The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 113 Fifty Thousand Is Just a Small Number

Chapter 113 Fifty million is just a small number
Seeing so many spirit stones, the disciples of the Moon Emperor Sect gasped one by one. How could this disciple of the Mietian Sect have so many spirit stones...

Yaoyu's face turned red, she kept saying that the disciples of the Mietian Sect could not get 500 million spirit stones, but they directly took out 5000 million spirit stones to beat her in the face.

Thinking of what I said just now, and looking at the piles of spirit stones on the auction stage, I just felt a burning pain in my face, and I wished I could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

on the auction table.

Hua Qingcheng's eyes showed surprise, 5000 million spirit stones, this is a very large sum.

And so many spirit stones would appear on the disciples of Mie Tianzong, it was difficult for her not to be surprised.

"500 million once, 500 million twice, 500 million three times."

After Hua Qingcheng calmed down, she made a final decision, looked at Su Tianling in the box on the second floor with her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "The last two sets of clothes made by Master Chu belong to you."

With a flick of his sleeve, Su Tianling took back 5000 million of the 500 million spirit stones on the auction stage, and the remaining 500 million was money for the dress.

On the side, Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke looked at Su Tianling in a daze, showing surprise, "How do you have so much money?"

"Fifty million is just a small number."

Su Tianling said, seeing the surprised expressions of the two women, he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "You guys still know too little, I'll give you some pocket money, spend whatever you want."

After all, Su Tianling took out piles of spirit stones and put them into the storage rings of Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke.

The two women checked the storage ring, and felt dizzy when they saw the mountain of spirit stones.

"This... How many spirit stones are these..." Su Xiaoke said with a trembling voice.

"Not much, just [-] billion." Su Tianling said.



When Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke heard the words, their heads were dizzy, their hearts trembled so violently that they almost jumped out, [-] billion?This is not much, how rich is this.

The two women have a new understanding of Su Tianling.

Not only is his strength unfathomable, but all kinds of methods are emerging one after another, and now he is so rich... This money will never be spent in a lifetime.

Especially Liu Xue felt the deepest...

In the past, she thought that Su Tianling could make a lot of money by marrying her.

Thinking about it now, I just feel how ridiculous I was before.

Now she feels that she is not worthy of Su Tianling at all.

Except for a face and figure that can meet the requirements, other feelings are useless.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but panic, such an outstanding man, would other women take the initiative to seduce him?
Su Tianling looked at the expressions of the two women, and shook his head lightly in his heart. He had too little knowledge, and he needed to see more of the world in the future.

At this time.

Hua Qingcheng brought up a long wooden box, which contained exquisite dresses. She sized up Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke with beautiful eyes. The beauty of these two women was already at the top level.

This man spent 500 million Lingshi just to buy two sets of dresses for the auction, is he just smiling for the beauty of Bo?

"Your dresses." Hua Qingcheng handed over the wooden box.

Su Xiaoke took it quickly, opened the wooden box, and saw the extremely beautiful dress inside, she couldn't help but marvel, "Every detail is in place, the clothes made by Master Chu are really exquisite."

"Indeed." Liu Xue nodded in agreement.

"Go back." Su Tianling said out loud.

"Hmm." Su Xiaoke said.

"What do you want to eat when you go back? Shall I make it for you?" Liu Xue said.

"I will eat whatever you do." Su Tianling.

Hua Qingcheng looked at the backs of the three of them leaving, her eyes froze for a moment, listening to the conversation between Liu Xue and Su Tianling, the relationship between them seemed to be a Taoist couple.

"It looks very sweet." Hua Qingcheng murmured to herself, she lost her mind for a moment, thinking that she was going to marry someone she didn't like in half a month, her heart felt sour.


The disciples of the Moon Emperor Sect and others looked at the back of the three of Su Tianling leaving, with extremely cold faces.

Yaoyu raised her eyebrows, showing a thoughtful look, and said, "Jin Cheng, the young lord of the Golden Sculpture Sect, likes Liu Xue, but now Liu Xue is with a man. Tell me, what will happen if Jin Cheng finds out about this?" Sample?"

"Jin Cheng will be furious and go directly to Mietianzong! Kill that man!" the servant girl said coldly.

"Yeah." Yaoyu's eyes showed a gleam of coldness, today the disciple of Mietianzong made her lose face, she must take revenge!
"Let's go!" Yaoyu said coldly, then stepped forward.

"Senior Sister, my stomach hurts a little, you go first." The servant girl said to Yaoyu with a look of greed in her eyes.

Yaoyu ignored it and walked away directly.

"Xiao Cui, why do you have a stomachache when you're doing well?" a disciple asked with a frown.

The maid waited for Yaoyu to leave her sight, and then she whispered to the disciples, "Follow me to stop the disciples of Mie Tianzong, and then ask them for the spirit stones!"

"Ah? How do you ask for it?" Several disciples were stunned.

"Follow me, and follow my orders!" said the servant girl.


Su Tianling and the others did not return to the clan immediately, but continued to stroll on the streets of Xuanqing City, when they passed a small alley.

Suddenly, several people blocked the front and back paths.

Seeing these people, Liu Xue's eyes flickered coldly, "What do you want to do?"

"Hand over all the spirit stones on you! If you don't! We'll tell Jin Cheng about your intimacy with this man!" The disciples of the Moon Emperor Sect followed all the way, and didn't show up until this alley.

"Threat me?" Liu Xue showed disdain, and the color of her pupils suddenly turned into a bright purple light.

The disciples of the Moon Emperor Sect and others immediately felt a terrifying spiritual sword piercing their souls!

"Not good!" The expressions of the disciples of the Moon Emperor Sect and others changed drastically, and they immediately wanted to defend themselves, but they thought that this force was mainly a spiritual attack, and they had not practiced spiritual defense, so there was no way to resist this force at all. strength.


The sword of spiritual power pierces directly into their souls.

dong dong dong dong.

The disciples of the Moon Emperor Sect all opened their eyes wide, and then their bodies fell straight down.

"Let's go." Su Tianling said at this moment, not paying attention to the appearance of several people.


Destroy the backyard of Tianzong's sect.

Su Tianling began to teach the two girls to practice, and explained the important points of each realm.

From warriors, warriors, generals, kings, emperors, emperors,

Martial Venerable, Martial Saint, Martial Emperor Realm.

There are a total of nine great realms, and the main points of practice in each realm have been explained.

"Brother, what state are you in now?" Su Xiaoke asked curiously.

"Didn't I say it before, one thought can kill a saint, and the Emperor Wu can be killed."

Su Tianling.

"..." Su Xiaoke was very puzzled in her heart. Her brother is obviously only two years older than her, so why is his realm so high?
Liu Xue was also puzzled.

For the first 18 years, she and Su Tianling had been living in Liu's house, even if they didn't meet every day, they would meet once every three days.

Why is she only at the Martial King Realm, but Su Tianling's strength is already so powerful?

(End of this chapter)

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