Tianling, her heart was overwhelmed.

She had seen Su Tianling raised his hand and blasted a hole in the sky, and she knew that Su Tianling must have a big secret.

Now that Su Tianling was able to add a martial soul to her, and it was still an eight-star martial soul, this made her feel really hard to calm down.

Looking at the whole world, who doesn't know that the most important thing for a martial artist is the talent level of the martial soul. If the talent level of the martial soul is high, the future martial arts journey can go further.

Generally speaking, only a very small number of people have very high level martial spirits, very few who can reach eight-star martial spirits, even fewer if they have two eight-star martial spirits.

And in her body, there are now more than a dozen eight-star martial spirits, three lightsaber martial souls, three fire martial souls, and thunder martial souls, each of which is eight-star.

Liu Xue stared at Su Tianling in a daze, why does her husband have so many secrets...

Su Xiaoke looked at Su Tianling, her eyes were filled with unconcealable shock, her small mouth was already opened in shock, her brother actually possessed such a strange method, and could create so many eight-star martial spirits...

"I'll pass on some supporting exercises for your martial soul, and you can practice them in your spare time." Su Tianling's voice fell, and strands of information about the exercises entered Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke's minds.

Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke were even more shocked when they received such an advanced technique again. They created a martial soul and such an advanced technique. How did they possess these abilities...

Obviously everyone is about the same age, why is there such a big gap...

"Brother, where did you get these methods from?"

Su Xiaoke asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Secret." Su Tianling smiled and replied.

When Su Xiaoke heard this, the displeasure in her heart showed on her face. Now her brother and she both have secrets, and they used to talk about everything.

Liu Xue didn't ask, she waited for the day when Su Tianling told her personally.

"Tianling, can you help master get some eight-star martial spirit?" Liu Xue said, she has always respected Li Ran.

Since entering Lizong, Liran has taken good care of her and treated her like a sister.

"And my master." Su Xiaoke said, she also respects Ye Qingxuan, especially Ye Qingxuan treats her very well, that kind of kindness is not a deliberate disguise, but an expression of true feelings, she can feel it.

Su Tianling shook his head lightly, and said, "It depends."

When Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke heard the words, their beautiful eyes were slightly sad. Hearing what Su Tianling meant, it seemed that they had no intention of helping Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan increase their martial soul talents.

after eating.

Su Tianling's figure is hidden in the backyard of the Law Enforcement Pavilion. In the backyard, two beautiful women are chatting.

"Hey... I don't understand why Su Tianling wants to establish Mietian Sect. The name seems to be Mietian. What's the matter with Mietian? Do you think his head is flooded?" Ye Qingxuan lay lazily on the chair, beautiful With her pretty face facing the sky, she asked Li Ran who was also lying on the chair next to her.

"It's not important." Li Ran's voice was a little light.

"Then what's important?" Ye Qingxuan asked with puzzled eyes.

"Practice." Li Ran.

"..." Ye Qingxuan rolled her eyes and said, "You and I have been cultivating for more than 100 years. If you want to go further in the realm of Martial Emperor, I'm afraid it will not be so easy..."

"Then why did you come to this eighth-class region?" Li Ran looked curious.

"Isn't it because of Xiao Ke...Xiao Ke is only 19 years old. Su Tianling just mentioned that she wants to establish the Mietian Sect. She insists on building a sect in the eighth-class area. What can I do? I can only follow her... If I don't follow, what will happen if something goes wrong with her little cultivation?" Ye Qingxuan.

Li Ran's beautiful eyes flickered, and she looked at Ye Qingxuan and asked, "Didn't you find something strange? We came from the ninth-class region and established a sect in this eighth-class region. We just applied to the Wuzong to establish a sect. Wu Zong directly agreed."

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxuan raised her eyebrows slightly, showing a thoughtful expression.

If you want to establish a sect in the eighth-class region, you must apply to the actual controller of the eighth-class region. If the controller of the eighth-class region does not agree with them to establish a sect here, then they have nothing to do.

However, they only applied once, and they passed directly.

"It's a little strange. You said that Zhuge Sheng, wouldn't covet your beauty and mine?" Ye Qingxuan's heart froze. Zhuge Sheng is the actual controller of the eighth and seventh regions, and his cultivation level is already the highest among Wu Zong. environment, one hand can easily defeat her.

The realm of martial arts.

Warrior, martial master, general, king of martial arts, emperor of martial arts, emperor of martial arts.

Wu Zong was already in the sixth major realm of martial arts, but they were only in the fifth major realm. Wu Huang faced Wu Zong, just like an ant and an elephant, the gap was very big.

Moreover, she and Li Ran are only early Martial Emperors, if a Martial Sect covets their beauty, if that Martial Sect uses force, they will be tarnished...

Hearing this, Li Ran felt speechless, and said in a sullen voice, "Can you have some brains? If he covets beauty, there will be no movement this year."

"Then it's even more worthy of our vigilance. Zhuge Sheng doesn't want to show off, so what about us?" Ye Qingxuan said.

"I don't know!!!" Li Ran didn't want to speak anymore.

At this time.

Su Tianling's figure suddenly appeared in front of the two women. He looked at Li Ran and the two, and said with a smile, "You two are living here very comfortably. The Mietian Sect has just been established, and there is no disciple yet. Are you two? Do you want to work harder and recruit some disciples?"

Ye Qingxuan sat upright, looked at Su Tianling, and said, "I know that the Sword Sect has many disciples. If you want to expand your disciples, I can go back and bring the sect disciples here at any time. The question is... why did you establish the sect? Sects competing for resources? Still think it's fun?"

(End of this chapter)

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