The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 148 Returning to the Genealogy

Chapter 148 Returning to the Genealogy

Su Xi stood aside, with his mouth open enough to stuff an egg. Su Tianling, who had just recognized his ancestors, was able to easily defeat Su Yuan and the others!
It must be known that Su Yuan and the others are the orthodox descendants of the Su family's imperial family, and the exercises they use are undoubtedly advanced, and they use a lot of resources.

And what about Su Tianling?
The exercises used must not be as advanced as Su Yuan and others, but Su Tianling defeated Su Yuan and others.

This shows that Su Tianling's comprehension in martial arts is stronger than that of Su Yuan and the others.


Su Yuan and the others were still howling, and the flames surrounding them continued to burn them, making them feel very painful.

When the flames were extinguished, Su Yuan and the others were already in a panic, their hair had been burnt, and their skin was even more tattered.

"Let's... go!" Su Yuan's face was gloomy, and he gave Su Tianling a gloomy look, then turned and left.

Several small followers also left immediately.

Su Tianling looked at the backs of several people leaving, sat there, tapped his fingers on the table lightly, Su Yuan and the others said he was a wild species, this sentence not only scolded him, but also scolded his parents.

If he hadn't wanted to find out more information from the Su Clan, he would have killed Su Yuan and the others just now.

"There are countless descendants of the Su Clan. If there is a fight between the descendants, what will happen if there are casualties?" Su Tianling looked at Su Xi calmly and asked.

Su Xi frowned and looked at Su Tianling and said, "Although you have the strength to kill Su Yuan and the others, Su Yuan is an orthodox descendant of the Su clan after all, and has a deep relationship here. If you kill him, I am afraid there will be more people." People are coming to trouble you."

Su Tianling nodded slightly, he understood.

Originally, he wanted to kill Su Yuan in a normal way, but now he changed his mind.

"Go back." Su Tianling looked at Su Xi and said.

"Yeah." After this happened, Su Xi was not in the mood to stay here any longer.


In a yard in the Huangpin area.

Su Yuan and the others were covered in burns and were being healed while sitting there.

In front of them, stood a young man with a cold expression, looked at Su Yuan, and asked in a deep voice, "Who beat you like this?"

"The new bastard!" Su Yuan looked at the young man with serious eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Brother, you must avenge me!"

"New here? Is his name Su Tianling!"

Su Ze frowned.

"Yes! It's him!" Su Yuan looked at Su Ze, and said in a deep voice, "This person dared to hook up with Su Xi not long after he recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan. Then I scolded him, and he directly attacked me!"

"Tomorrow when he is included in the family tree! I will teach him a lesson!"

A cold light flashed in Su Ze's eyes. Su Yuan was his own brother. If he hit his own brother, he had to fight back.

What made him unbearable the most was that the person who beat his younger brother Su Yuan turned out to be a bastard.

In the Su Clan.

The heirs of the orthodox imperial family stand high.

The heirs of the imperial clan who recognize their ancestors and return to their clan are almost all left by members of the clan who messed around outside. Therefore, this type of heirs are often ridiculed and have a low status in the Su imperial clan.


Day two.

On an open field in the Huangpin area of ​​the Su Clan's Imperial Clan.

A lot of people have gathered here. At a glance, there are tens of thousands of people, which shows how many people there are in the Sioux tribe.

The main reason why everyone gathers here is that the Huang Pin area has just recognized a talented heir from his ancestor.

Everyone only knows that his name is Su Tianling.

At this time, a figure in white came out of the crowd and walked slowly towards the soul-testing stone in the open area.

Looking at the figure in white, everyone raised their eyebrows and commented, "Is this Su Tianling who just recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan?"

"It should be him, otherwise how could he go up?"

"I heard that he is talented in twin six-star martial arts. This talent is already very high in our Huangpin area."

"So what if you are talented? After all, he is just a bastard. It is said that he has never even seen his own parents." A young man said sourly.

When his voice fell, his whole body suddenly twitched!

"I... my heart... hurts..."

The young man held his heart, his pupils were constantly dizzying, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

"what happened!"

The people around hurriedly stepped forward to check and found that the young man was already dead, which made everyone at a loss, how did he die so well?
A doctor rushed over immediately after hearing the news to check the cause of the young man's death. After some investigation, he frowned, looked at the corpse in disgust, and snorted coldly, "He was drunk too much! He took a lot of Storming Sun Pill, The body has been hollowed out, and now sudden death is normal!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

He even took the Stormy Sun Pill.

Stormy Sun Pill is a pill taken by men.

After taking it, it can thicken and grow.

But there is one thing, this violent pill will hollow out the body, and taking this kind of pill for a long time will lead to sudden death.

At this time, Su Tianling had already walked up to the soul-testing stone, and then put his hand on it.

The power of the soul-testing stone poured into his body instantly, and Su Tianling looked calm. This soul-testing stone is different from ordinary soul-testing stones.

Ordinary soul-testing stones, although they can also detect the martial soul in the human body, but if they have a high cultivation level, they can suppress the martial soul and prevent the martial soul from being exposed.

As for the soul-testing stone in front of him, it might be difficult for even the Martial Master to suppress the Martial Spirit in his body when he is being probed.


Six-star sword soul and six-star flame soul burst out from Su Tianling's body!
The two forms of martial souls were suspended in the air. Everyone witnessed this scene and confirmed Su Tianling's martial soul.

At this time, an old man behind the soul-testing stone spoke slowly to everyone present, "His name is Su Tianling, he has twin six-star martial soul talents, and he is only 29 years old, but he is already in the late stage of the Martial King realm. Considering his aptitude is very high, So after discussion among the elders, it was decided to focus on training him, and after a month, let him participate in the clan's martial arts meeting between the yellow-rank area and the mysterious-rank area!"

When everyone heard the words, they started discussing in surprise.

"As soon as you recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors, you can directly focus on training? Even if you are talented, it shouldn't be like this?"

"How can you question the decision made by the elders after deliberation?"

The old man looked at the man sharply.

Seeing this gaze, the man shrank his head and dared not make a sound.

"He was given priority training as soon as he recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan. I am afraid that many people in the clan will not accept it. Why don't I come to learn and learn. If he is stronger than me, I believe that the people in the clan present will also be convinced."

Just when everyone was discussing, a young man walked out from the crowd. He looked at Su Tianling in front of the soul-testing stone with a smile, and asked, "What's my proposal?"

"Yes, but you have no eyes." Su Tianling looked at the young man. He knew that this young man was Su Yuan's brother. He injured Su Yuan yesterday. Su Ze, as Su Yuan's brother, would naturally target him.

But Su Tianling didn't want to let it go.

His parents were besieged by the Sioux tribe, so he will slowly collect some interest on this debt, and kill some troublemakers first.

[The cold is better, and the fourth watch will resume tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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