The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 127 Then Don't Leave Now!

Chapter 127 Then Don't Leave Now!

Lin Chan felt very ashamed at the moment, she was defeated!
Just now she said that Li Ran would make three moves, but in the end she only conceded one move. Now she lost to Li Ran in the same battle, which made her feel embarrassed for a while.


Chu Yue's beautiful eyes stared at Li Ran in the sky, her eyes revealed a look of surprise. She was very clear about Lin Chan's strength in the same realm. She obtained powerful exercises in the sixth-class area, and she also got the guidance of a strong member of the Du family. The environment is very strong.

But now, Lin Chan has lost to Li Ran.

how can that be!

Chu Yue couldn't believe it.

Du Shaoyou's eyes showed surprise, Lin Chan was defeated!Lost to Li Ran.

He doesn't believe that Li Ran has a stronger skill than Lin Chan. The only explanation is that Li Ran is very strong. If Li Ran can go to the sixth-class area with him and forge with a stronger skill, then her strength will be stronger. Wouldn't it become stronger?
At that time, looking at the sixth-class regions, who in the same realm can be Li Ran's opponent?
If Li Ran can follow him, his chances of winning will be even greater if he competes for the position of Du Clan Young Patriarch!
"Very good!" Du Shaoyou clapped his hands and said to Li Ran who was in mid-air, "You don't have a powerful technique, and you are already so strong without the guidance of a strong man. If you follow me to the sixth-class area, your strength can become stronger."

When Lin Chan heard the words, she immediately agreed, and said to Li Ran, "Disciple, you can go to the sixth-class area with my teacher, this will make your strength stronger."

Li Ran shook her head lightly, and said politely, "I said before, I won't go to the sixth-class area unless the suzerain asks."

Lin Chan and Du Shaoyou were stunned when they heard the words, they are suzerain again!

Chu Yue looked at Ye Qingxuan with beautiful eyes and asked, "How does your strength compare with Li Ran's?"

"Almost." Ye Qingxuan.

Chu Yue took a deep look at Ye Qingxuan, she was about the same strength as Li Ran, wouldn't she be able to defeat her in the same situation?
Du Shaoyou looked at Ye Qingxuan and said seriously, "As long as you follow me to the Du family, I will definitely train you vigorously."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged her shoulders and said, "If you don't want to go, you should die."

Du Shaoyou was sullen, unwilling to go?

Chu Yue said in a deep voice, "It's been so long now, your suzerain should have a good rest! Take us to find him!"

Ye Qingxuan felt helpless and said, "Then let's go."

Several people went to the backyard of the Zongmen.

Entering the yard, Lin Chan and Chu Yue saw a young man lying on a chair, seemingly asleep.

Du Shaoyou looked at Su Tianling, a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes.

"Tianling." Liu Xue walked over and woke up Su Tianling.

Su Tianling slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw Liu Xue, he lazily said, "If you disturb my sleep, you should be punished."

Liu Xue was speechless, she knew that Su Tianling knew what happened in the sect long ago, so she didn't explain any more, standing behind the chair, pinching Su Tianling's shoulder.

"Xiao Ranran... pinch Ben Zong's thigh, it's the right leg..."

"Xiao Qingxuan... give me a pinch of my thigh, it's the left leg..."

"Xiao Ke, get me something to eat."

Su Tianling said three times in a row.

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan rolled their eyes, but they also knew that Su Tianling said that on purpose, so they walked over, squatted down, clenched their fists, and beat their thighs.

Su Xiaoke brought some fruits and put them on the table.

"Hey brother..." Su Tianling.

"Oh..." Su Xiaoke picked up a small fruit and put it into Su Tianling's mouth.

When Chu Yue, Lin Chan, and Du Shaoyou saw this scene, their faces turned dark.

Is this really the suzerain!
They never enjoyed it so much when they were suzerain.

A flash of anger flashed in Du Shaoyou's heart. The person he had his eyes on actually served Su Tianling like this!

"You are the suzerain here!" Chu Yue stared at Su Tianling with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Then I will speak bluntly, we will take Liran and Qingxuan to the sixth-class region, as long as you agree, I will give you a door immediately." Zong-level exercises."

"Add another ancestral weapon!" Lin Chan added.

"Master, I have a lot of Guangzong artifacts." Li Ran shook her head lightly, and then with a flick of her sleeve, dozens of Zongarms were suspended in the air row by row.

When Lin Chan, Chu Yue, and Du Shaoyou saw this scene, their pupils shrank, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

How can it be!How precious is the treasure?
Li Ran actually has so many ancestral artifacts!
"I also have a lot of Zong-level exercises." Ye Qingxuan added.

When Lin Chan and the others heard this, they felt their cheeks burn.

Su Tianling calmly looked at Lin Chan and Chu Yue, and said leisurely, "If there is anything else you can sell, take it out."

Chu Yue snorted coldly, looked directly at Su Tianling, and said in a deep voice, "If you want them to be good, let them go with us to the sixth-class regional forces, where they are more suitable for cultivation!"

"Go to practice with you? You? What are you?"

Su Tianling said lightly.

Chu Yue and Lin Chan heard the words, their eyes became sharper, they stared at Su Tianling, and said coldly, "Do you want to die!"

"Master...don't quarrel." Li Ran frowned and dissuaded, she didn't want to see Lin Chan and the others conflict with Su Tianling.

Su Tianling glanced at them, and said lightly, "For Li Ran's sake, I'll give you three breaths to disappear from my sight."

"What if we don't disappear?"

Du Shaoyou stared at Su Tianling at this moment.

"Disciple, you heard it too. Your suzerain first scolded us for nothing, and now you want to let us go! I think you have no future in this sect!" Chu Yue said coldly.

Lin Chan frowned, looked at Li Ran, and said in a deep voice, "You don't have a Taoist partner yet, but you beat a man's leg like this. If it spreads, how will you marry in the future? I think you, the suzerain, established a sect. But it's just to accept some beauties as disciples! If you continue to stay here, sooner or later you will be touched by the devil's hand!"

"Let you go astray! Then don't go now!"

Su Tianling stood up abruptly, his eyes were full of coldness, these people came to poach the wall, and they dug more and more presumptuously!

He opened his big hand, and suddenly patted Lin Chan and the three of them!
"Dare to do it! I'm afraid of you!" Lin Chan said coldly, and Wu Zong's breath burst out immediately.

Seeing this, Du Shaoyou's eyes flashed coldly. Since Su Tianling made the first move, he could kill him logically.

Du Shaoyou clenched his fist suddenly, and the power of rules was entwined in his fist, and he slammed his fist at Su Tianling.



The force blasted by Du Shaoyou's three people collapsed suddenly!
As Su Tianling's big hand fell, the three of them felt an irresistible force, as if the whole sky had fallen.


The three of Du Shaoyou's knees softened and they knelt directly on the ground.

"Don't!" Seeing this, Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly pulled Su Tianling back, trying to stop Su Tianling from continuing.

Anyway, Lin Chan and Chu Yue are both their masters, and they don't want to see their master die like this.

(End of this chapter)

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