The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 153 The Ultimate Realm of Demon Cultivation

Chapter 153 The Ultimate Realm of Demon Cultivation
The elders looked at Su Tianling, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help twitching. The Emperor Ming of the Su Clan was killed, so you still care about this?

But the elder still spoke out, and said to Su Tianling in a secret voice, "Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Lingnv stole something from our family, and were chased and killed by the emperors of the time realm, but they disappeared seven or eight years later. He came back again, and was finally imprisoned by the emperors."

"Where is the prison?" Su Tianling asked.

"I don't know." The elder shook his head.

Su Tianling nodded slightly, and then left.

When he came to his yard, he frowned and thought.

His parents stole the time books of the Sioux family?

Then the great emperor of the Su clan teamed up with the great emperors of other imperial clans to hunt down his parents?

No matter how hard this sounds, it's unbelievable.

There are also loopholes.

Su Tianling took out the wine and drank it slowly. It seemed that the elders didn't know the inside story at all, and they didn't even know where his parents were detained.

In other words, he came to the Sioux tribe for nothing?
Su Tianling shook his head lightly, not in vain.

He looked up into the void.

The female emperor who looked exactly like his otherworldly Taoist companion before was very powerful, and the aura radiating from her body was also the aura of demons.

And that stunningly beautiful woman has reached the ultimate realm of the devil.

Demons have four realms.

The first-level demon cultivator loses his mind, and his head is full of cruel and evil thoughts, characterized by bloodthirsty and lust.

In the second level of demonic cultivation, he loses himself, becomes a slave to evil, and commits almost all kinds of evil.

The third level of magic cultivation, looking for self, forming a new self, having independent consciousness, not affected by evil thoughts, is no different from ordinary people.

The fourth level of magic cultivation is also the ultimate state of the magic way. The magic cultivation that has reached this level is extremely selfish and has a strong desire to control. The attitude towards the world can only be described in one sentence. .

Su Tianling had lived in the realm of the dead for 10 years, and met a devil emperor who had reached the ultimate state. This devil emperor fell in love with a woman. For this woman, he would rather betray the world than her.

But in the end the devil emperor died.

Although the devil emperor is strong, he has an arrogant personality and likes to be alone and not to be with others. At that time, the devil emperor had a different standpoint from the emperors of the death world.

Su Tianling recalled the scene just now, when the beautiful woman ordered the emperors of the Time Realm to find two pages of the soul book and half of the Dao book, both of which are now in his hands.

If the emperors search carefully, they will eventually know that there were traces of heavenly books in the ninth-class regions.

In the end, they followed the clues, starting from the Li Zong and Zhi Jian Zong in the ninth-class area, and the main ones to check were Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan.

In the end, the emperors will definitely search Mie Tianzong!

Su Tianling's eyes froze slightly. With his current strength, although he could kill many great emperors, if he made a move, there would be a lot of noise.

At that time, more emperors will be attracted.

If it's just like this, it's no big deal, the big deal is to break down one by one and kill slowly.

But he has doubts about this time realm. Since the time realm can become a realm, it must have something special, and the strength of the emperors must also be very strong. Where are these powerful emperors hiding?

Su Tianling raised his eyebrows. It might be impossible to find out where his parents are being held right now.

"Go back first!"

Su Tianling's figure flashed and left.

Not long after leaving.

Su Ze and Su Yuan of the Su clan, as well as several of Su Yuan's attendants, and the heirs who had conflicts with Su Tianling, all died suddenly.


Liu Yuezong.

In yard 99.

Liu Xue was sitting there chatting with Su Xiaoke.

"Why hasn't your brother come back yet?" Liu Xue's eyes showed worry, and when she knew that Su Tianling was going to look for her parents-in-law, her heart was very solemn.

Later, I read the records about the entire time realm in the sect. In this time realm, there is a Su family.

At that time, she guessed that Su Tianling's parents were probably from the Su Clan, so if Su Tianling wanted to find her parents-in-law, he must go to the Su Clan.

The water in the Imperial Clan is very deep, and the strong are like clouds. She is afraid that Su Tianling will be in danger.

She wanted to find Su Tianling, but her realm was too low, which made her very helpless.

Sometimes she is really annoyed, why she is like a drag bottle, and can't share anything for Su Tianling.

"Wait a little longer." Su Xiaoke looked at Liu Xue helplessly. Liu Xue has been repeating this sentence for the past few days, and she has heard it no less than thirty times.

"Guess who I am."

Suddenly, Liu Xue's eyes were covered, and a voice she had never heard before appeared in her ears.

But Liu Xue knew immediately who was covering her eyes.

"The warmth and sensuality of your hands, I will never forget them."

Liu Xue took away the hand covering her eyes, then got up and turned around, looking into Su Tianling's eyes.

"..." Su Tianling felt his scalp go numb, it was too numb.

"..." Su Xiaoke was sitting opposite, deeply shocked, can it not always be like this.

"Xiao Ke, you go out first and come back in a few days." Liu Xue looked at Su Xiaoke and said.

"..." Su Xiaoke's heart ached unceasingly, these few days Liu Xuefei took her to accompany her, now she was not needed anymore, so she kicked her away directly.

Su Xiaoke walked out of the yard depressed.

Only Su Tianling and Liu Xue were left in the yard.

"Have you found your parents-in-law?" Liu Xue pulled Su Tianling to sit down and poured a cup of tea for Su Tianling.

Su Tianling shook his head lightly, looked at Liu Xue and said, "I haven't found it yet."

"En." Liu Xue didn't know what to say.

After Su Tianling finished his tea, he walked into the room with Liu Xue in his arms.


Su Xiaoke came to the cliff where there was no one around Liuyuezong.

Congeal swords, destroy fire, gather thunder, and transform electricity there!
The power of each martial spirit is fully displayed!
Since she reached the realm of Martial King and possessed more than ten martial souls, she has fused many kinds of martial souls and integrated them into her body.

Her nine-star crown martial spirit is fused with her eyes, which can condense soul-stirring spiritual power.

Several of her sword martial souls are fused with her hands, and she can condense terrifying sword power when she raises her hands.

The rest of the parts are also fused with various martial spirits, and almost all parts of the body that can attack are fused with martial spirits.

She continuously evolved all kinds of terrifying powers, blasting towards the sky, causing many kinds of icy brilliance to appear continuously in the sky.

While blasting out multiple attacks, while being depressed, as long as Liu Xue and her brother are together, they will do that kind of thing, and then leave her aside, she has nothing to do, she can only come here to practice martial arts.

"It's boring." Su Xiaoke stopped practicing, then went back to her residence and went straight to sleep.

After half a day.

Su Tianling and Liu Xue walked out of the room.

"Tianling, do you have something on your mind?"

Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling and asked, when she was doing husband and wife affairs, she noticed that Su Tianling was distracted occasionally, which made her feel suspicious.

"It's a little bit, you let the Zongmen give up an area first, and I will bring Li Ran, Ye Qingxuan and the others here." Su Tianling said.

(End of this chapter)

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