The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 144 Death Realm Martial Emperor

Chapter 144 Death Realm Martial Emperor
what did she see!
She actually saw Su Tianling kissing Liu Xue!
Just a kiss.

He actually chewed up the food and then fed it into the other party's mouth...


"Wait, Xiao Ke is here." Liu Xue broke free immediately, seeing Su Xiaoke, she smiled and said, "Xiao Ke, come and eat."

"Oh..." Su Xiaoke walked over and sat down.

"Don't worry about her, just pretend she doesn't exist." Su Tianling said, and fed Liu Xue again.

"..." Su Xiaoke took a deep breath and said, "You guys eat, I'll withdraw."

Su Xiaoke ran away in despair.

Seeing Su Xiaoke returning from Liu Xue's residence, many core disciples showed curiosity in their eyes, and they all stepped forward and asked, "Su Xiaoke, what's going on inside?"

"They are eating!" Su Xiaoke left this sentence and ran away.

"Eat?" Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

actually eating...

how is this possible…

As far as they know, no one has had dinner with Liu Xue, right?
When Han Jun heard the words, he only felt his heart twitch. Eat?They even ate together!How can this be!Su Xiaoke must be lying.

Han Jun thought so.

Some time passed.

Liu Xue's residence.

Su Tianling looked at her and said, "Follow me back to Mie Tianzong."

Hearing this, Liu Xue shook her head lightly and said, "I'm already the young lord of the Glazed Moon Sect, so I can't leave just now, can I?"

"Then you can't stay here forever?"

Su Tianling raised his eyebrows and said, this is someone else's territory after all, staying here, how can you be as comfortable as staying in Mietianzong?

"Stay here for now, it won't affect anything anyway."

Liu Xue said.

"That's fine." Su Tianling didn't force it, although staying here is not as comfortable as staying in Mietianzong, but generally speaking, it doesn't have much impact.

At this time.

A figure in plain clothes suddenly appeared in the yard.


"mother in law."

Xie Yujie looked at Su Tianling and Liu Xue with a smile, and asked, "Are you reconciled?"

"En." Liu Xue lowered her head.

"That's good." Xie Yujie smiled softly. She asked Su Tianling a few questions three years ago, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before the two got back together.

At the beginning, she asked Su Tianling if Liu Xue remarried after the divorce, and asked Su Tianling if he agreed.

At that time, Su Tianling said he disagreed.

After Xie Yujie heard this, she knew that Su Tianling's understanding of emotions was not clear yet.

Only when you are separated and completely lost, will you understand your feelings.

Now that the two can get back together, she is also very happy in her heart.

Xie Yujie looked at Liu Xue with beautiful eyes, although there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, but she knew that her daughter might face another emotional choice in the future.

She also knows a little about Su Tianling's Taoist companion in the other world, knowing that Su Tianling will still go to the other world to find that woman sooner or later.

Xie Yujie sighed softly in her heart, she looked at Su Tianling and said, "Let's chat alone."

"Okay." Su Tianling looked at her and nodded slightly.

The two are hidden in the void.

Xie Yujie looked at him, and said lightly, "I have reached the level of Emperor Realm, and you have remarried, so I have nothing to worry about. I will retreat for these days and take good care of Xiaoxue."

"I will." Su Tianling nodded.

"Then I'll go." Xie Yujie.

"Wait." Su Tianling looked at Xie Yujie and said slowly, "At the beginning, I got half of the time book in another world, and the complete time book has been kept with you. That is to say, after a few years, the Liu family faced Disaster, so half of Shishu was left in another world. Before you go into seclusion, you arrange the members of the Liu Clan in Mietianzong. Mietianzong is protected by the emperor's array and I am watching, so it is safer. "

Xie Yujie's beautiful eyes flickered, and her expression became serious.

In the end, half of Shishu was in another world, that is to say, the Liu family would face disaster. What puzzled her was that if there were powerful enemies coming to the Liu family, she would definitely be unable to resist them with her strength. Destroy the Liu family and get the complete Shishu.

But in the end, only half of Shishu was lost in another world, that is to say, when the Liu family was facing disaster, there were strong people to protect the Liu family!
Who is the person guarding the Liu family?

Xie Yujie frowned, feeling suspicious.

"I will make arrangements." Xie Yujie nodded.

"Yes." Su Tianling nodded slightly.

Xie Yujie looked down at Liu Xue below, her eyes showed pity, she looked at Su Tianling with a serious expression, and said solemnly, "I don't care about your affairs with the Taoist couple from the other world, I just hope that you don't hurt Xiaoxue again! "

"I will." Su Tianling promised that he would try his best to deal with the otherworldly Taoist couple and Liu Xue.

"En." Xie Yujie didn't say anything, and the figure disappeared out of thin air.

Su Tianling stood in the void, frowning slightly. He had doubts about the Taoist couple from the other world.

In the past few months, he spread his thoughts to the first-class regions, and found that the figure in the first-class regions was exactly the same as the back of his otherworldly companion.

At the time, he thought it was just a coincidence.

However, I was still a little curious in my heart, wanting to explore and see her true face.

Now that [-]% of his injuries have recovered, he can use more power to spread the emperor's thoughts to the first-class area again.

At the beginning, he didn't find anything special, but when it continued to spread, Su Tianling's eyes narrowed, and he found that beautiful figure again.

When Di Nian touched that figure, that figure turned around slowly, only a small half of the body was turned, and the exposed side face made Su Tianling's pupils contract. How could this side face look exactly like hers.

When Su Tianling was in a daze, suddenly the color of the pupils of that beautiful figure turned into the light of a blood moon, and a monstrous demonic blood spirit and will turned into blood chains, directly entangled Su Tianling's spreading Emperor Thought.

Su Tianling was startled, did he want to find his location?
Su Tianling immediately cut off the emperor's thought, and burned the source of the emperor's thought, and burned everything.

In the void of the first-class area.

Ling stood a figure in red, her face was clear and beautiful, her eyes were very indifferent, and a trace of concentration flashed in the depths of her eyes at this moment.

"The means of the Martial Emperor of the Dead Realm!"

The figure in red was puzzled, the method of burning the emperor's thoughts just now, only the Emperor Wu of the dead world would use it, what made her puzzled was how did the emperor Wu of the dead world get here!


Su Tianling frowned, and that half of the profile appeared in his mind, and that profile was exactly the same as hers.

This made him suspicious.

How can two people look exactly the same?
Su Tianling shook his head lightly, without further thinking, he landed on Liuxue's residence below.

"What did mother tell you?" Liu Xue asked curiously.

"She said she was going to retreat." Su Tianling said with a smile.

"Yeah." Liu Xue nodded lightly, she looked at Su Tianling curiously, and asked, "You look very calm, did you already know that my mother is a Martial Saint?"

"Well, we found out within a few days of getting married." Su Tianling replied.

(End of this chapter)

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