The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 120 Just because of you, you also want to take Hua Qingcheng away?Do you deserve it?

Chapter 120 Just because of you, you also want to take Hua Qingcheng away?Do you deserve it?

After a while.

Hua Qingcheng's heart trembled. She already had more than a dozen eight-star martial spirits in her body. If such a talent was known to outsiders, it would probably trigger a fight among the major forces.

She looked at Su Tianling, her heart trembled, is this still human?

Su Tianling's face was calm, and he was no longer surprised by this kind of fuss.

"Teach you a little more exercises, and then you can go to the gate."

Su Tianling passed some information about the exercises to Hua Qingcheng.

Hua Qingcheng sensed the many extra exercises in her mind, and her pupils shrank sharply. Although she didn't know what level this exercise was, based on her knowledge, this exercise definitely surpassed the Zongji!
Thinking of this, Hua Qingcheng's heart surged for a while, it is the ability to shape martial souls, and the advanced skills, the foundation of Mietianzong is simply too deep.

"The Zongmen lacks someone to watch the gate, you go to the gate of the Zongmen to watch the gate."

Su Tianling looked at her and said.

"Okay." Hua Qingcheng nodded. Since she was a child, she has never seen the gate. It is usually the job of ordinary disciples. If she is asked to visit the gate in other sects, she will definitely be very annoyed.

Now that Su Tianling asked her to look at the gate, she didn't feel angry at all, and even felt a little proud. Others are not qualified to look at the gate in Mietianzong, but she can.

Especially when thinking about yesterday's martial arts competition, Su Tianling said that Jin Cheng, the young patriarch of the Golden Carving Sect, was not even worthy to show Mie Tianzong the gate, so she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her heart.

Hua Qingcheng left.

Su Tianling looked at her back, smiled, then got up, stretched a long way, and said, "Finally accepted a new disciple... By the way, I almost forgot one thing."

With a thought in Su Tianling's mind, an invisible force quietly penetrated into Hua Qingcheng's mind and soul.

This is a ban, if Hua Qingcheng leaks any top-secret information, this ban will be activated automatically, obliterating Hua Qingcheng.

"It's done." Su Tianling.

Exterminate Tianzong.

Hua Qingcheng stood at the door, with a graceful figure and a beautiful face. If such a beauty was guarding the door, if someone knew about it, they would probably stare wide-eyed.

at this time.

There were many tyrannical auras spreading, Hua Qingcheng's beautiful eyes stared into the air, and when she saw the figure in the air, her beautiful eyes froze sharply.

half empty.

There was a group of people, and the leader was a Martial Emperor. He looked down and saw Hua Qingcheng standing at the gate of Mie Tianzong, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

In an instant, they appeared ten steps away from the gate of the sect.

"Flowers all over the city! Come back with us!"

The leading man, Hua Long, stared at Hua Qingcheng and said in a deep voice.

"I'm already a disciple of Mietian Sect!" Hua Qingcheng looked at Hualong coldly with beautiful eyes, and said coldly, "You want me to marry Dongbai, dreaming!"

"Disciple of Mietian Sect?" Hua Long said with a sarcasm, "So you are the disciple of Mietian Sect's gatekeeper now?"

"So what!" Hua Qingcheng said coldly.

"Hahaha..." Hualong laughed for a while, looked at Hua Qingcheng, and said sarcastically, "The number one beauty of the Milan Chamber of Commerce is just a gatekeeper in Mietianzong, how ridiculous!"

"What's wrong with looking at the gate? You don't even have the qualifications to look at the gate in Mietianzong!" Hua Qingcheng.

"Idiot." Hua Long shook his head, looked at Hua Qingcheng as if he was looking at an idiot, and looked proud at the gate.

Hualong ignored Hua Qingcheng, and he said in a deep voice to Mie Tianzong, "Hua Qingcheng is a member of the Milan Chamber of Commerce, and she has a wedding with Dongbai, the young master of the Eastern Emperor Sect. Hua Qingcheng wants to escape marriage, I will accept it." Long Zhiming brought Hua Qingcheng back."

At this time.

Su Tianling's figure appeared beside Hua Qingcheng. He looked at Hualong indifferently and said, "Hua Qingcheng is already a disciple of my sect. If she doesn't want to marry, then she won't!"

"Are you sure?" Hua Long frowned, staring at Su Tianling, and reminded in a deep voice, "If you insist on protecting Hua Qingcheng, you will be against the Milan Chamber of Commerce and the Eastern Emperor Sect!"

"Milan Chamber of Commerce and Eastern Emperor Sect are just a bunch of ants in my eyes." Su Tianling said lightly.

When Hualong and the others heard this, their faces turned gloomy. Su Tianling was so arrogant that he didn't pay attention to the two major forces!

"If I insist on taking Hua Qingcheng away today!"

A terrifying aura of the Martial Emperor suddenly burst out from Hualong's body. This aura has already reached the level of the late Martial Emperor, and the terrifying coercion spread out instantly, covering Su Tianling and Hua Qingcheng.

He stared at Su Tianling sharply. He is a majestic late-stage Martial Emperor. Even if Li Ran joins forces with Ye Qingxuan, he is not his opponent.

Even if Su Tianling is the late Martial Emperor, he can leave safely.

"Perseverance?" Su Tianling stared at Hualong with both eyes, and then opened his hand, and an invisible force suddenly grabbed Hualong's body.

With a wave of Su Tianling's hand, Hualong's body was suddenly thrown into the sky!
Hualong turned pale with shock, why is Su Tianling so strong!
He wanted to break free, but found that his body could not move at all.

Su Tianling stared at the void, squeezed his big hand again, and said with a sneer, "You alone want to take Hua Qingcheng away by force? Are you worthy!"


After the voice fell, Hualong's body suddenly fell from the sky, like a meteor, and hit the ground instantly.

Su Tianling took a step, and appeared in front of Hualong out of thin air, raised his foot and stomped on Hualong's head fiercely, looking down at Hualong on the ground with a condescending attitude, playing with the taste, "Continue to fight with me!" Ah, weren't you very arrogant just now!"

Hualong's face turned red, and his heart was full of anger. He was a majestic martial emperor, and he was trampled under his feet!
"Let me go! will die!" Hua Long gritted his teeth and said coldly.

"Threat me?" Su Tianling sneered, and a terrifying force descended, instantly crippling Hualong's legs.

"Ah..." Hualong screamed.

"Not only won't let you go, but I will kill you!" Su Tianling slightly exerted force on the soles of his feet.

"No..." Hualong yelled in horror.


Hualong's head exploded directly.

not far away.

A group of Martial Kings from the Milan Chamber of Commerce had already turned pale with fright, but now their faces turned even paler, with horror in their eyes, looking at the headless flower dragon on the ground in front of them.

Hualong is the late Martial Emperor of the Milan Chamber of Commerce. He is very powerful in the Chamber of Commerce. He thought that he could easily take Hua Qingcheng away when he came to Mie Tianzong, but he didn't expect Hualong to die here directly.

Hua Qingcheng at the gate of the sect let out a long sigh of relief. At the beginning, she was a little worried that Su Tianling would not be able to withstand the pressure from the two major forces, and then handed her over. Seeing that Su Tianling killed Hualong on the spot, she was relieved. Completely relax.

Killing Hualong is equivalent to completely opposing the Milan Chamber of Commerce!

Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Tianling and was very moved.

(End of this chapter)

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