Chapter 134 Du Mansion
Su Tianling pondered.

Why do I feel uncomfortable when I see this scene.


It's just an argument.

He has divorced her...

Su Tianling shook his head, discarding these distracting thoughts, he saw the Du family in the sixth-class region.

Li Ran, Ye Qingxuan, and her sister were all there.

"The Du family!"

Su Tianling glanced slightly, did Chu Yue and Lin Chan fool them away, or forcibly take them away!
In addition to these, he also saw Hua Qingcheng's Hua family in the sixth-class region, and he knew that Hua Qingcheng's biological mother was a member of the Hua family in the sixth-class region.

Because her biological mother was with the former president of the Milan Chamber of Commerce in the eighth-class region, and after her mother's family found out, they killed Hua Qingcheng's biological father.

Su Tianling's figure flashed, and when he descended again, he had already appeared outside Du's mansion in the seventh-class area.

The Du family mansion covers an area of ​​[-] mu, which is very large.

Pedestrians passing by outside the Du Mansion saw the festive red lanterns hanging in front of the gate of the Du Mansion, and they couldn't help but wonder, "Du Shaoyou in the Du Mansion got the help of a few women and successfully became the young patriarch of the Du family. Today at noon, we are going to marry two stunning beauties, Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan, so we have really reached the pinnacle of our lives."

"I'm only envious." Some pedestrians said sourly.

Listening to the comments of passers-by, Su Tianling glanced slightly.

Du Shaoyou married Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan?
Su Tianling's eyes penetrated into Du's mansion, and he saw two beautiful women in Du's mansion, wrapped in red dresses and wearing red crowns, extremely beautiful.

These two beautiful women are Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan.

Beside the two of them.

There are also two beautiful women.

When Su Tianling saw these two beautiful women, a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes.

in the room.

Chu Yue said to Ye Qingxuan, "If you marry Du Shaoyou, then you will be the wife of the young patriarch of the Du family. In the future, she will be the wife of the patriarch of the Du family. She will hold a lot of power and will have endless benefits in the future." Prosperity and wealth."

Lin Chan said to Li Ran with a smile, "Yes, to become the wife of the young patriarch of the Du Clan, in this sixth-class region, the status is also very honorable."

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan were expressionless. They glanced at Chu Yue and Lin Chan indifferently, and said coldly, "You guys let us down!"

"Disappointed? We did this for your own good! Could it be that you have been wronged by asking you to marry Du Shaoyou? You must stay in a place like Mie Tianzong." Lin Chan frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Heh!" Li Ran sneered, she and Ye Qingxuan looked at each other, the two women had already discussed it, and today's noon is when the Du Mansion will be destroyed.

Although their cultivation bases were sealed, Su Tianling left some life-saving trump cards on them, which can be used when necessary. Once used, the Du family will definitely be destroyed.

Su Tianling walked towards the front of the mansion.

"Stop!" The guards guarding the Du Mansion stopped Su Tianling's way, and said coldly, "An invitation is here!"

The figures of the two guards instantly shattered.

When Su Tianling entered the mansion, the passers-by didn't think too much when they saw Su Tianling. Those who were eligible to enter Du's mansion must have received an invitation letter, otherwise it would be impossible to enter.

Du Fu is very big.

He came to an open place, where thousands of tables were set up.

Then Su Tianling found an empty seat and sat down.

There are many, many people around, greeting each other and congratulating each other.

There are also many young people who are talking to each other.

In the huge banquet, only Su Tianling was sitting there drinking wine. Compared with the people here, he looked out of place.

Time passed gradually, and it was noon.

Many people are already seated.

Su Tianling's table was full of young people, and they felt strange seeing Su Tianling drinking alone.

"Which faction are you from?"

Beside Su Tianling, sat a young woman.

Su Tianling ignored her and continued drinking.

This made the young woman a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Su Tianling didn't answer, the young men around showed displeasure. The man said, "When someone asks you something, can you respond politely?"

Su Tianling ignored him and continued drinking.

Seeing that Su Tianling ignored him, the young man couldn't help showing anger.

But right now.

On the front steps, a young figure appeared. He was dressed in a red robe and said to everyone present, "Thank you for coming to witness my happy day."

Su Tianling looked over, and the man in the red robe was Du Shaoyou.

All the people present returned their respects to Du Shaoyou and congratulated him, "Patriarch Du Shaoyou is young and promising, and now he can marry two wives who are unparalleled in beauty and talent. I really envy us."

"That's right, I'm really envious of marrying two women who are unparalleled in talent and beauty." Everyone laughed.

Du Shaoyou's face was full of smiles, he said with a modest smile, "Where is that."

"Okay, let's invite the bride."

An old man shouted loudly, "Bride please!"

In the distance, there were two beautiful women who were supported by someone. They were dressed in red, with stunning figures, and their faces were covered with a layer of red gauze.

Although most people have seen the appearance of Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan, but now that they have been carefully dressed, they don't know how beautiful their real faces are now.

Du Shaoyou looked over with a smile, his eyes were full of joy.

Su Tianling looked over and didn't say anything.

When Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan walked in front of Du Shaoyou, Su Tianling also got up and walked over.

All the people present were seated now, only Su Tianling was walking around, and this moment attracted the attention of many people.

Ahead, when Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan saw Su Tianling approaching in the distance, their beautiful eyes froze slightly, and there was a strong look of joy in their eyes.

Chu Yue and Lin Chan sensed that something was wrong between Li Ran and the two of them, they immediately looked over, and when they found that it was Su Tianling, their expressions changed abruptly.

"Sect Master of Mietian Sect!" Chu Yue lost her voice, thinking that they were easily suppressed by Su Tianling when they were at Mietian Sect that day, she couldn't help feeling angry.

I didn't expect Su Tianling to appear at such a critical moment. If something happened to this happy day, it would be troublesome.

When Du Shaoyou heard Chu Yue's voice, his eyes froze, and he immediately looked away. When he saw Su Tianling approaching in the distance, he clenched his fists tightly.

Everyone noticed that something was wrong with Du Shaoyou and the others, and immediately followed their gaze.

Seeing Su Tianling walking forward step by step, everyone couldn't help whispering to each other, wondering, "Who is this young man?"

"do not know."

Everyone shook their heads, none of them had seen Su Tianling.

When Su Tianling was about to approach.

Chu Yue hurried over, forced a smile on Su Tianling, and said, "If you come to congratulate us, we welcome you very much. If you come to make trouble, you know the consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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