The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 139 Glazed Moon Sect

Chapter 139 Glazed Moon Sect

Liu Xue flew directly to another hill, the other hill was the area where the core disciples stayed, Su Xiaoke is now the core disciple of Liu Yuezong.

When it comes to the core area.

Liu Xueling stood in the air, holding the sword in her hand, and said angrily to the bottom, "Su Xiaoke! Get out!"

Below, many core disciples looked at Liu Xue in the air in surprise. Does Liu Xue have any grudge against Su Xiaoke?Even holding a sword...

Su Xiaoke was staying in the yard, when she heard Liu Xue's angry voice, she blinked her eyes, is she going to settle accounts with her?

She knew that Liu Xue would definitely be very angry after learning the truth, and she had to vent her anger.

Then she will fight with Liu Xue for hundreds of rounds...


Su Xiaoke's figure flew into the air, her beautiful eyes looked at Liu Xue who was not far away, and explained, "My brother asked me to do this..."

"I do not believe!"

Liu Xue darted towards Su Xiaoke, her hair fluttering, her whole body exuding a terrifying aura, holding a sword in her hand, sword lights streaked across the void, blasting towards Su Xiaoke with great power.

Su Xiao could block it with a sword, and said at the same time, "It's really my brother who asked me to do this. Otherwise, think about it, how could I have come to Liu Yuezong?"

"Humph!" Liu Xue continued to stir the sword light. Apart from the sword light, she also held the magic whip in her hand. When the magic whip was thrown towards Su Xiaoke in the distance, the magic whip made a thunderous crackling sound. .

It directly caused the souls of many core disciples below to tremble.

Su Xiaoke was coping with it, she knew Liu Xue's strength well, they were just indifferent to each other.

Su Xiaoke immediately hid in the space and disappeared out of nowhere in the sight of everyone.

"Want to hide? Where can you hide?"

Liu Xue raised her brows and uttered a voice, "Space confinement!"

As the voice fell, waves of power blocked the space, and Liu Xue's figure was also hidden in the void.

Seeing this scene, all the core disciples shrank their pupils, Liu Xue actually still has the talent of spatial martial soul!They didn't even know it before.

What surprised them the most was that Su Xiaoke also had the talent of a spatial martial soul, able to hide in the void.

In the dark place of Liu Yuezong.

An old man opened his eyes, his deep eyes penetrated through layers of barriers, he looked at Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke, his eyes flashed a bright light.

"Check the past between Liuxue and Su Xiaoke."

The old man opened his mouth slowly, then closed his eyes.

As soon as he closed his eyes, a holy thought suddenly came to his heart, which caused the old man to open his eyes suddenly, and his heart trembled violently.

"Their past, Cha Zhe, die!"

"Yes, Holy One." The old man nodded quickly.

After the holy thought disappeared, the old man realized that he was covered in sweat. He couldn't help trembling when he thought of the voice and holy power just now. This is a martial saint, and a very strong female saint.

His gaze penetrated far away, looking at Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke, these two women were secretly guarded by martial sages, the background must be very extraordinary, maybe they are the descendants of some holy land martial sages.


Liu Xue fought with Su Xiaoke for a long time, Liu Xue almost lost her anger, she retracted the magic whip, her beautiful eyes looked at Su Xiaoke calmly, and said, "Tell me, why did you come to the Glazed Moon Sect!"

"Sister Xue...I said that my brother asked me to come to you. He wanted me to test your attitude. Now that I have tried it, it seems that Sister Xue still has a brother in her heart."

Su Xiaoke came over and said with a smile.

Liu Xue frowned slightly, with puzzled eyes, trying to test her attitude?Why try?

She looked at Su Xiaoke and said calmly, "Whether it's your idea or your brother's idea, I spend most of my time on cultivation now, and I don't want to think too much about men and women."

"En." Su Xiaoke nodded slightly.


Destroy Tianzong.

Ever since Su Xiaoke became a disciple of the Glazed Moon Sect, he has been following every move of the Glazed Moon Sect.

He knew that Liu Xue still cared about him, so he felt a little happy.

However, if you care, you care.

It might be difficult to get back to him again.

"Just start over."

Su Tianling lay back on the chair. He came back to make up for his guilt. There was a problem from the very beginning.

But now it is different.

He likes Liu Xue, really likes it.

Soon, Su Tianling summoned Li Ran and the others, and said, "I'm going to leave for a while, you don't want to leave the sect without permission, if you encounter danger, just tell me through the soul lock."

"Where are you going?" Li Ran looked at Su Tianling curiously.

"Go to Glazed Moon Sect." Su Tianling said.

"Why did you go there?" Li Ran asked.

"Liu Xue is there." Su Tianling.

Li Ran and the others couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words.

What does this mean?
"Okay, I'm going."

Su Tianling said.

Then the figure flashed, and when it reappeared, it had already arrived outside the gate of the Liuyue Sect.

The Glazed Moon Sect is one of the fifth-class regional forces, and it is also a big force.

Su Tianling stood in front of the Glazed Moon Sect's gate, looking at the majestic and majestic sect. He only wanted to start over with Liu Xue this time.

Not to eliminate demons, but only for love.

"Who is it?" Two disciples standing in front of the sect asked aloud when they saw Su Tianling.

"I want to practice in the Glazed Moon Sect."

Su Tianling looked at them.

"The sect stipulates that disciples will be recruited at the end of each year. At this time, they can participate in the sect assessment. Those who pass can become disciples of the sect. Second, those who have a martial soul talent of six stars or above can directly enter the sect." said the disciple.

Su Tianling nodded lightly, and an eight-star sword soul jumped out of his body.

Seeing this, the two disciples couldn't help being startled, and then said to Su Tianling, "You wait here for a while, and I will inform the elder."

"Okay." Su Tianling nodded with a smile, and felt that this scene seemed familiar. When he went to Lizong to look for Liu Xue, he was stopped by the disciples guarding the mountain gate and was even mocked.

But now, he came to Liu Yuezong to look for Liu Xue, the difference was that the disciple guarding the mountain gate did not make things difficult for him this time.

After a while.

An old man came out, looked at Su Tianling, and asked, "Do you have the eight-star sword spirit?"

"Yes." Su Tianling nodded lightly, and sacrificed the eight-star sword soul again.

Seeing this, the old man immediately smiled and said to Su Tianling with a smile, "With this talent, you can enter the core regardless of your cultivation level."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, Su Xiaoke was also at the center, and they could take care of each other together.

"Follow me." The old man said with a smile. On the way, the old man checked Su Tianling's cultivation, nodded and praised, "Gen Gu is 24 years old, but he is already the cultivation base of a mid-stage Martial King. This is really rare. The young suzerain is the same age, even the realm is the same."

"That's really a coincidence. If there is a chance, I really want to meet her." Su Tianling said with a faint smile.

"It's easy to enter the core with your talent, and when you become a core disciple, you can sometimes demonstrate martial arts with the young master."

The old man said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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